I just wanted to let you know that GNU binutils now supports PDP-11
processors and 2.11BSD binary file formats, at least to some degree.
Thanks to all the people who explained the details of the PDP-11.
More info:
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for pups-liszt; Tue, 20 Feb 2001 03:39:23 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what is being discussed here, but
I think the difference is that without the FP11 all you have are
4 simple Floating Point Instructions. FADD, FSUB, FMUL and FDIV.
The FP11 adds a number of additional Instructions. I have never
had a machine with the FP11 (Hmmmm, wonder if my new 11/93 has it?)
so I don't know them off the top of my head, but my Macro-11 book
is near at hand if anybody wants me to look it up.
Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves
bill(a)cs.scranton.edu | and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton |
Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include <std.disclaimer.h>
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for pups-liszt; Sun, 18 Feb 2001 20:23:18 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From Johnny Billquist <bqt(a)update.uu.se> Sun Feb 18 19:19:45 2001
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Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 10:19:45 +0100 (CET)
From: Johnny Billquist <bqt(a)update.uu.se>
To: Bill Gunshannon <bill(a)cs.scranton.edu>
cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] What is a 21-21858 chip?
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On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, Bill Gunshannon wrote:
> Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what is being discussed here, but
> I think the difference is that without the FP11 all you have are
> 4 simple Floating Point Instructions. FADD, FSUB, FMUL and FDIV.
No, that's the FIS instructions. They are only available on the 11/35,
11/40, LSI-11 and perhaps some other model that I don't remember.
The J11 has the F11 in microcode. The FP11 for the J11 is an accelerator.
> The FP11 adds a number of additional Instructions. I have never
> had a machine with the FP11 (Hmmmm, wonder if my new 11/93 has it?)
> so I don't know them off the top of my head, but my Macro-11 book
> is near at hand if anybody wants me to look it up.
If someone wants the full F11 instruction set, I think it's available on
the net. Anyhow, yes, your 11/93 have the F11 instruction set. I also
think that the 11/93 cpu always have the accelerator option.
(Hmmm, I'd like to get my hands on an 11/93 CPU, anyone have an extra? :-)
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt(a)update.uu.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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for pups-liszt; Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:26:56 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
On 17 Feb, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> It's faster. There is FP11 microcode in the J11, but it's really slow from
> what I gathered. The separate FP11 could be regarded more as an
> accelerator.
Ahhh, interesting to hear.
I think this will be a nice machine. 11/73 with the FP accelerator, 4MB
RAM, DLV11-J, RQDX3 with RD54 (or later Dilog ESDI MSCP adapter with one
or two 300MB ESDI drives), TK50, DELQA all together in a BA23. So there
are only two things left: Boot (E)RPOM card and time to get 2.11BSD
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz
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for pups-liszt; Mon, 19 Feb 2001 01:34:49 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From Bill Gunshannon <bill(a)cs.scranton.edu> Mon Feb 19 00:31:34 2001
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Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 09:31:34 -0500 (EST)
From: Bill Gunshannon <bill(a)cs.scranton.edu>
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: [pups] board id help and another Ultrix-11 update
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I have finally found the time to play with my 11/93 (the bad news is
it is an un-recognizable CPU for the Ultrix-11 install tape, but we'll
cross that bridge later.) Other than the usual compliment of MicroPDP
boards (Ethernet, RQDX3) this one has a board made by a company called
"Data Systems Design". The Model appears to be an 808836-05 Rev.K.
It has a 26pin Berg connector in one corner for which I do not have a
cable. Now the big question. Is there anyone here who knows what this
card is and in particular what the wiring of the Berg connector looks
like?? Why you ask?? Because with this card in the machine thinks it
has an RL01/RL02 controller and an RX02 controller. If this is some
kind of disk controller, I would love to know what disks it hooks up to.
BUt with only a single 26 pin connector, I can't imagine what disks it
would use. If anyone has seen one of these or especially if you have
documentation, I would love to hear about it.
Also, here is another Ultrix-11 update. In order to comply with the
KISS principle, I have opted for a simple RL02 based system to do my
image dumps. Hopefully, in the next day or two I will be sending a
tar file to Warren for the archive that will contain a pair of RL02
images that comprise a simple bootable system for the 11/23 and if
that works, I am going to also try to make a TS11 tape image of the
install tape so that people can opt for whatever configuration suits
their taste. I will send something to the list when I get this far.
Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves
bill(a)cs.scranton.edu | and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton |
Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include <std.disclaimer.h>
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for pups-liszt; Mon, 19 Feb 2001 05:11:47 +1100 (EST)
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>From "David C. Jenner" <djenner(a)halcyon.com> Mon Feb 19 04:08:26 2001
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To: Bill Gunshannon <bill(a)cs.scranton.edu>
CC: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] board id help and another Ultrix-11 update
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Precedence: bulk
The DSD card is likely for a DSD 880 system, which has one 8" floppy
and one (8"?) Winchester drive. The combo emulates an RX02 and a
couple of RL01/RL02 drives. The controller card is basically useless
unless you have the DSD chassis with the floppy, harddrive, and custom
electronics. The DSD 880 is not uncommon, so you might be able to
find one around.
Bill Gunshannon wrote:
> I have finally found the time to play with my 11/93 (the bad news is
> it is an un-recognizable CPU for the Ultrix-11 install tape, but we'll
> cross that bridge later.) Other than the usual compliment of MicroPDP
> boards (Ethernet, RQDX3) this one has a board made by a company called
> "Data Systems Design". The Model appears to be an 808836-05 Rev.K.
> It has a 26pin Berg connector in one corner for which I do not have a
> cable. Now the big question. Is there anyone here who knows what this
> card is and in particular what the wiring of the Berg connector looks
> like?? Why you ask?? Because with this card in the machine thinks it
> has an RL01/RL02 controller and an RX02 controller. If this is some
> kind of disk controller, I would love to know what disks it hooks up to.
> BUt with only a single 26 pin connector, I can't imagine what disks it
> would use. If anyone has seen one of these or especially if you have
> documentation, I would love to hear about it.
> Also, here is another Ultrix-11 update. In order to comply with the
> KISS principle, I have opted for a simple RL02 based system to do my
> image dumps. Hopefully, in the next day or two I will be sending a
> tar file to Warren for the archive that will contain a pair of RL02
> images that comprise a simple bootable system for the 11/23 and if
> that works, I am going to also try to make a TS11 tape image of the
> install tape so that people can opt for whatever configuration suits
> their taste. I will send something to the list when I get this far.
> bill
> --
> Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves
> bill(a)cs.scranton.edu | and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
> University of Scranton |
> Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include <std.disclaimer.h>
FP11 floating point processor (I think)
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id EAA63969
for pups-liszt; Sat, 17 Feb 2001 04:23:50 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
I have two PDP11/73 CPUs (M8192). On one module is the 40 pin socket
empty. On the other module is a 40 pin Chip labeld 21-21858 in the
socket. What chip is that?
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id WAA59843
for pups-liszt; Fri, 16 Feb 2001 22:46:42 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
On 16 Feb, Martijn van Buul wrote:
[third party disks on RQDX}
> I've done exactly the same thing (but it only was an ST225, AKA RD31) on
> an RQDX3 controller. You need the XXDP 2.5 diagnostic kit for that.
Could this be placed in the archive? It would be nice to have this
public available.
> Having a couple of 5.25" HD diskdrives really helps. Some of these
> drives (the older, the better ;) can be used as RX33 drive
I connected a generic Mitzumi 5.25" FDD to the RQDX3 in my MicroVAX III
and it just worked. Even booting from it was no problem.
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id WAA59734
for pups-liszt; Fri, 16 Feb 2001 22:15:08 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
Good news so far. I did some work on VTserver 2.0, and added the uODT code
so it
uploads the PDP-11 boot code to the machine and gets it going. That works
"copy" gets loaded, and I can transfer stuff from and to the machine's RX50
RD51 units.
My biggest worry next, of course, is using an emulator to emulate my machine
is a MicroPDP-11/23, by the way) and its disks, and build a working set of
systems. Those I can then transfer to the raw disk.
When playing, I noticed that the RD51 is a plain Seagate ST412 MFM drive...
did anyone
try to use other MFM disks with the RQDX series controllers? I can probably
get some
very cheap ST251 40MB drives.. ;)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Warren Toomey [mailto:wkt@henry.cs.adfa.edu.au]
> Sent: dinsdag 13 februari 2001 2:22
> To: Fred N. van Kempen
> Subject: Re: Unix Archive mirror site offer
> In article by Fred N. van Kempen:
> > Here's a promise... if I can get my MicroVAX 3400 back up
> (on Ultrix 4.4),
> > I'll run the archive on that box... (pups.microwalt.net or
> > tuhs.microwalt.net)
> > so all the old stuff is hosted on old stuff... otherwise
> it's going to be a
> > Sun SPARCstation Classic- also an old box, but not quite as old :)
> Excellent. I believe Caldera have bought the rights to UNIX
> from SCO, and
> I"ve heard rumours that they might drop the ``click on the
> license'' thing,
> so if that happens we can make the archive available with no
> passwords.
> > Also: I am working with Bill Grunshannon and Steven Schultz
> on getting my
> > own
> > MicroPDP-11/23 back up... we need to include your VTserver
> stuff into the
> > Ultrix-11 source tree, recompile parts, move into binary
> tree, and create a
> > new tape which I can then load. Bill has a working 11/73
> with Ultrix-11 on
> > it,
> > and also has an 11/93 with same.
> >
> My new VTserver can load in and write entire disk images now,
> so it should
> be usable to install an Ultrix disk image.
> http://minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au/Vtserver.
> I'll be back at work tomorrow or the nxet day.
> Cheers,
> Warren
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for pups-liszt; Fri, 16 Feb 2001 19:14:03 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From Martijn van Buul <pino(a)dohd.org> Fri Feb 16 18:11:02 2001
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Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 09:11:02 +0100
From: Martijn van Buul <pino(a)dohd.org>
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] RE: Unix Archive mirror site offer
Message-ID: <20010216091102.A26535(a)mud.stack.nl>
Reply-To: Martijn van Buul <pino(a)dohd.org>
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In-Reply-To: <6F63E31101C6D41196490008C7B2BFC32C31@MWNT4>; from Fred.van.Kempen(a)microwalt.nl on Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 04:01:45AM +0100
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Precedence: bulk
Fred N. van Kempen wrote:
> When playing, I noticed that the RD51 is a plain Seagate ST412 MFM drive...
> did anyone try to use other MFM disks with the RQDX series controllers? I
> can probably get some very cheap ST251 40MB drives.. ;)
I've done exactly the same thing (but it only was an ST225, AKA RD31) on
an RQDX3 controller. You need the XXDP 2.5 diagnostic kit for that. Having
a couple of 5.25" HD diskdrives really helps. Some of these drives (the
older, the better ;) can be used as RX33 drive, which greatly reduces the
problem of creating a XXDP bootdisk with the needed utilities, since you
can write these disks in a (second :) 5.25" drive on a standard PC.
Finding a supply of 1.2 MB 5.25" disks can be a bigger problem - I'm
very happy with my newly found pack of *fresh* disks.
I may still have such a diskimage floating around somewhere (Yup, I seem
to have). The basic idea is to low-level format the MFM drive, and make it
look like a genuine DEC drive. This is a lot easier if the drives you
want to use were also sold as DEC drives (which is the case with the
ST251 - it's also known as the RD32). If not, you'll have to provide
a lot more information about the drive - never really tried that.
This said, I sucessfully low-levelled a 21MB Miniscribe (with the same
CHS-layout as a ST225) using the RD31 parameters.
Martijn van Buul - Pino(a)dohd.org - http://www.stack.nl/~martijnb/
Geek code: G-- - Visit OuterSpace: mud.stack.nl 3333
Kees J. Bot: The sum of CPU power and user brain power is a constant.
Received: (from major@localhost)
by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id UAA59199
for pups-liszt; Fri, 16 Feb 2001 20:18:56 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
----- Forwarded message from Fred N. van Kempen -----
False alert... Ultrix-11 V3.1 source tape file is NOT corrupted. My WinZIP
was - I use NT at work, download stuff, and take it home with me, to load onto
the Unix machines. The Unix boxes have no problem with the files...
----- End of forwarded message from Fred N. van Kempen -----
Hi all, I'm back from holidays. With regards to corrupt files in the
UNIX Archive, yes it looks like I have had a few hit. I'll check through
my old backups for a clean version of Ken Wellsch's 6th Edition disk image.
There is a checksums file in the archive: /checksums, with MD5 checksums
for all files. If you do suspect a file is damaged, please check to see
if the MD5 checksum matches that in the /checksums file.
Also, has anybody tried out the VTserver 2.0 alpha program?! I'm going to
be flat out here at work for a month or two, but I will try to add support
for things other than plain copying of disk images.
I kind of solved my problems with ps, just by recompiling the
source.. I think I've got reasons to believe that /bin/ps as distributed
in the installation set on minnie is corrupt; it only dumps core.
As a side note, /var/run/psdatabase is corrupt too; normally this wouldn't
matter (since ps -U recompiles this, and since ps -U is run in /etc/rc),
but since ps dumps core...
Anyway; If I would've known about /var/run/psdatabase, it might have
prevented me from searching a non-existant bug during the last few months :)
Martijn van Buul - Pino(a)dohd.org - http://www.stack.nl/~martijnb/
Geek code: G-- - Visit OuterSpace: mud.stack.nl 3333
Kees J. Bot: The sum of CPU power and user brain power is a constant.
After 52 days, my uPDP 11/53+ has suddenly been acting rather strange.
/usr/include got 'replaced' by /usr/new, to be precise. At the time,
I was the only user. Seeing this, I immediately halted the system,
expecting a load of file system errors upon boot. None showed up, and
/usr/include is back to itself again. However, programs which *used*
to be running perfectly (like my work-in-progress ps) suddenly fail,
with a "not enough memory for saving info".
Any hints?
Martijn van Buul - Pino(a)dohd.org - http://www.stack.nl/~martijnb/
Geek code: G-- - Visit OuterSpace: mud.stack.nl 3333
Kees J. Bot: The sum of CPU power and user brain power is a constant.
Received: (from major@localhost)
by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id LAA70139
for pups-liszt; Tue, 6 Feb 2001 11:46:34 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com> Tue Feb 6 10:35:17 2001
Received: from moe.2bsd.com (MOE.2BSD.COM [])
by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id LAA70135
for <pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au>; Tue, 6 Feb 2001 11:46:30 +1100 (EST)
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Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 16:35:17 -0800 (PST)
From: "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com>
Message-Id: <200102060035.f160ZHg18114(a)moe.2bsd.com>
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] Strange problems on an uPDP 11/53+
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Precedence: bulk
Hi -
> From: Martijn van Buul <pino(a)dohd.org>
> After 52 days, my uPDP 11/53+ has suddenly been acting rather strange.
> /usr/include got 'replaced' by /usr/new, to be precise. At the time,
> I was the only user. Seeing this, I immediately halted the system,
> expecting a load of file system errors upon boot. None showed up, and
> /usr/include is back to itself again. However, programs which *used*
> to be running perfectly (like my work-in-progress ps) suddenly fail,
> with a "not enough memory for saving info".
> Any hints?
How much memory is on the system now after the reboot. The only
thing that pops into mind is that the system is running without
enough memory. If part of the memory on the system dropped out
earlier that would (possibly) explain the strange behaviour was
seen. Rebooting/reseting the system would cause the system to
recount memory.
A program can get 'ENOMEM' as an error two ways: 1) exceeding the
maximum 64KB dataspace (stack + data) or 2) the system has run out
of swap or the maps ('coremap' and/or 'swapmap') have become too
Two commands that can be useful in obtaining more information are
sysctl hw
pstat -s
"sysctl hw" will give several lines of output - the two you'd be
interested in are
hw.physmem = 2097152
hw.usermem = 415744
'physmem' is the amount of memory physically present and 'usermem' is
the amount current free and available for user programs.
"pstat -s" will give a swap space usage summary.
Steven Schultz
Received: (from major@localhost)
by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id SAA71926
for pups-liszt; Tue, 6 Feb 2001 18:41:36 +1100 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From Martijn van Buul <pino(a)dohd.org> Tue Feb 6 17:39:28 2001
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Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 08:39:28 +0100
From: Martijn van Buul <pino(a)dohd.org>
To: "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com>
Cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] Strange problems on an uPDP 11/53+
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Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> Hi -
> > From: Martijn van Buul <pino(a)dohd.org>
> > After 52 days, my uPDP 11/53+ has suddenly been acting rather strange.
> > /usr/include got 'replaced' by /usr/new, to be precise. At the time,
> Oops!
Well, strange things are afoot indeed. About the same time, 1 machine
crashed (A DEC Alpha running OpenBSD), 2 started acting very strangely,
and had to be rebooted (My PDP, and a Wintel box running Windows 2000),
and a 4th machine (A Wintel box running Minix-VMD) suddenly had some
problems reading his harddisk and using its network (but recovered). The
strange thing is that these machines aren't related in any way but one:
they're standing quite near to eachother. Do I hear EMC somewhere?
> > Any hints?
> How much memory is on the system now after the reboot.
1.5 MB. 798 Kilowords.
> The only thing that pops into mind is that the system is running
> without enough memory. If part of the memory on the system dropped
> out earlier that would (possibly) explain the strange behaviour was
> seen. Rebooting/reseting the system would cause the system to
> recount memory.
Well, the machine had 1.5 MB before it crashed.. It's doubtlessly some
memory fault, but it *seems* to be a temporal one.
> "sysctl hw" will give several lines of output - the two you'd be
> interested in are
> hw.physmem = 2097152
hw.physmem = 1572864
> hw.usermem = 415744
hw.usermem = 313472
> 'physmem' is the amount of memory physically present and 'usermem' is
> the amount current free and available for user programs.
Should be enough. 'cc' works without problems - only my ps with debug
info seems to be affected; it might not be a memory issue, but a "ps can't
determine the right amount of processes"-issue..
I've checked it, and this seems to be the case. Ps thinks that there are
0 processes running, and does a
outargs = (struct psout *)calloc(nproc, sizeof(struct psout));
on that. With 'nproc' being 0, this returns a NULL pointer, but doesn't
mean that the process is out of memory.
Having no ps is very annoying; finding back those 4 children spawned
by a httpd can be a nuisance then. pstat -p works, but it isn't comfortable:)
> "pstat -s" will give a swap space usage summary.
15/59 swapmap entries
910 kbytes swap used, 6263 kbytes free
Martijn van Buul - Pino(a)dohd.org - http://www.stack.nl/~martijnb/
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Kees J. Bot: The sum of CPU power and user brain power is a constant.
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(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com> Wed Feb 7 02:36:03 2001
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Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 08:36:03 -0800 (PST)
From: "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com>
Message-Id: <200102061636.f16Ga3301595(a)moe.2bsd.com>
To: pino(a)dohd.org, sms(a)moe.2bsd.com
Subject: Re: [pups] Strange problems on an uPDP 11/53+
Cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Precedence: bulk
Hi --
> Well, strange things are afoot indeed. About the same time, 1 machine...
> they're standing quite near to eachother. Do I hear EMC somewhere?
Time to increase the shielding around the computer room, eh? ;-)
> Well, the machine had 1.5 MB before it crashed.. It's doubtlessly some
> memory fault, but it *seems* to be a temporal one.
I do not think it is a memory/hardware problem - that was just a
guess (not a very good one at that ;)).
> hw.usermem = 313472
That's fine.
> Should be enough. 'cc' works without problems - only my ps with debug
What about the standard 'ps' that came with the system?
> info seems to be affected; it might not be a memory issue, but a "ps can't
> determine the right amount of processes"-issue..
> I've checked it, and this seems to be the case. Ps thinks that there are
> 0 processes running, and does a
> outargs = (struct psout *)calloc(nproc, sizeof(struct psout));
Ah, ok - malloc() used to actually return a non-NULL pointer when
presented with a size request of 0. That was an error and was changed
(I forget the exact update/patch number). There were a couple programs
in the system that relied on the old behaviour and those had to be
> on that. With 'nproc' being 0, this returns a NULL pointer, but doesn't
> mean that the process is out of memory.
Right, the ENOMEM error was overloaded by malloc(). An argument
can be made that EINVAL should have been returned instead by malloc()
if 0 was passed in.
> Having no ps is very annoying; finding back those 4 children spawned
> by a httpd can be a nuisance then. pstat -p works, but it isn't comfortable:)
Are you are using the traditional 'nlist()' method of reading
the kernel symbol table to look for 'nproc' and '_proc'? If so
is there a permissions problem? /dev/*mem needs to be group=kmem, mode
640, the /unix image should be mode 644 and the 'ps' program setgid
to kmem. If there is a problem reading the kernel symbol table
then 'nproc' will remain 0 which is what you're seeing.
Another way of examining some kernel variables (proc table, file table,
etc) is with the "sysctl" call. It's much faster since it doesn't
have to do a sequential scan of the /unix symbol table. You can
look in /usr/src/ucb/w.c at the function 'readpr()' to see how to
examine the proc table using sysctl.