The last group before I left the labs in 1992 was on was the
POST team.
pq stood for "post query," but POST consisted of -
- mailx: (from SVR3.1) as the mail user agent
- UPAS: (from research UNIX) as the mail delivery agent
- pq: the program to query the database
- EV: (pronounced like the biblical name) the database (and the
genesis program to create indices)
- post: program to combine all the above to read email and to send mail via queries
pq by default would looku up people
pq lastname: find all people with lastname, same as pq last=lastname
pq first.last: find all people with first last, same as pq first=first/last=last
pq first.m.last: find all people with first m last, same as pq
this how email to dennis.m.ritchie @ worked to send it on to research!dmr
you could send mail to a whole department via /org=45267 or the whole division
via /org=45 or a whole location via /loc=mh or just the two people in a specific
office via /loc=mh/room=2f-164
these are "AND"s an "OR" is just another query after it on the same
There were some special extentions -
- prefix, e.g. pq mackin* got all mackin, mackintosh, mackinson, etc
- soundex, e.g. pq mackin~ got all with the last name that sounding like mackin,
so names such as mackin, mckinney, mckinnie, mickin, mikami, etc
(mackintosh and mackinson did not match the soundex, therefore not included)
The EV database was general and fairly simple. It was directory with
files called "Data" and "Proto" in it.
"Data" was plain text, pipe delineated fields, newline separated records -
(used data from preserved at
"Proto" defined the fields in a record (I didn't remember exact syntax
anymore) -
id n i
last a i
first a i
middle a -
suffix a -
soundex a i
email a i
org n i
loc a i
room a i
area n i
exch n i
ext n i
"n" means a number so 00001 was the same as 1, and "a" means alpha,
the "i" or "-"
told genesis if an index should be generated or not. I think is had more but
that has faded with the years.
If indices are generated it would then point to the block number in Data, so an lseek(2)
could get to the record quick. I beleive there was two levels of block pointing indices.
(sort of like inode block pointers had direct and indirect blocks)
So everytime you added records to Data you had to regenerate all the indices, that was
very time consuming.
The nice thing about text Data was grep(1) worked just fine, or cut -d'|' or awk
but pq was much faster with a large numer of records.
Dan Cross <crossd at> wrote:
It seems that Andrew has addressed Daytona, but there
was a small database
package called `pq` that shipped with plan9 at one point that I believe
started life on Unix. It was based on "flat" text files as the underlying
data source, and one would describe relations internally using some
mechanism (almost certainly another special file). An interesting feature
was that it was "implicitly relational": you specified the data you wanted
and it constructed and executed a query internally: no need to "JOIN"
tables on attributes and so forth. I believe it supported indices that were
created via a special command. I think it was used as the data source for
the AT&T internal "POST" system. A big downside was that you could not add
records to the database in real time.
It was taken to Cibernet Inc (they did billing reconciliation for wireless
carriers. That is, you have an AT&T phone but make a call that's picked up
by T-Mobile's tower: T-Mobile lets you make the call but AT&T has to pay
them for the service. I contracted for them for a short time when I got out
of the Marine Corps---the first time) and enhanced and renamed "Eteron" and
the record append issue was, I believe, solved. Sadly, I think that
technology was lost when Cibernet was acquired. It was kind of cool.
- Dan C.