TUHS April 2000

  • 5 participants
  • 8 discussions

Old UNIX file system formats
by norman@nose.cita.utoronto.ca
2 years, 8 months

History of Unix mv.
by Brian Chase
24 years, 9 months

Ancient UNIX to be free (was: cscope now available under the BSD license)
by Greg Lehey
24 years, 9 months

SCO Ancient UNIX license now free
by Warren Toomey
24 years, 9 months

Request: More volunteers for PUPS Archive
by Warren Toomey
24 years, 9 months

Early file system layouts (was: Splitting / and /usr)
by norman@nose.cs.utoronto.ca
24 years, 9 months

Help running 2.11 on Supnik 2.3d
by lars brinkhoff
24 years, 10 months

Some interesting old UNIX news
by Warren Toomey
24 years, 10 months
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