Does anyone here know why the BSD random(3) is defined to return a
positive int (31 bits) rather than a full 32 bits of pseudo-entropy?
(This came up is a discussion comparing random(3) with arc4random(3)
in another list).
Oops, did that go out in HTML? Sorry, new install of Outlook....
-----Original Message-----
From: Ian King
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:26 AM
To: 'Robertdkeys(a)'; wgm(a); tuhs(a)
Subject: RE: [TUHS] LoC now involved with saving digital history
This sounds similar to some work with which I'm involved at the
University of Washington. I'll see what I can learn.... -- Ian
-----Original Message-----
From: Robertdkeys(a) []
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:42 PM
To: wgm(a); tuhs(a)
Subject: Re: [TUHS] LoC now involved with saving digital history
As I am reading the details of this, it seems that they are at a
and wanting to coordinate the Library of Congress centrally with other
federal and non-federal agencies and organizations to develop the
"network" of libraries and repositories for these materials. It was not
clear what funding was available to non-federal agencies. My
expectation is that the PUPS and TUHS efforts ought to be somewhere in
the overall thicket of the Library of Congress effort. We need to find
out more about this legislation and potential work and funding. It
sounds very interesting...
Spinning the ol' propeller-headed beanie at full speed, and thinking out
Bob Keys
TUHS mailing list
Hello from Gregg C Levine
Has anyone ever gotten Tim Shoppa's V6 distribution to work, under any
version of Simh? Theoretically it should be possible, but I haven't a
clew, as to how to do so. Any suggestions? I'll leave the networking
issues alone for the moment.
Gregg C Levine drwho8(a)
"This signature owns a house on Belsavis."
This sounds similar to some work with which I'm involved at the
University of Washington. I'll see what I can learn.... -- Ian
-----Original Message-----
From: Robertdkeys(a) []
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:42 PM
To: wgm(a); tuhs(a)
Subject: Re: [TUHS] LoC now involved with saving digital history
As I am reading the details of this, it seems that they are at a
and wanting to coordinate the Library of Congress centrally with other
and non-federal agencies and organizations to develop the "network" of
libraries and repositories for these materials. It was not clear what
was available to non-federal agencies. My expectation is that the PUPS
and TUHS efforts ought to be somewhere in the overall thicket of the
of Congress effort. We need to find out more about this legislation and
potential work and funding. It sounds very interesting...
Spinning the ol' propeller-headed beanie at full speed, and thinking out
Bob Keys
TUHS mailing list
I would like to do a bad sector scan on a RD52 connected to a RQDX1 (The machine is a pdp11/73 without OS) prior to installing BSD2.11.Is there a standalone program like zrqch0(only for RQDX3) that can be downloaded directly to the pdp via vtserver and recognizes the RQDX1 , i.e. a version of zrqb or something similar?
As I am reading the details of this, it seems that they are at a planning
and wanting to coordinate the Library of Congress centrally with other federal
and non-federal agencies and organizations to develop the "network" of
libraries and repositories for these materials. It was not clear what funding
was available to non-federal agencies. My expectation is that the PUPS
and TUHS efforts ought to be somewhere in the overall thicket of the Library
of Congress effort. We need to find out more about this legislation and
potential work and funding. It sounds very interesting...
Spinning the ol' propeller-headed beanie at full speed, and thinking out
Bob Keys
Wild long shot.... I used to write grants for this kind of thing. Find out
info and point me to where the granting info is and lets make a collective
grunt to see if something is possible. Heck, all kinds of funds are available
if you submit the right kinds of proposals. Yeah, I know, it is a pipedream,
Bob Keys
(stirring the history pot, gently.....)
> I recall V7 had UUCP and that some non-tcp/ip networking
> implementations existed for it,
Yes, various serial-networking based ones (early DECnet, X.25
and PacketNet stuff) and perhaps the multiplexer device stuff.
> but I have never heard of a tcp/ip stack for V7. Does
> such a thing exist?
Nope, didnt fit in the address space. As far as I know, the
earliest TCP/IP UNIX for PDP-11 was 2.10/2.11bsd.
Hello fron Gregg C Levine
Um no. I was thinking of V7, of the original UNIX. As it happens, I am still
not comfortable with the earlier versions of BSD. So, I am interested in
getting V7, or V6 to work via a networked environment. And yes, I have seen
your file, and the read me for it.
Gregg C Levine drwho8(a)
"Oh my!" The Second Doctor's nearly favorite phrase.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andru Luvisi" <luvisi(a)>
To: "Gregg C Levine" <drwho8(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Some questions, was Re: [pups] Test
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Gregg C Levine wrote:
> > Hello again from Gregg C Levine
> > Here are those questions:
> > 1) What is the status of networking, with regards to the boot images?
> > 2) Has anyone actually managed to dump the image that's contained within
> > Soupnik collected UNIX versions to an actual disk?
> > 3) Has anyone actually managed to build a kernel from that source code?
> > Either native, and on a Simh setup will do.
> If you are asking about 2.11BSD, I have managed to build a kernel with
> networking support which works on simh. It is at:
> It's probably not suitable for a real PDP since it only supports RA/MSCP
> and ram disks, and TS tape drives.
> Andru
> --
> Andru Luvisi, Programmer/Analyst
> Quote Of The Moment:
> I'm not normal. I know it. I don't care!
> - Ace Of Base
Sorry for the disturbance. Just a routine test message to confirm that
the list is awake. I haven't gotten anything since sometime in the past.
Gregg C Levine drwho8(a)
"This signature wants to be playing in the snow!"