I have access to both RT-11 and RSTS/E systems here. I would be happy to
give the testing a shot. My preference would be RT first, and then if you
get no other takers, RSTS.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johnny Billquist []
> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 10:13
> To: SHOPPA(a)
> Cc: PUPS(a)
> Subject: Re: [pups] Re: GCC
> On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 SHOPPA(a)TRAILING-EDGE.COM wrote:
> > Johnny Billquist <bqt(a)> writes:
> > > DECUS C might be a better starting point.
> >
> > DECUS C is kind-of a funny case. Whereas most C compilers are
> > traditionally maintained and distributed as C source code, DECUS C
> > is distributed and maintained in PDP-11 assembly language.
> True.
> > For other C compilers, a significant milestone was when they were
> > rewritten in C and compiled themselves. DECUS C is the odd guy out
> because
> > it never tried to reach this milestone. In some sense this is a good
> thing,
> > because it lets you build it on a machine without any access to any C
> compiler.
> Which definitely is a good thing in this case. Since most systems don't
> have a C compiler anyway, the first compiler have to get down there
> someway, and MACRO-11 is the only language you *know* exist.
> I'm soon done with a cleanup of DECUS-C by the way. I've tried to collect
> all the different versions I can find, and incorporated my own fixes as
> well. This version will support I/D space correctly in RSX (which no other
> version except my in-house hacks have done), will have a working profiler
> again, and also supports RMS and DAP. Fun fun...
> I'm testing it right now, and most things looks like they are working like
> a charm.
> However, if someone have plenty of time, and an RSTS/E or RT-11 system
> around, I'd sure appreciate some help. I've tried to keep those parts
> up-to-date as well, but I cannot test, or fix broken things.
> This compiler have been a mess for many years now... About time it got
> some cleanup.
> Oh. And I don't know if Allan Baldwin (sp?) have some extra hacks in for
> his IP-stack, and I haven't even investigated.
> Anyone know?
> Johnny
> Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
> || on a psychedelic trip
> email: bqt(a) || Reading murder books
> pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
> _______________________________________________
> PUPS mailing list
> PUPS(a)
On Jan 19, 12:43, lothar felten wrote:
> i don´t know if this is a hardware (bus?)
> error, or maybe the tape is bad.
> the tapes i use are unused original dec TK50
> tapes, i made several ones, because i thought
> it might be a tape error, but
> all tapes are the same.
> hardware:
> PDP-11/83, 4megs of ram, TK50, two RD54
> (maxtor), two RL02 disks.
> qbus cards (top to bottom):
> *cpu (quad)
> *memory (quad)
> *controller for RL02 disks (quad)
> *controller for RD54 disks (double)
> *controller for TK50 (double)
> *network controller (double)
FWIW, I don't know about the tape error, but that layout looks OK apart
from the fact that if it's an 11/83, the memory shold be in the first slot
and the CPU in the second. The essential difference between an 11/73 and
an 11/83 is that the 11/83 uses PMI memory. Assuming your backplane is the
right one, in a BA23 or BA123 box, and that your memory is a single 4MB
board, you should swap them round, otherwise what you actually have is an
I assume your RD54 controller is a genuine DEC RQDX3, so it's in the right
place. It's possible you have an old version of the firmware on it, but it
should still work even if you do.
> i didn´t find a kind of terminator, but i
> didn´t change the order of the
> cards since i picked the box up.
> there are no empty slots between the cards,
> and i´m not sure if the Qbus
> need a special terminator.
There normally isn't an extra terminator in an 11/73 or 11/83, unless you
add an expansion backplane.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Johnny Billquist <bqt(a)> writes:
> DECUS C might be a better starting point.
DECUS C is kind-of a funny case. Whereas most C compilers are
traditionally maintained and distributed as C source code, DECUS C
is distributed and maintained in PDP-11 assembly language.
For other C compilers, a significant milestone was when they were
rewritten in C and compiled themselves. DECUS C is the odd guy out because
it never tried to reach this milestone. In some sense this is a good thing,
because it lets you build it on a machine without any access to any C compiler.
hi there,
maybe someone can help me installing 2.11BSD
on a PDP-11/83.
my problem:
the standalone disklabel-programm stops when
displaying the MSCP disk
in the console ODT i write/see:
Starting system from mu0
83Boot from tms(0,0,0) at 0174500
Disk? ra(0,0)
d(isplay) D(efault) m(odify) w(rite) q(uit)?
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/reack: 17
and then it just stops, right after "tr", but
the RUN led stays on.
when i try to disklabel a RL02 disk i get
invalid disk (for rl(0,1)) or a
system stop (for rl(0,0) with RUN led off).
i don´t know if this is a hardware (bus?)
error, or maybe the tape is bad.
the tapes i use are unused original dec TK50
tapes, i made several ones, because i thought
it might be a tape error, but
all tapes are the same.
PDP-11/83, 4megs of ram, TK50, two RD54
(maxtor), two RL02 disks.
qbus cards (top to bottom):
*cpu (quad)
*memory (quad)
*controller for RL02 disks (quad)
*controller for RD54 disks (double)
*controller for TK50 (double)
*network controller (double)
i didn´t find a kind of terminator, but i
didn´t change the order of the
cards since i picked the box up.
there are no empty slots between the cards,
and i´m not sure if the Qbus
need a special terminator.
i made a TK50 boottape on my DECstation
5000/200. i got the software from
the pups archive, and made the tape with the
"maketape" program.
any idea welcome.
I got Dennis' sixth edtion compiler to compile not long ago.
It's definitly not ANSI C, in fact it's not quite K&R C, but
I really like coding in it. My advice would be to start there.
Just check out the chapter on precidence parsing in the dragon book
before you work on the compiler.
Brantley Coile
In article by Mark E. Mallett:
> Somebody pointed me at this URL:
> and others where the question of the UNIX-based mallet was being
> discussed. It's me.. some time in the mid-80s I had submitted a
> number of entries to the calendar file and I had jokingly suggested
> that my birthday could also be included. And apparently it was.
> I enjoy seeing it pop up every August. I notice that some calendar
> files now actually explain it, which I think is a pity :-)
> --
> Mark E. Mallett |
> MV Communications, Inc. |
> NH Internet Access since 1991 | (603) 629-0000 / FAX: 629-0049
I think a few people are going to be relieved to know the answer.
Can you tell us which versions of the calendar file actually explain
it, as I've not seen them.
Thanks for this,
I have been playing with a Qbus to IDE drive adapter for a while, and
with some free time this Christmas, I got around to working on it and
documenting it.
You can find information here:
In summary, I have designed and built a Q22-Bus to ATA disk adapter and
written drivers for 2.11BSD on my microPDP-11/73. The adapter is PIO
only (for now) and the driver only works with LBA capable disks.
I posted this to the NetBSD/vax mailing list last week. If there is
sufficient interest, we might be able to get boards made. Someone is
writing a NetBSD driver and I have a 2.11BSD driver already.
Aharon Robbins just passed this on to me. Maybe some
of you are interested in this.
----- Forwarded message from Aharon Robbins -----
From: Aharon Robbins <arnold(a)>
To: wkt(a)
Subject: would any of this be useful to TUHS?
I am cleaning out my attic. What does that mean?? It means a lot of
AT&T documentation and software needs to find a home to avoid ending
in the dumpster. I have documentation and sfotware for the 6300+ and the
3B2. Some of it still in the original shrink-wrap.
And yes, this is on topic. I also have quite a bit of software and
documentation for the Unix-PC as well. Much of this still in the
original packaging. OS, Development sets, utilities. everything must
go. I also have three complete Unix-PC's and two without disks or
heads but with functional motherboards. At least all of this stuff
was functional the last time I actually turned any of them on. I have
one that I just fired up (that's already been claimed) to test it and
it works fine, so i assume the same is true of the others. I would
probably be willing to let all of them go at this point. Nice machines,
but my PDP's and VAXen need the room.
Now the only string. I will not ship any of this. it is located in
NEPA in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area and must be collected. And it
must be soon.
One person can claim it all and then ship it to others if they wish,
or people can email me asking for particular packages. First come,
first served. If you know of any other places where there might be
interest in the 3B2 or 6300+ stuff feel free to forward this message.
All the best.
----- End of forwarded message from Aharon Robbins -----