On Apr 5, 10:04, Warren Toomey wrote:
> All,
> I've received this e-mail from a student at NYU Law Department.
> If any of you have copies of old Unix licenses, and your organisation
> would be prepared to release copies to Greg, could you contact him.
> Also, if you could send me copies of your licenses, that would be
> great too. About 8 people have already done this, and I am happy to
> act as a repository for this old information.
Warren, do you still have copies of mine, or do you want another set?
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
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>From Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk> Thu Apr 5 22:42:53 2001
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From: Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk>
Organization: Leguin Network Services
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: [pups] Public access 2.11BSD system
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 12:42:53 +0000
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Hi all,
I've set up a free public 2.11BSD system, for anyone who wants to try it..
To create an account, just telnet to klamath.ddts.net.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it seems
appropriate :>
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>From "Ian King" <iking(a)microsoft.com> Fri Apr 6 06:36:56 2001
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Subject: [pups] LP on Unix 6th Ed?
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 13:36:56 -0700
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I've been scratching my head over how to set up the printer in 6th
Edition UNIX. Any hints? I tried mknod'ing /dev/lp with a variety of
major device numbers and then redirecting ls to it, with no success.
The printer interface is at the "usual" address on my PDP-11/34, and
works under another OS. w
TIA -- Ian
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>From John Holden <johnh(a)psych.usyd.edu.au> Fri Apr 6 09:21:03 2001
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Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 09:21:03 +1000 (EST)
From: John Holden <johnh(a)psych.usyd.edu.au>
Message-Id: <200104052321.JAA28539(a)psychwarp.psych.usyd.edu.au>
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] LP on Unix 6th Ed?
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Precedence: bulk
The lp driver usually had a major device number of 2, so 'mknod /dev/lp c 2 0'
should work, but the kernel may not have been built to support line printers.
Check in /usr/sys/conf/c.c for an entry in the 'cdevsw' table for the
'lp' entries (and the major device position). If there are null entries,
either edit c.c, compile it and relink the kernel, or edit the 'run' script
in /usr/sys/conf/ and add 'lp' after the 'mkconf' (but before the 'done')
and run the script to rebuilt the kernel.
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>From Cyrille Lefevre <clefevre-lists(a)noos.fr> Fri Apr 6 14:11:56 2001
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To: Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk>
Cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] Public access 2.11BSD system
References: <01040512425302.26560(a)klamath.leguin.org.uk>
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Date: 06 Apr 2001 06:11:56 +0200
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Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk> writes:
> I've set up a free public 2.11BSD system, for anyone who wants to try it..
> To create an account, just telnet to klamath.ddts.net.
would be interresting, but :
# telnet klamath.ddts.net
telnet: connect to address No route to host
my ip address is gits.dyndns.org (currently and I
live in france. are there any restrictions anywhere or the machine
is down ?
home: mailto:clefevre@poboxes.com UNIX is user-friendly; it's just particular
work: mailto:Cyrille.Lefevre@edf.fr about who it chooses to be friends with.
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(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk> Fri Apr 6 19:59:33 2001
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Content-Type: text/plain;
From: Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk>
Organization: Leguin Network Services
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 09:59:33 +0000
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Hi all.
A couple of things..
First, sorry to post about this again so soon, but styx is moving to a new
location, so any accounts created from now on will be removed later today
when it's moved.
Second, where do I stand on /usr/src/ permissions? Can I allow read access
to it, or is that effectively distributing 2.11BSD source, against SCO's
license? Is there any way to verify who has obtained a license, and add them
to a src group?
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id DAA48500
for pups-liszt; Sat, 7 Apr 2001 03:50:14 +1000 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From "Lars J. Buitinck" <lars(a)fwn.rug.nl> Sat Apr 7 03:45:31 2001
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Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 19:45:31 +0200
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To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Couple of suggestions:
1. Make a user account that automatically replies to email by sending a
user a copy of the SCO license and an automatically generated code,
which the user should then send back to be added to the src group. I
could write a program for you.
2. Make a program that checks whether a user is in the src group, if
not displays the SCO license, asks if the user accepts the license, if
so adds the user to the src group. Problem is that this program should
be SUID...
I'll start working on the first suggested program rightaway. Don't have
much else to do anyway ;-)
Edward Brocklesby wrote:
> Hi all.
> A couple of things..
> First, sorry to post about this again so soon, but styx is moving to a new
> location, so any accounts created from now on will be removed later today
> when it's moved.
> Second, where do I stand on /usr/src/ permissions? Can I allow read access
> to it, or is that effectively distributing 2.11BSD source, against SCO's
> license? Is there any way to verify who has obtained a license, and add them
> to a src group?
> Thanks,
> -larne-
If I traveled to the end of the rainbow
As Dame Fortune did intend,
Murphy would be there to tell me
The pot's at the other end.
-- Bert Whitney
Lars J. Buitinck
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id GAA49251
for pups-liszt; Sat, 7 Apr 2001 06:03:13 +1000 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From Wolfgang Helbig <helbig(a)Informatik.BA-Stuttgart.DE> Sat Apr 7 05:59:11 2001
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Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 21:59:11 +0200 (CEST)
From: Wolfgang Helbig <helbig(a)Informatik.BA-Stuttgart.DE>
Message-Id: <200104061959.f36JxBq18211(a)RVC1.Informatik.BA-Stuttgart.DE>
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: [pups] Enhancement of SIMH-V2.5a
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Precedence: bulk
As the subject says, I enhanced the PDP-11 simulator from Robert
Supnik(V2.5a). Please tell me, if the README sounds interesting to
you. In that case, maybe we could arrange to put the tar ball on
one of minnie's disks.
Here is the README:
This directory contains Robert Supnik's simulator controller V2.5a
together with the PDP-11 simulator. I modified the PDP-11 simulator.
The other simulators from the original V2.5a distribution are not
included in this directory.
The details:
Physical Addresses
The deposit and examine commands treated physical addresses as 22
bit addresses, even if the CPU was set to 18 bit addresses. Thus,
the I/O page was addressed from 17760000 to 17777776. I changed
this. Now, if the CPU is set to 18 bit, the I/O page is addressed
from 760000 to 770000.
Three additional KL11 terminal devices:
KL11 File Input (KLI0, KLI1, KLI2):
The KL11 file input (KLIx) units read from an attached file. They
implement the same registers as the KL11 terminal input (TTI).
(cf. 5.2.3 in simh_doc.txt)
KL11 File Output (KLO0, KLO1, KLO2)
The KL11 file output (KLOx) units append to an attached file. They
implement the same registers as the KL11 terminal output unit (TTI).
(cf. 5.2.4 in simh_doc.txt)
The added program ASR supplies a (host)-terminal interface to
the KLI/O attached files.
ASR is invoked as
asr kli klo .
It polls the host terminal (stdin) and appends the polled bytes
to the file kli. Furthermore it polls the file klo and copies
the polled bytes to the host terminal (stdout).
To quit asr, enter ^E.
To build asr, enter:
cc asr.c scp_tty.c
cp a.out asr
Building the pdp11-simulator:
The source code is in pdp11_kl.c. So the installation instructions in
simh_doc.txt apply.
Both asr and pdp11_kl.c is only tested on NetBSD 1.5. It hopefully
works on other UNIX-like host operating systems as well.
Example of who to to connect the file-I/O KL-devices and asr:
Start the simulator.
Attach the file kli to KLI0 and the file klo to KLO0.
asr kli klo
from another host terminal.
Now, whatever you type, goes to KLI0, and whatever is written by
KLO0 is typed onto your terminal.
Device numbers of the terminal devices in PDP11-UNIX V6:
UNIT major/minor number
TTI/TTO 0/0 (/dev/tty8, the console)
KLI0/KLO0 0/1
KLI1/KLO1 0/2
KLI2/KLO2 0/3
Synchronization of the line clock to the host clock:
"SYNC" is an add-on to the PDP-11 line clock device. It tries to
synchronize the Line-time Clock (CLK, cf. 5.2.6 in simh_doc.txt)
with the host time. It only works if the unsynchronized CLK runs
too fast. On every tick of CLK, the simulator then sleeps until a
total of 1/60 seconds elapsed from the last tick.
Synchronization slows down the simulator and reduces the load of
the CPU. It is turned on automatically through activation of
the CLK device. The clock device is activated through a RESET.
You can turn off synchronization by depositing '1' into the newly
added "SYNCH"-register of the CLK-unit. To turn on synchronizing,
deposit '0' into it. If synchronizing is active, the SYNCH-register
shows the host time (number of seconds elapsed since Jan 1 1970
Have fun,
Wolfgang Helbig <helbig(a)ba-stuttgart.de>
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id GAA49442
for pups-liszt; Sat, 7 Apr 2001 06:55:26 +1000 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk> Sat Apr 7 06:47:57 2001
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id GAA49438
for <pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au>; Sat, 7 Apr 2001 06:55:18 +1000 (EST)
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Content-Type: text/plain;
From: Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk>
Organization: Leguin Network Services
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 20:47:57 +0000
X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.2]
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On Friday 06 April 2001 5:45 pm, Lars J. Buitinck wrote:
> Couple of suggestions:
> 1. Make a user account that automatically replies to email by sending a
> user a copy of the SCO license and an automatically generated code,
> which the user should then send back to be added to the src group. I
> could write a program for you.
Hmm, yes.. would it just ask them to accept the license, or direct them to
SCO's site, and get them to send back SCO's license code? I'm really not
sure of the legal issues surrounding this (or even how much it matters,
now that it only takes 5 minutes to obtain a license..)
> 2. Make a program that checks whether a user is in the src group, if
> not displays the SCO license, asks if the user accepts the license, if
> so adds the user to the src group. Problem is that this program should
> be SUID...
Locking the group file and securely updating it shouldn't be *too* hard, but
yes, I'd prefer not to have many setuid programs around (I've already done
a small audit of the code and fixed a couple of security bugs, and removed
setuid bits from as many programs as possible.. I really wouldn't want someone
to have root on it, simply because it would allow them to take any IP address
on the host's network).
> I'll start working on the first suggested program rightaway. Don't have
> much else to do anyway ;-)
cheers :>
PS- styx is down right now, it's getting it's own (100% dedicated :) box,
hosted at tele.dk.. this should be setup over the weekend, then it'll be
up and running again.
Also, if anyone wants my INET_RESTRICT kernel patch (which only allows users
in INET_GROUP to call connect()) for 2.11BSD, I can put it online somewhere
(although it's really not that difficult to implement). Also if 2.11BSD is
still being maintained, the setproctitle() vulnerability recently discovered
in 4BSD derived ftpd is still present (trivial fix - change
setproctitle(title) to setproctitle("%s", title)). I'm still going through
various 4BSD code security problems to determine which are present in 2BSD.
And lastly, if anyone wants source to the newuser program I used, I can put
that online too.
Received: (from major@localhost)
by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA50238
for pups-liszt; Sat, 7 Apr 2001 09:45:06 +1000 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com> Sat Apr 7 09:24:19 2001
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id JAA50234
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Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 16:24:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com>
Message-Id: <200104062324.f36NOJs03847(a)moe.2bsd.com>
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Precedence: bulk
Hi --
> From: Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk>
> (although it's really not that difficult to implement). Also if 2.11BSD is
> still being maintained, the setproctitle() vulnerability recently discovered
> in 4BSD derived ftpd is still present (trivial fix - change
> setproctitle(title) to setproctitle("%s", title)). I'm still going through
2.11's still maintained - I've been busy (and a bit "burned out") and
haven't fired up the 11/73 as much as I should have or used to. So
many projects, so little time ...
Sounds like it's time to at least get the FTPD bug fixed though ;)
Steven Schultz
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>From "Lars J. Buitinck" <lars(a)fwn.rug.nl> Sat Apr 7 21:28:07 2001
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To: Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk>, pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
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Edward Brocklesby wrote:
> Hmm, yes.. would it just ask them to accept the license, or direct them to
> SCO's site, and get them to send back SCO's license code? I'm really not
> sure of the legal issues surrounding this (or even how much it matters,
> now that it only takes 5 minutes to obtain a license..)
Less than 5 minutes. I don't know when you got your license, but they
don't even give a code anymore - they just show the license, let you
click "ACCEPT" and you're in their archive. Just show 'em the license.
> Locking the group file and securely updating it shouldn't be *too* hard, but
> yes, I'd prefer not to have many setuid programs around (I've already done
> a small audit of the code and fixed a couple of security bugs, and removed
> setuid bits from as many programs as possible.. I really wouldn't want someone
> to have root on it, simply because it would allow them to take any IP address
> on the host's network).
And I don't feel like being responsible for anything bad that happens to
your box by a bug in MFSRP - My First SUID Root Program :-)
If I traveled to the end of the rainbow
As Dame Fortune did intend,
Murphy would be there to tell me
The pot's at the other end.
-- Bert Whitney
Lars J. Buitinck
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>From Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk> Sat Apr 7 23:02:58 2001
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From: Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk>
Organization: Leguin Network Services
To: "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com>, pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 13:02:58 +0000
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On Friday 06 April 2001 11:24 pm, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> 2.11's still maintained - I've been busy (and a bit "burned out") and
> haven't fired up the 11/73 as much as I should have or used to. So
> many projects, so little time ...
Hm, I saw the patch archive.. which patchlevel is the 2.11_rp_unknown image
on minnie at?
There's a couple of things I'd be interested in adding to 2BSD, though I'm
not sure if they'd make it into upstream. One is the 4BSD timezones system,
which is somewhat better than setting TIMEZONE in the kernel..
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for pups-liszt; Sun, 8 Apr 2001 03:15:07 +1000 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com> Sun Apr 8 03:00:01 2001
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Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 10:00:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com>
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To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Precedence: bulk
Hi -
> From: Edward Brocklesby <ejb(a)leguin.org.uk>
> Hm, I saw the patch archive.. which patchlevel is the 2.11_rp_unknown image
> on minnie at?
It's ancient. Look at /VERSION - it should have the current rev
Current Patch Level: 436
Date: February 22, 2001
Oh, I see I've number 436 almost ready to publish ;)
> There's a couple of things I'd be interested in adding to 2BSD, though I'm
> not sure if they'd make it into upstream. One is the 4BSD timezones system,
> which is somewhat better than setting TIMEZONE in the kernel..
The 4BSD timezone stuff is already there, at least in userland - see
/usr/share/zoneinfo and 'tic' and so on.
Since most PDP-11s do not have a "CMOS clock" to get the date and time
from I'm not sure where the kernel would get its initial date/time
from. Some models (11/93) have a TOY clock that could be set to
GMT, but the other models do not - so the user/admin would have to
remember to set the date/time to GMT when booting the system.
Steven Schultz
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA56444
for pups-liszt; Sun, 8 Apr 2001 08:14:24 +1000 (EST)
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>From Wolfgang Helbig <helbig(a)Informatik.BA-Stuttgart.DE> Sun Apr 8 08:10:15 2001
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To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au, sms(a)moe.2bsd.com
Subject: Re: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
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> Since most PDP-11s do not have a "CMOS clock" to get the date and time
> from I'm not sure where the kernel would get its initial date/time
> from. [ ... ]
In UNIX V6/V7 the kernel reads the initial time from the superblock of the
root file system. The timestamp is written each time the superblock is updated
on disk.
> GMT, but the other models do not - so the user/admin would have to
> remember to set the date/time to GMT when booting the system.
The admin just has to remember that the date(1) command converts from
localtime to GMT when setting the date -- unless an 's' is appended to
the date string. (in V6 only, not mentioned in its man page)
BTW. in V6, the timezone offset was not coded into the kernel, but
in the C-library source ctime.c. If you happen to live outside
Eastern Timezone, you'll have to change it. Furthermore the daylight
saving time switch is hardcoded in localtime() -- last Sunday in
April and last Sunday in October, with different rules for 1974
(Jan 5 and last Sunday in November) and 1975 (last Sunday in February
and last Sunday in November).
So you in V6 don't have to rebuild the kernel to adopt the timezone
changes. Instead you have to rebuild the C-Library (at least
replace ctime.c) and build all commands that depend on it. I've
found these:
date find ls who cron dump mail pr restore
Putting the timezone offset into the kernel like in V7 seems to be
better, because you don't have to recompile all those commands.
PS. I've patches to V6, that make it y2k ready and avoid some integer
overflows in ctime, which occure since 1998, so not related
to y2k.
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for pups-liszt; Sun, 8 Apr 2001 09:30:04 +1000 (EST)
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>From "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com> Sun Apr 8 09:17:44 2001
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Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 16:17:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Steven M. Schultz" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com>
Message-Id: <200104072317.f37NHij19414(a)moe.2bsd.com>
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
Sender: owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Precedence: bulk
Hi -
> From: Wolfgang Helbig <helbig(a)Informatik.BA-Stuttgart.DE>
> In UNIX V6/V7 the kernel reads the initial time from the superblock of the
> root file system. The timestamp is written each time the superblock is updated
> on disk.
2.11 (and as far as I can remember all of the 2BSD family) do the
same thing.
The trouble is that the initial time upon boot can be seriously wrong.
For example I haven't booted my 11/73 in a month or two - the date and
time will be sometime in Jan or Feb.
In the "PC" world there's the CMOS clock (set to GMT on all the systems
I have) and a battery - when the system boots it can read the
correct/current/GMT date/time from the hardware (as can a 11/93 with
a TOY clock).
> BTW. in V6, the timezone offset was not coded into the kernel, but
> in the C-library source ctime.c. If you happen to live outside
Yep - I had hoped to never have to remember _that_ again ;)
> Putting the timezone offset into the kernel like in V7 seems to be
> better, because you don't have to recompile all those commands.
It is only one module in the kernel (param.c) that needs to
be recompiled - just edit param.c and that's the only module that will
be rebuilt.
Another way is to use 'adb -w -k ...' and patch the kernel and/or
Steven Schultz
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id CAA61234
for pups-liszt; Mon, 9 Apr 2001 02:18:54 +1000 (EST)
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>From "Fred N. van Kempen" <Fred.van.Kempen(a)microwalt.nl> Mon Apr 9 02:04:34 2001
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To: "'Steven M. Schultz'" <sms(a)moe.2bsd.com>, pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: RE: [pups] STYX and 2.11BSD licensing
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> Since most PDP-11s do not have a "CMOS clock" to get the date and
> time from I'm not sure where the kernel would get its initial
> date/time from.
Dunno about V6/V7/2BSD, but Ultrix-11 uses the "last modified" date-stamp
from the root file system (inode 1; /) to save/restore the last known
date. Kinda works, and better than having a system run in 1970 initially :)
Still, TZ info is stored im the kernel. Would be nice to have that in
user space, too...
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for pups-liszt; Wed, 11 Apr 2001 04:45:21 +1000 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
Something I thought is worth warning folks about. For RL01, RL02, RK06 and
RK07 (at least), the last cylinder is RESERVED for bad blocks and the pack
serial number.
Except for maintaining the bad block list, software should not write there,
and should at least preserve the serial number (and its mirror copies that
are usually present) when doing so.
The current implementation of VTServer (in particular, the code in the "hk"
driver in pdpvtstand) does not appear to take that into account.
The problem is that if you take a *full* pack image from a pack and then
restore that *full* pack image to a different pack, you will wipe out the
latter's bad block info (and perhaps write in some areas that are known not
to be very good).
Traditionally, Unix variants dealt with this by insisting that you use
error free (Suffix -EF in the DEC part number on the pack) disk
packs. However, if you are using real hardware you may no longer have
those available.
Just a "heads up".
(PS: FYI I am currently working on a flavor of the "vt" driver that will
work over a DR11C. With the proper cabling (it takes different cables for
input and output) you can manage over 1MB per minute that way -- about 20
times faster than a serial port. The code is pretty simple and should work
on any old "plain jane" parallel port. (I do not know how it would behave
on a modern serial port)).
I had this working a long time ago, and VTServer prompted me to dredge it
up again and test it. It still works with my PIII 350 under Win98 (it is
old DOS code that accesses the old style parallel port directly). Within a
few weeks I expect to provide a "pt" device driver for pdpvtstand, and
cabling information and some source code for the PC side (which would be an
example only). The protocol as I currently use it has no
checksum. However I plan to modify "copy" to provide that information so
that the results can be checked after the transfer.
Jay Jaeger
Jay R. Jaeger The Computer Collection
cube1(a)home.com visit http://members.home.net/thecomputercollection
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>From Warren Toomey <wkt(a)henry.cs.adfa.edu.au> Wed Apr 4 13:04:10 2001
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Subject: [pups] Re: RL and RK Last Cylinder Warning (RE: VTServer)
In-Reply-To: <> from Jay Jaeger at "Apr
3, 2001 09:40:08 pm"
To: Jay Jaeger <cube1(a)home.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 13:04:10 +1000 (EST)
CC: PDP-11 Unix Preservation Society <pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au>
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In article by Jay Jaeger:
> Something I thought is worth warning folks about. For RL01, RL02, RK06 and
> RK07 (at least), the last cylinder is RESERVED for bad blocks and the pack
> serial number.
Jay, I've added your warnings to the new version, vtserver2.3a-20010404.tar.gz,
which I just put out a few seconds ago. This also contains a patch to the
ODT download code from Charles H Dickman <chd_1(a)nktelco.net>:
I made some changes to the source to wait for the current memory
value and trailing space to be echoed by ODT. I also had a bit
of trouble if the output values were not padded with 0's. I think
this is because any character other than a valid octal digit or
a return or a ctrl-j is illegal in that context and causes an error.
> (PS: FYI I am currently working on a flavor of the "vt" driver that will
> work over a DR11C. With the proper cabling (it takes different cables for
> input and output) you can manage over 1MB per minute that way -- about 20
> times faster than a serial port. The code is pretty simple and should work
> on any old "plain jane" parallel port. (I do not know how it would behave
> on a modern serial port)).
> I had this working a long time ago, and VTServer prompted me to dredge it
> up again and test it. It still works with my PIII 350 under Win98 (it is
> old DOS code that accesses the old style parallel port directly). Within a
> few weeks I expect to provide a "pt" device driver for pdpvtstand, and
> cabling information and some source code for the PC side (which would be an
> example only). The protocol as I currently use it has no
> checksum. However I plan to modify "copy" to provide that information so
> that the results can be checked after the transfer.
> Jay Jaeger
Jay, if you could write a ptboot.s bootstrapper and a pt.c driver
which speaks the same protocol [should be easy - just use vt.c and
rewrite vtgetc() and vtputc()], then I'll happily add it to the
next version.
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id KAA33889
for pups-liszt; Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:11:17 +1000 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
>From Warren Toomey <wkt(a)henry.cs.adfa.edu.au> Thu Apr 5 10:04:02 2001
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Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:11:13 +1000 (EST)
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Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:04:02 +1000 (EST)
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From: Warren Toomey <wkt(a)henry.cs.adfa.edu.au>
Message-Id: <200104050004.f35042G12856(a)henry.cs.adfa.edu.au>
Subject: [pups] Ancient Unix licenses? (fwd)
To: PDP-11 Unix Preservation Society <pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au>,
The Unix Heritage Society <tuhs(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:04:02 +1000 (EST)
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I've received this e-mail from a student at NYU Law Department.
If any of you have copies of old Unix licenses, and your organisation
would be prepared to release copies to Greg, could you contact him.
Also, if you could send me copies of your licenses, that would be
great too. About 8 people have already done this, and I am happy to
act as a repository for this old information.
----- Forwarded message from gmp216(a)nyu.edu -----
From gmp(a)zebware.com Thu Apr 5 09:49:39 2001
To: wkt(a)cs.adfa.edu.au
From: gmp216(a)nyu.edu
Subject: Ancient Unix licenses?
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 23:49:31 +0000
Sender: gmp(a)zebware.com
Peter Salus identified you as the collector of old Unix versions, so I
thought you might be able to help me with a project I am working on.
I am studying the legal history of Unix for a colloquium at NYU, and I
would really love to see copies of the old Unix licenses that the various
universities signed. Do you happen to have access to any of these? All I
can find are the transcribed tape labels from your archive which say things
like "subject to the software agreement you have with Western Electric."
Thanks! And thank you also for pushing to make the source code available.
That has been an immeasurable help.
Greg Pomerantz
NYU Law, J.D. '02
----- End of forwarded message from gmp216(a)nyu.edu -----
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for pups-liszt; Thu, 5 Apr 2001 18:36:58 +1000 (EST)
(envelope-from owner-pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au)
Well, I had mixed success on a PDP-11/24.
First off, a couple of bugs.
In vtserver.c in the code that loads the bootstrap via console odt, the "C"
format strings have "%6o". These need to be changed to "%6.6o" to make it
work on my 11/24. Otherwise you get leading spaces.
Also, the code that sends an entire ODT command in one "write()" fails. I
had to change that (and the one that sends the "G" command) into a loop
where I wrote just one character, and then read back one character that the
11/24 echoed. Otherwise it just hung.
I suspect both of these changes would fix problems on some machines and
would not harm any others.
So, I got around that, and the standalone loaded. (Hooray) But.....
When I tried to use my RK07 as input ( hk(0,0,0) , I got an error: sc=1
cs2=64 er=40 . Upon examination, HKCS1 bit 10 was indeed off (indicating
an RK611 controller) whereas the RK07 bit for the drive at +12(octal) was
set ON. So, the error itself is not unreasonable. But....
I looked at the code in hk.c, and tried it manually after resetting the
machine, and the code should be getting the expected drive error when it
first tries to address it as an RK06. That should cause it to switch to
thinking it is an RK07, but something is going haywire. And, if I boot a
pack, the boot code correctly figures out that it is an RK07 (when I look
after it reads the boot block off of a garbage pack, Bit 10 in HKCS1 is
indeed on).
So, my guess is that the code in hk.c is busted in some way.
Are there "2.11BSD for dummies under an emulator" instructions somewhere,
so that I could hardwire hk.c to an RK07 temporarily? Or, perhaps can
someone point me to the physical memory addresses in hk.c so I could just
patch the array to tell it I have 2 RK07's ahead of time, rather than
having it attempt to auto-detect the drive type?
Haaaaaaaaaaaaalp 8~)
Jay Jaeger
Jay R. Jaeger The Computer Collection
cube1(a)home.com visit http://members.home.net/thecomputercollection
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>From Robin Birch <robin(a)ruffnready.co.uk> Sat Mar 31 17:47:28 2001
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Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 08:47:28 +0100
To: Jay Jaeger <cube1(a)home.com>
Cc: pups-digest(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
From: Robin Birch <robin(a)ruffnready.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [pups] Re: New Release of VTserver program
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In message <>, Jay Jaeger
<cube1(a)home.com> writes
>Well, I had mixed success on a PDP-11/24.
>First off, a couple of bugs.
>In vtserver.c in the code that loads the bootstrap via console odt, the "C"
>format strings have "%6o". These need to be changed to "%6.6o" to make it
>work on my 11/24. Otherwise you get leading spaces.
>Also, the code that sends an entire ODT command in one "write()" fails. I
>had to change that (and the one that sends the "G" command) into a loop
>where I wrote just one character, and then read back one character that the
>11/24 echoed. Otherwise it just hung.
>I suspect both of these changes would fix problems on some machines and
>would not harm any others.
>So, I got around that, and the standalone loaded. (Hooray) But.....
>When I tried to use my RK07 as input ( hk(0,0,0) , I got an error: sc=1
>cs2=64 er=40 . Upon examination, HKCS1 bit 10 was indeed off (indicating
>an RK611 controller) whereas the RK07 bit for the drive at +12(octal) was
>set ON. So, the error itself is not unreasonable. But....
>I looked at the code in hk.c, and tried it manually after resetting the
>machine, and the code should be getting the expected drive error when it
>first tries to address it as an RK06. That should cause it to switch to
>thinking it is an RK07, but something is going haywire. And, if I boot a
>pack, the boot code correctly figures out that it is an RK07 (when I look
>after it reads the boot block off of a garbage pack, Bit 10 in HKCS1 is
>indeed on).
>So, my guess is that the code in hk.c is busted in some way.
>Are there "2.11BSD for dummies under an emulator" instructions somewhere,
>so that I could hardwire hk.c to an RK07 temporarily? Or, perhaps can
>someone point me to the physical memory addresses in hk.c so I could just
>patch the array to tell it I have 2 RK07's ahead of time, rather than
>having it attempt to auto-detect the drive type?
I don't know how to do this and I suspect that it would be very
difficult (someone PLEASE prove me wrong). But, if you load it into an
emulator using another type of disk, say, an RP05 or RM05 that the
emulator can support, then you can play with hk.c to your heart's
content. Then you can run the code out and test it on the PDP.
>Haaaaaaaaaaaaalp 8~)
>Jay Jaeger
>Jay R. Jaeger The Computer Collection
>cube1(a)home.com visit http://members.home.net/thecomputercollect
Robin Birch robin(a)ruffnready.co.uk
M1ASU/2E0ARJ/M5ABD Old computers and radios always welcome
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>From "Gregory R. Travis" <greg(a)ciswired.com> Sun Apr 1 00:26:58 2001
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From: "Gregory R. Travis" <greg(a)ciswired.com>
To: classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org, pups-digest(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: [pups] Reformat RA81/82?
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Can RA81/82 disks be reformatted in the field? If so, is this
done through XXDP or is there a way to do it from the disk's
serial port?
My RA82 occasionally lights its FAULT light and extinguishes its
ready light during write operations. The likelyhood of it
faulting appears (but I am not certain) to be correlated with a specific
region of the disk.
About five-ten seconds after the fault, the FAULT indicator turns
off and ready comes back on. At no time is an I/O error generated
that the application or the operating system (2.11BSD) see
so this fault appears to be transient and is resolved by either
the drive or the drive/controller together.
It "smells" like a data write error that's resolved after a few
automatic retries. I'm hoping a low-level reformat could clear it
up. Am I wacked out?
If there's an XXDP exerciser/formatter available I'd appreciate it
if someone could point me there. It's been nearly twenty years since
the last time I even tried running XXDP
Thanks as always,
p.s. The RA81 drive on the same controller never gives any
trouble (yet). I've tried some more basic things like
swapping SDI cables and drive ports but it doesn't make
a difference.
Gregory Travis
Cornerstone Information Systems ATS
812 330 4361 ext. 18
Robert and Warren,
Robert asks:
> Is Ultrix installable from Vtserver yet? It appears to be the only other
> version of unix that will work with MSCP disk drives, and maybe I'd have
> better luck with it than 2.11BSD. If you have any Ultrix utilities
> semi-running I'd be glad to test them for you!
and Warren replies:
> Robert, Fred van Kempen has been bashing his head on Ultrix with VT, but
> has been making progress over the past few days. I'll cc this e-mail to
> him and he can tell you the story :)
The status is as follows. Feel free to relay onto the various newsgoups
and lists; I obviously lack the time to :)
- VTserver runs on my VAX (Ultrix-32 V4.4 and V4.5)
- Client code is now in Ultrix-11 V3.1
I can get VTserver to upload the primary boot loader to the PDP-11 (I test
with two.. a MicroPDP-11/23 and a MicroPDP-11/53) and that in turn makes
the box load the Boot: program.
When that is loaded, I can go two ways:
- type "install" and Boot: will load the RAM disk from the server, and
switch to that. Works.
- manually load and run programs. Works.
The problem here, is, that Ultrix uses a very complicated memory setup,
which forces some MMU fiddling into all the drivers. Warren's driver was
done for BSD and V7, which do not have this "problem".
I am now adding this MMU support to the driver, and that's the end of it..
all other parts work fine.
Here is a test run log. Falafel is the VAX 3100. My VTserver program
uploads the boot code to the (Micro-)PDP-11 if the "-o" option is given.
{falafel:~/ULT} $ vt -o
Virtual tape server, $Revision: 2.3 $
stty cs8 -parenb 9600 clocal crtscts
Opening port /dev/tty01 .... open
Sending PDP-11 Boot Code to uODT
[Enterring TERMINAL/SERVER mode. Escape with <ESC><ESC>]
VTS: Opened boot
Sizing Memory...
To list options, type help then press <RETURN>
23Boot: vt(0,0)scat
VTS: Opened scat
VTS: Opened syscall
File: vt(0,0)contents
VTS: Opened contents
File 1:
2 copies of magtape boots
File 5:
This file (contents)
File 6:
The program mkfs (make a ULTRIX-11 file system)
File 7:
The program restor (restore a dump onto a file system)
File 8:
The program dskinit (disk format and verify)
Filre 9:
The program bads (scan disk for brams for memory disk (file system
File 14:
rcmds: optional software loaded into ROOT (TAR image)
File 15:
File 31:
ucmds: optional software loaded into /USR (TAR images)
File 32:
sysgen: optional sorftware for re-loading sysgen (TAR image)
File 33:
The ULTRIX-11 root file system in dump/restor format
File 34:
The ULTRIX-11 /usr file system in dump/restor format
Exit called
The other commands work similarly. I only need to revamp the MMU stuff,
and then I'm done and we can boot/install Ultrix-11 from VT !
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>From "Fred N. van Kempen" <Fred.van.Kempen(a)microwalt.nl> Wed Mar 28 07:18:40 2001
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From: "Fred N. van Kempen" <Fred.van.Kempen(a)microwalt.nl>
To: "'wkt(a)cs.adfa.edu.au'" <wkt(a)cs.adfa.edu.au>,
Robert Collet
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Subject: [pups] RE: Vtserver & 2.11 standalone progs
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> Robert, Fred van Kempen has been bashing his head on Ultrix with VT, but
> has been making progress over the past few days. I'll cc this e-mail to
> him and he can tell you the story :)
As of today, it is WORKING !
I just finished a (slooooow :) system load onto a MicroPDP-11/23. Works
like a charm.. just takes a while. Here is a log:
{falafel:~/ULT} $ vt -o
Virtual tape server, $Revision: 2.3 $
stty cs8 -parenb 9600 clocal crtscts
Opening port /dev/tty01 .... open
Sending PDP-11 Boot Code to uODT
[Enterring TERMINAL/SERVER mode. Escape with <ESC><ESC>]
VTS: Opened sas/boot
Sizing Memory...
To list options, type help then press <RETURN>
23Boot: install
Copying auto-install programs to memory disk...
VTS: Opened data/saprog.dsk
100K sent
200K sent
****** ULTRIX-11 System Disk Load you need to answer some questions
your system's configuration. Enter your answer, using only lowercase
characters, then press <RETURN>. If you need help answering any of
the questions, enter a ? then press <RETURN>.
Press <RETURN> to continue:
****** WARNING *ks must be converted to the new
1K block file system.
Proceed with the installation <y or n> ? y
Target processor is an 11/23 <y or n> ? y
CURRENT CPU = 11/23, TARGET CPU = 11/23
System disk type <? for help> ? y\yrd51
****** CAUTION ******
You must scan MSCP disks for bad blocks, type ?<RETURN> for help!
Scan system disk(s) for bad blocks <y or n> ? y
ULTRIX-11 MSCP Disk Initialization Program
Disk type < ra60 ra80 ra81 rx33 rx50 rd31 rd32 rd51 rd52 rd53 rd54 rc25 >:
Unit number < 0-3 >: 0
Starting block number < 0 >: 0
Number of blocks to check < 21600 >:
21600 blocks checked
0 bad blocks found
0 bad blocks replaced
Exit called
File system size: 3730
Disk type: rd51
Processor type: 23
File system name: root
Volume name: sd_rd0
File system: rd(0,0)
isize = 2384
m/n = 1 72
Exit called
Input: vt(0,0)root
VTS: Opened data/root.dmp
Disk: rd(0,0)
100K sent
[... deleted ...]
3600K sent
rrRrrrrrrrrrRrRrrrrrrrrrRrrrrrrrrrrrrrREnd of dump media
File: rd(0,0)
Salvage free list <y or n> ? n
files 305 (r=280,d=17,b=1,c=7,p=0,l=0)
used 3389 (i=182,ii=0,iii=0,d=3207)
free 190
missing 0
File system size: 5934
Disk type: rd51
Processor type: 23
File system name: /usr
Volume name: sd_rd0
File system: rd(0,9700)
isize = 3792
m/n = 1 72
Exit called
Input: vt(0,0)usr
VTS: Opened data/usr.dmp
Disk: rd(0,9700)
100K sent
[... deleted ...]
5400K sent
RrRrrrrrRrrrRrRrRrREnd of dump media
File: rd(0,9700)
Salvage free list <y or n> ? n
files 619 (r=570,d=49,b=0,c=0,p=0,l=0)
used 4824 (i=228,ii=1,iii=0,d=4594)
free 872
missing 0
Sizing Memory...
23Boot: rd(0,0)unix (CTRL/C will abort auto-boot)
eráóe ½ äelete ëill ½ U iîtr ½ Ã Û
[Back to host.]
That's where the parity stuff bites us (see the dicussion regarding
2.11BSD :) but I'll fix that later.. its a make-up change, trivial.
Let's continue with Kermit:
{falafel:~/ULT} $ kermit
Connecting to /dev/tty01, speed 9600.
The escape character is ^\ (ASCII 28).
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.
This program performs operating system setup functions during
installation and normal system operation. Setup operates in one
of three possible modes (phases), depending on the current state
of the system. The three modes are:
Phase 1: Initial setup -- prepares system for first sysgen.
Phase 2: Final setup -- completes the system setup.
Phase 3: Change setup -- handles system setup changes.
The program will ask several setup questions. Enter your answer
to each question, using lowercase characters, then press <RETURN>.
The questions include helpful hints enclosed in angle brackets < >
and/or parenthesis ( ). If you need additional help answering any
question, enter a ? or the word help then press <RETURN>.
You can correct typing mistakes by pressing the <DELETE> key to
erase a single character or <CTRL/U> to erase the entire line.
You can interrupt the setup program by typing <CTRL/C>. This
allows you to abort the setup process or restart it.
Press <RETURN> to continue:
Is the console terminal a CRT (video terminal) <y or n> ? y
PLEASE CONFIRM: console is a VIDEO terminal <y or n> ? y
****** READING SETUP DATA FROM setup.info FILE ******
(vt(0,0)boot) - bad load device!
The initial setup program cannot obtain the information it needs
to complete the installation from the setup.info file. The sdload
program writes this information into the setup.info file after
loading the software onto the system disk. For some unknown reason
the setup program cannot access the information.
You can supply the missing information or abort the installation.
If you continue, the program will prompt you for the following:
o Setup phase number
o System disk type
o Target processor type
o Software load device type
Continue the installation <y or n> ? n
You have the following options:
o Restart the installation procedure at the beginning.
o Execute the following steps to retry the initial setup:
Halt the processor.
Execute the hardware bootstrap for the system disk.
The setup program should restart automatically, if
it does not, execute: cd /.setup; setup.
o Contact the Telephone Support Center or your local DIGITAL
software services office for assistance.
and that's where it currently ends.
I did already upgrade the root file system dump (hey.. I knew it was
working once it started load that one.. :) so the kernel is already up
to spec. I also have updated versions of /etc/rdate and /bin/date on
it, so we can install using this era, and not go back to the early 70s :)
Problems to be fixed:
- icky parity stuff in VTserver (terminal mode) .. there are more problems
with it. I think the receive buffer can overflow if we are in the main
server_loop() routine... causing us to loose characters on input.
- no kernel support for the VT device, so, past the initial load, we're
still fucked, so to speak. In other words.. Warren, sweetie.. should
we change our priorities and do the kernel driver first, and THEN redo
the protocol as discussed last night?
Fred (**yawn** - 109 straight hours of coding :)
All, I spent the weekend working on my VTserver program, which lets you
copy disk images in/out of a PDP-11 without a tape drive. It's at
Could I get anybody with a PDP-11, 256Kbytes of core, and no tape drive
to try this out. I'm keen to find out which -11 models it does or doesn't
work on. Also, if you have less than 256Kbytes of core, please let me
know if you want Vtserver to run on your platform. If there's enough
interest, I'll try to rewrite the code to fit in a smaller footprint.
At present, Fred van Kempen is also working on adding VT support to
Ultrix-11. When he's done, we will do a merge of the server, and add
his Ultrix client code into a separate directory of the VT distribution.
Attached is some more blurb from the README.
The Vtserver program provides you with a method of copying a disk image into
a PDP-11, or extracting a disk image from a PDP-11, without a tape drive or
indeed an installed operating system.
The approach here is use a nearby Unix or Linux computer as both the PDP-11
console and as a virtual tape server. The VTserver software comes as two
components: a set of PDP-11 software which acts as the virtual tape client,
and the server which is hosted on the nearby Unix machine. The two computers
are connected via an RS-232 null modem with hardware handshaking.
I've used the Ersatz-11 2.0 demo simulator with various
CPU models, and RL02 and RK05 disk images, to test copy. Here are the
results: copy can read and write disk images for /24, /34A, /40, /44, /45,
/70 and /94 systems when they have 256Kbytes of memory. It doesn't work for
the 11/35 as it doesn't have the MUL instruction, which the 2.11BSD C
compiler generates.
> I am using an 11/83 with an Emulex UC07 Qbus-SCSI card. At present I have
> Seagate ST4767N disk attached. The emulex card emulating an MSCP drive I
> believe.
Nice, I have one too (an UC08, which is just a dual-port version of the '7).
> I am sure I could also find a higher capacity drive without
> too much effort.
Yup.. come to Holland, attend one of the 6-weekly "dump" shows, and find
loaded with 1 and 2GB drives for a couple of bucks...
> Which disk should I tell the Ultrix installation I have to get the best
> my setup. I made an 'educated' guess of RA81 for the moment, and that
> works.
Ultrix will think it is an RA81, most likely. The controller will be seen
either an RQDX3 (MFM QBUS) or an UDA50 (MFM Unibus). Never tried that, 'cos
controller is still on my "todo shelf". Drives attached to either will
as RAxx'es...
> I could physically attach a drive with a much higher capacity
> than DEC ever envisaged, but which drive do I 'pretend' I am using.
I have a kernel with "RA99" compiled in. That is a test for my experimental
support for Ultrix-32-like "partition tables" (/etc/chpt et al). Works OK
so far...
Anyway. Uhm, your drive most probably should work fine when referred to as
an RA81 on an RQDX or similar.. UDA50 comes to mind.
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>From Johnny Billquist <bqt(a)update.uu.se> Sat Mar 24 08:43:20 2001
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 23:43:20 +0100 (CET)
From: Johnny Billquist <bqt(a)update.uu.se>
To: "Fred N. van Kempen" <Fred.van.Kempen(a)microwalt.nl>
cc: "'Kevin Murrell'" <kevin(a)xpuppy.freeserve.co.uk>,
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Subject: RE: [pups] Disk query on Ultrix 3.1
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On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Fred N. van Kempen wrote:
> Kevin,
> > Which disk should I tell the Ultrix installation I have to get the best
> from
> > my setup. I made an 'educated' guess of RA81 for the moment, and that
> > works.
> Ultrix will think it is an RA81, most likely. The controller will be seen
> as
> either an RQDX3 (MFM QBUS) or an UDA50 (MFM Unibus). Never tried that, 'cos
> the
> controller is still on my "todo shelf". Drives attached to either will
> report
> as RAxx'es...
Actually, the UDA-50 isn't MFM, it's SDI. The QBUS equivalent is the
There is no MFM controller for Unibus. That is, no equivalent of the RQDXn
exists for Unibus.
Disks on the RQDXn reports as RDxx or RXxx, while disks on the [KU]DA-50
reports as RAxx (from a hardware point of view). They're both MSCP
controllers though.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt(a)update.uu.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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>From "Fred N. van Kempen" <Fred.van.Kempen(a)microwalt.nl> Sat Mar 24 10:16:13 2001
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From: "Fred N. van Kempen" <Fred.van.Kempen(a)microwalt.nl>
To: "'Johnny Billquist'" <bqt(a)update.uu.se>,
"Fred N. van Kempen"
Cc: "'Kevin Murrell'" <kevin(a)xpuppy.freeserve.co.uk>,
Pups Mailing List
Subject: RE: [pups] Disk query on Ultrix 3.1
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 01:16:13 +0100
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> Actually, the UDA-50 isn't MFM, it's SDI. The QBUS equivalent is the
> KDA-50.
Ahhh, i knew it was something-50 :) Twas a while ago since I
last touched a Unibus box.. can you tell? :)
> Disks on the RQDXn reports as RDxx or RXxx, while disks on
> the [KU]DA-50
> reports as RAxx (from a hardware point of view). They're both MSCP
> controllers though.
Yup. The UC0x talks MSCP (and/or TMSCP, if configured) on the Qbus
side, and SCSI on the device side. I have an UC08 which is configured
for MSCP on bus 0, and TMSCP on bus1. The attached Exabyte 8200 (2GB)
is seen as a giant TK50 :)
That was on the MVII, though.. havent used it since. Was going to
put it in the 11/83, _if_ I can find a BA123. Anyone got one of those
laying around? :)
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Does anyone have handy the switch settings for DEC PDP-11/44
memory boards? I have a collection of third-party boards
(nat. semi and standard memories) but no documentation on
I suspect they use the same dip settings as DEC MS11-xx (M8743)
boards (of which I also have a few but no docos).
I'm also looking for DZ11 (M7819) IRQ/CSR switch settings.
Gregory Travis
Cornerstone Information Systems ATS
812 330 4361 ext. 18
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Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 23:08:43 -0800
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Subject: [pups] 211 install questions/probs
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Has anyone been able to create and install a tape made from the:
directory? I've built the tape as described in the readme file
and went back can checked it with a hexdump and it appears correct.
Tried booting with the sputnik and E11 sims with no luck:
PDP-11 simulator V2.3d
sim> set cpu 1m
sim> at tm0 c:\211.tape
sim> b tm0
000002 (HALT)
I've been able to boot other tape images with no problem. Any ideas
would be very appreciated.
ps - A dump of the boot tape FTP'd or Email'd would be very-very
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>From "Kevin Murrell" <kevin(a)xpuppy.freeserve.co.uk> Fri Mar 23 18:42:08 2001
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From: "Kevin Murrell" <kevin(a)xpuppy.freeserve.co.uk>
To: "Pups Mailing List" <pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au>
Subject: [pups] Disk query on Ultrix 3.1
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 08:42:08 -0000
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I am using an 11/83 with an Emulex UC07 Qbus-SCSI card. At present I have a
Seagate ST4767N disk attached. The emulex card emulating an MSCP drive I
I am sure I could also find a higher capacity drive without too much effort.
Which disk should I tell the Ultrix installation I have to get the best from
my setup. I made an 'educated' guess of RA81 for the moment, and that
I could physically attach a drive with a much higher capacity than DEC ever
envisaged, but which drive do I 'pretend' I am using.
Many thanks
Kevin Murrell
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>From Warren Toomey <wkt(a)henry.cs.adfa.edu.au> Fri Mar 23 18:44:24 2001
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Subject: Re: [pups] 211 install questions/probs
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In article by kbd:
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> Has anyone been able to create and install a tape made from the:
> ftp://minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au/PDP-11/Distributions/ucb/2.11BSD/
> PDP-11 simulator V2.3d
> sim> set cpu 1m
> sim> at tm0 c:\211.tape
> sim> b tm0
> 000002 (HALT)
> sim>
> I've been able to boot other tape images with no problem. Any ideas
> would be very appreciated.
> Kirk
Did you use makesimtape to create the tape image? If not, that's
probably the problem.
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>From =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6rgen_Pehrson?= <jp(a)spektr.eu.org> Sat Mar 24 00:34:02 2001
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To: "Gregory R. Travis" <greg(a)ciswired.com>
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Subject: Re: [pups] Looking for some common switch settings...
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On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Gregory R. Travis wrote:
> Does anyone have handy the switch settings for DEC PDP-11/44
> memory boards? I have a collection of third-party boards
> (nat. semi and standard memories) but no documentation on
> them.
> I suspect they use the same dip settings as DEC MS11-xx (M8743)
> boards (of which I also have a few but no docos).
Couldn't find the manual for the M8743, but I managed to dig up the manual
for the M8722, MS11-M. Let me know if you want the settings for this
board instead.
> I'm also looking for DZ11 (M7819) IRQ/CSR switch settings.
I looked really hard on our internal network for an electronic copy of
this manual but I couldn't find it so I'll try to make an ACSII drawing of
[From Communications Options Minireference Manual, EK-CMIV2-RM-005]
| W1 o-o _ |
| | / |
| || |
| ____ J1 || |
| |____| ___ |_\ |
| E81 ____ |___| |
| |____| E11 |
| E52 �|
| |
Switch pack E11:
[Use 1-6 on the switch pack to set the vector]
S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 Vector address
off off 300
off off off 310
off off off 320
off off off off 330
off off off 340
off off off off 350
off off off off 360
off off off off off 370
off 400
off off 500
off off 600
off off off 700
Note: Switch OFF produces logical "one" on the Unibus .
W1: Normally in. Out disables master clk for factory testing.
[W1: Jumper just above switch pack E72]
E81 (Switch pack to the left of the card, device address selection):
S10 S9 S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 Device address
on 760010
on 760020
on on 760030
on 760040
on on 760050
on on 760060
on on on 760070
on 760100
on 760200
on on 760300
on 760400
on on 760500
on on 760600
on on on 760700
on 761000
on 762000
on on 763000
on 764000
The DZ11 resides in floating address space
o Device address ranks 8
o Vector address ranks 27
J�rgen Pehrson jp(a)spektr.eu.org http://spektr.eu.org/~jp/
"i must say the linux community is a lot nicer than the unix
community. a negative comment on unix would warrent death
threats. with linux, it is like stirring up a nest of butterflies."
-- Ken Thompson. 1999
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>From "Gregory R. Travis" <greg(a)ciswired.com> Sat Mar 24 01:14:57 2001
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cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au
Subject: Re: [pups] Looking for some common switch settings...
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On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, [iso-8859-1] J�rgen Pehrson wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Gregory R. Travis wrote:
> > Does anyone have handy the switch settings for DEC PDP-11/44
> > memory boards? I have a collection of third-party boards
> > (nat. semi and standard memories) but no documentation on
> > them.
> >
> > I suspect they use the same dip settings as DEC MS11-xx (M8743)
> > boards (of which I also have a few but no docos).
> Couldn't find the manual for the M8743, but I managed to dig up the manual
> for the M8722, MS11-M. Let me know if you want the settings for this
> board instead.
Yeah, if you could. Haven't heard anything from anyone else on the
M8743. Thanks.
Gregory Travis
Cornerstone Information Systems ATS
812 330 4361 ext. 18
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>From kbd <kbd(a)ndx.net> Sat Mar 24 04:22:08 2001
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 10:22:08 -0800
From: kbd <kbd(a)ndx.net>
Subject: RE: [pups] 211 install questions/probs
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>In article by kbd:
>> Has anyone been able to create and install a tape made from the:
>> ftp://minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au/PDP-11/Distributions/ucb/2.11BSD/
>Did you use makesimtape to create the tape image? If not, that's
>probably the problem.
Thanks for the pointer Warren. For the record, makesimtape can
be found here:
> From: "Jeffrey S. Sharp" <jss(a)ou.edu>
> To: "PUPS Mailing List" <pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au>
> Subject: [pups] Cabinet Questions
> Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 01:30:38 -0600
> In the peripherals manual, the H960 cabinet comes in two models: the -C and
> the -D. The -D model has a sliding drawer in the lower half of the cabinet
> that provides space for 9 "system units". What are these "system units"?
> How big are they? What goes there? When do you need the -D model?
A system unit (SU) was the fundamental hardware building block of an
11/20 and many subsequent PDP's. It was a frame 16.5 inches by 2.25
inches that held 3 blocks of dual card sockets. Each socket block was
nominally 5.25 inches by 2.00 inches and could hold four "dual" cards
spaced at 0.5-inch intervals. Thus the whole SU could hold four "quad"
cards plus two "dual" Unibus connectors in its four rows by six
sockets. Later production included a double-wide system unit that
could hold nine cards.
Typical things that came built into one SU include 4kW (8kB) of core
memory and RK05 disk controllers. There were also SU's that were
pre-wired to hold four Small Peripheral Controllers (SPC's). Typical
SPC's included single-line serial interfaces, and line-printer controllers.
Think of the H906-D as an 11/40 or 11/45 without any backplane or cards.
> Let's say I want to ultimately build a 11/70 system with a TE16/TM03 (in its
> own cabinet, I guess), a TU56/TC11, a paper tape reader/punch (PC11?), 3 or
> 4 RK05s, and 1 or 2 RP04s. What set of cabinets do I need for this system?
> Assume the CPU has the SETASI memory upgrades and not core.
> Una vez mas... Let's say I want to ultimately build a 11/40 system with the
> same peripherals as above minus the RP04s and with a TU10/TM11 as the
> 9-track. What kind of cabineting do I need here? Assume the CPU has MOS
> memory and not core.
I think you could put that system into two H960 racks. Figure 1/2 of a
rack for the 11/40, 1/3 of a rack for the TU10. RK05, PC11, TU56 each
take up 1/6 of an H960. With MOS memory you should have plenty of room
in the 11/40 frame itself for the necessary one-SU controllers for
RK05, TU56. Especially if you take out the 2-SU frame that originally
held the core memory. I'm not sure where you put the TM11, I never
actually had a real one, just emulated controllers that fit in one SU.
> Finally, how much weight can a H960 support?
Probably 500 or 600 pounds. If you can, look for the older H960's with
welded frames rather than pop rivets.
carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
Many thanks to those of you who have answered my previous questions. I have
obtained the 1976 peripherals manual, and have read just enough to bring up
the next set of questions. This round is about cabineting.
In the peripherals manual, the H960 cabinet comes in two models: the -C and
the -D. The -D model has a sliding drawer in the lower half of the cabinet
that provides space for 9 "system units". What are these "system units"?
How big are they? What goes there? When do you need the -D model?
Let's say I want to ultimately build a 11/70 system with a TE16/TM03 (in its
own cabinet, I guess), a TU56/TC11, a paper tape reader/punch (PC11?), 3 or
4 RK05s, and 1 or 2 RP04s. What set of cabinets do I need for this system?
Assume the CPU has the SETASI memory upgrades and not core.
Una vez mas... Let's say I want to ultimately build a 11/40 system with the
same peripherals as above minus the RP04s and with a TU10/TM11 as the
9-track. What kind of cabineting do I need here? Assume the CPU has MOS
memory and not core.
I've got guesses, but I'd like to keep them private to save myself the
embarassment. :-)
Finally, how much weight can a H960 support?
Jeffrey S. Sharp
"One World, One Web, One Program" -- Microsoft advertisement
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" -- Adolf Hitler
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>From "Jeffrey S. Sharp" <jss(a)ou.edu> Tue Mar 20 19:01:35 2001
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Subject: [pups] PDP-11/70 Front Panel
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 03:01:35 -0600
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I will be picking up a PDP-11/70 in a few weeks, but it needs a front panel.
If anybody has an extra, please e-mail me.
Jeffrey S. Sharp