I installed 4.3-quasijarus on simh, and I managed to boot indirectly
by putting the kernel as /quasijarus0a in the netbsd root filesystem,
and then booting it from the netbsd bootloader with 'boot quasijarus0a
-a'. I have been unable to boot it directly from it's 'own'
here's what I see, complete transcript at the end
(BOOT/R5:0 DUA0)
HALT instruction, PC: 00000C1A (MOVL (R11),SP)
that's obviously not what I want. I tried all combinations of
installboot and disklabel -B I can think of, both in netbsd and
quasijarus, and all lead to the same result.
Can anybody tell me the exact incantations necessary to install
the bootblocks for quasijarus0a, or does anybody who has installed
quasijarus0a have a session transcript? any idea what I might be
doing wrong?
So far I have not been able to boot any other VAX operating system
from the TUHS archive, the netbsd bootloader cannot load ultrix32m,
32v and 3bsd. I have not yet had time to try any of the other 4.x
bsds, but I assume they'd have the same problem as quasijarus0a.
I have tried ultrix-4.3 (also from the netbsd bootloader, I don't
have ultrix/vax media to do it right), but it does not work either.
If anybody can help me with this, thanks in advance
Rico Pajarola
The following transcript shows how I boot it (first the way it
fails, then the way it works):
> VAX simulator V2.9-9
> sim> show c
> VAX simulator configuration
> CPU, 32768KB
> TLB, 2 units
> TLB0, 8KW
> TLB1, 8KW
> ROM, 128KB
> NVR, 1KB
> SYSD, 2 units
> CSO, not attached
> PTR, address=20001F68-20001F6F, not attached
> PTP, address=20001F68-20001F6F, not attached
> LPT, address=20001F4C-20001F4F, not attached
> RQ, address=20001468-2000146B, 4 units
> RQ0, 159334KB, attached to 4.3-quasijarus0a.rd54.dsk, write enabled, RD54
> RQ1, 622932KB, attached to ../netbsd-vax/netbsd-vax.ra82.dsk, write enabled, RA82
> RQ2, 409KB, not attached, write enabled, RX50
> RQ3, 409KB, not attached, write enabled, RX50
> RL, disabled
> TS, disabled
> DZ, disabled
> sim> boot cpu
> KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7
> Performing normal system tests.
> 40..39..38..37..36..35..34..33..32..31..30..29..28..27..26..25..
> 24..23..22..21..20..19..18..17..16..15..14..13..12..11..10..09..
> 08..07..06..05..04..03..
> Tests completed.
(BOOT/R5:0 DUA0)
HALT instruction, PC: 00000C1A (MOVL (R11),SP)
(BOOT/R5:0 DUA1)
NetBSD/vax boot [Aug 19 2001 05:57:49] <<
Press any key to abort autoboot 3
boot quasijarus0a -a
327204+103384+130352+[29436+24084] total=0x96220
4.3 BSD Quasijarus UNIX #0: Sat Oct 2 22:15:38 CDT 1999
real mem = 33521664
SYSPTSIZE limits number of buffers to 80
avail mem = 31697920
using 80 buffers containing 655360 bytes of memory
MicroVAX 3000, ucode rev 6
uda0 at uba0 csr 172150 vec 774, ipl 15
uda0: version 3 model 3
uda0: DMA burst size set to 4
ra0 at uda0 slave 0: RD54, size = 311200 sectors
ra1 at uda0 slave 1: vaxnetbsd, size = 1216665 sectors
ra2 at uda0 slave 2: floppy
ra3 at uda0 slave 3: floppy
lp0 at uba0 csr 177514 vec 200, ipl 14
root device? ra0
WARNING: clock gained 14 days -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!
erase ^?, kill ^U, intr ^C
from this point on, it works as expected.
Ultrix 4.3 gives me:
466788+254256+177476+[36984+34990] total=0xecfa2
machine check 82: vap 82000004 istate1 7c000c00 istate2 c070fe pc 80001c61 psl 41f0008
r0=8000000c, r1=8000167c, r2=0, r3=211bd0dd, r4=0, r5=dd274
panic: mchk
dumping to dev ffffffff, offset 0
dump machine check 80: vap 78302077 istate1 fb000c00 istate2 c070fd pc 8004eb57 psl
r0=78302073, r1=0, r2=0, r3=211bd0dd, r4=22, r5=80
panic: mchk
HALT instruction, PC: 8000165B (XFC)