At some point, I'll produce a 'MiniUnix
ld' on vanilla V6, so I can
build MiniUnix versions of applications there; the first will be the
shell, so I don't have to keep typing 'chdir' instead of 'cd'!
OK, that was pretty smooth. I now have (on the main V6 system) a linker in
V6 binary form that outputs MX binary files, so I can do things like:
mld sh.o /mnt/lib/lib[ca].a
to produce a new shell (which worked fine). (I think to build 'mld' all I
had to do was 'cc ld.c', in usr/sys/source on the MX disk.)
This whole 'futz with MX by mounting the MX disk under V6' thing works really
Then on to trying to find out why MiniUnix crashes
whenever I try and do
anything significant.
I decided I wasn't up to tackling that, so instead I did all the edits to
produce an LSI-11 version of MX. Doesn't boot, though; tries to do a panic, I
think. I'm too burned out to keep going, I will continue tomorrow morning (US
East Coast time).
Once I get it running, before I make it available for download, I need to go
back and put conditional assembly flags in mch.s so there's only one source
file for both kinds of system; I had originally planned on doing that, but I
was in such a 'code attack' mode I forgot all about it.