Yesterday, Arnold Robbins kindly posted to this list a link to a
bundle of Bell Labs Computing Science Technical Reports that he had,
luckily for us, and for Unix, IX, and Plan 9 history, preserved in his
personal library.
There are 67 distinct report numbers in the bundle, and 79 different
Today, I completed a merger of data from all of those reports into the
BibTeX entries in the extensive bibliography at
Arnold's bundle has mostly PostScript files, but some also have PDF
companions. I expect to make PDF versions available for all of them
in the TUHS archives, but for now, the new BibTeX entries do not yet
have suitable URLs for their retrieval. URLs will be retrofitted once
the files are widely available in TUHS mirrors.
Some of the reports had already been recorded in unix.bib; those that
had not carry a value "Fri Aug 25" in the bibdate string, making them
easy to find with a text editor, or with an SQL search in the
companion SQLite3 database at
For example,
% sqlite3 unix.db
sqlite> .mode table
sqlite> select label, title from bibtab
where bibtimestamp like '2023.08.25%'
order by number;
For TUHS member convenience, here is a summary from unix.bib of the
thus-far-recorded Bell Labs report numbers, their year (several are
undated, and thus assigned 19xx), their page counts, and their titles,
ordered by increasing report numbers, with column widths chosen to
limit lines to 80 characters:
sqlite> .mode table
sqlite> .width -4 4 -8 51
sqlite> select number, year, pages, title from bibtab
where (filename = 'unix.bib')
and (type = 'Computing Science Technical Report')
order by 0 + number;
| numb | year | pages | title |
| 2 | 1972 | ii + 13 | The M6 Macro Processor |
| 33 | 1975 | ii + 18 | A User's Guide to DODES, a Double Precision Ordinar |
| | | | y Differential Equation Solver |
| 52 | 1976 | ii + 36 | A Tutorial on Galerkin's Method, using on B-splines |
| | | | , for Solving Differential Equations |
| 53 | 1976 | ii + 44 | Numerical Solution of Time-Varying Partial Differen |
| | | | tial Equations in One Space Variable |
| 54 | 1992 | ii + 35 | Troff User's Manual |
| 89 | 1981 | ii + 64 | A Test of a Computer's Floating-Point Arithmetic Un |
| | | | it |
| 97 | 1982 | ii + 13 | A Typesetter-independent TROFF |
| 100 | 1981 | ii + 14 | Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language |
| 102 | 1981 | 12 | The C Language Calling Sequence |
| 103 | 1981 | ii + 25 | IDEAL User's Manual |
| 106e | 1979 | 34 | BPSS |
| 106d | 1993 | 34 | BASS |
| 106f | 1993 | 13 | CSWAP with X and Y declared complex |
| 106b | 1993 | 36 | GESS |
| 106a | 1993 | i + 10 | Programs for Solving Linear Equations in the PORT L |
| | | | ibrary |
| 106c | 1993 | 30 | SYSS |
| 114 | 1991 | ii + 37 | Grap --- A Language for Typesetting Graphs Tutorial |
| | | | and User Manual |
| 115 | 1991 | ii + 25 | PIC --- A Graphics Language for Typesetting User Ma |
| | | | nual |
| 117 | 1985 | ii + 2 | A Weakness in the 4.2BSD Unix TCP/IP Software |
| 118 | 1985 | ii ++ 38 | Awk --- A Pattern Scanning and Processing Language |
| | | | Programmer's Manual |
| 120 | 1985 | ii + 19 | Twig Reference Manual |
| 122 | 1992 | ii + 31 | CHEM --- a Program for Typesetting Chemical Diagram |
| | | | s: User Manual |
| 123 | 1989 | 29 | C Traps and Pitfalls |
| 127 | 1991 | 10 | Maintaining Cross References in Manuscripts |
| 128 | 1986 | ii + 13 | Tools for Printing Indexes |
| 132 | 1991 | ii + 24 | A System for Algorithm Animation Tutorial and User |
| | | | Manual |
| 133 | 1989 | ii + 63 | AMPL: A Mathematical Programming Language |
| 135 | 1985 | i + 73 | tt TTGR --- A Package for Solving Partial Different |
| | | | ial Equations in Two Space Variables |
| 136 | 1987 | i + 46 | Pictures of Karmarkar s Linear Programming Algorith |
| | | | m |
| 142 | 1988 | i + 13 | DFORMAT --- a Program for Typesetting Data Formats |
| 143 | 1993 | ii + 13 | Newsqueak: A Language for Communicating with Mice |
| 145 | 1992 | ii + 111 | A Permuted Index for TeX and LaTeX |
| 148 | 1991 | i + 42 | Generating Automatically-Tuned Bitmaps from Outline |
| | | | s |
| 149 | 1995 | i + 25 | A Fortran-to-C Converter |
| 150 | 1990 | 10 | Terminal Call Processing in Esterel |
| 153 | 1990 | i + 21 | Usage Summary for Selected Optimization Routines |
| 154 | 1990 | i + 52 | tt TTGU --- A Package for Solving Time Varying Part |
| | | | ial Differential Equations on a Union of Rectangles |
| 155 | 19xx | 29 | There Is No Royal Road to Programs: A Trilogy on Ra |
| | | | ster Ellipses and Programming Methodology |
| 157 | 1991 | ii + 39 | Tutorial: Design and Validation of Protocols |
| 158g | 19xx | 14 | Rc --- A Shell for Plan 9 and UNIX Systems |
| 158b | 19xx | 9 | Plan 9 from Bell Labs |
| 158a | 19xx | 1 | Plan 9: The Early Papers |
| 158f | 19xx | 6 | Process Sleep and Wakeup on a Shared-memory Multipr |
| | | | ocessor |
| 158d | 19xx | 9 | $ 8 1 over 2 $, the Plan 9 Window System |
| 158e | 19xx | 10 | Multiprocessor Streams for Plan 9 |
| 158c | 19xx | 7 | Plan 9, A Distributed System |
| 158h | 19xx | 12 | A New C Compiler |
| 159 | 19xx | 15 | Efficient Algorithms for Constructing Testing Sets, |
| | | | Covering Paths, and Minimum Flows |
| 160 | 1991 | 21 | What is ``Object-Oriented Programming''?
| 161 | 19xx | 19 | Sixteen Ways to Stack a Cat |
| 162 | 19xx | 91 | A User's Manual for MetaPost |
| 163i | 1992 | 50 | GETLAB |
| 163 | 1992 | 1 | The IX Multilevel-Secure UNIX System |
| 163h | 19xx | 2 | Glossary |
| 163d | 19xx | 12 | The Design of IX |
| 163c | 19xx | 19 | Multilevel Security in the UNIX Tradition |
| 163f | 19xx | 3 | Multilevel Windows on a Single-level Terminal |
| 163e | 19xx | 11 | A Tour of IX |
| 163b | 19xx | 1 | The IX Multilevel-Secure UNIX System |
| 163g | 19xx | 8 | Secure IX Network |
| 164 | 19xx | i + 20 | Drawing Graphs with MetaPost |
Here is a table of authors:
sqlite> .width -4 4 62
sqlite> .output foo.out.6
sqlite> select number, year, author from bibtab
where (filename = 'unix.bib')
and (type = 'Computing Science Technical Report')
order by 0 + number;
| numb | year | author |
| 2 | 1972 | Andrew D. Hall |
| 33 | 1975 | Norman L. Schryer |
| 52 | 1976 | Norman L. Schryer |
| 53 | 1976 | Norman L. Schryer |
| 54 | 1992 | Joseph F. Ossanna and Brian W. Kernighan |
| 89 | 1981 | Norman L. Schryer |
| 97 | 1982 | Brian W. Kernighan |
| 100 | 1981 | Brian W. Kernighan |
| 102 | 1981 | Steven C. Johnson and Dennis M. Ritchie |
| 103 | 1981 | Christopher J. Van Wyk |
| 106e | 1979 | Linda Kaufman |
| 106d | 1993 | Linda Kaufman |
| 106f | 1993 | Linda Kaufman |
| 106b | 1993 | Linda Kaufman |
| 106a | 1993 | Linda Kaufman |
| 106c | 1993 | Linda Kaufman |
| 114 | 1991 | Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan |
| 115 | 1991 | Brian W. Kernighan |
| 117 | 1985 | Robert T. Morris |
| 118 | 1985 | Alfred V. Aho and Brian W. Kernighan and Peter 3. Weinberger |
| 120 | 1985 | Steven W. K. Tjiang |
| 122 | 1992 | Jon L. Bentley and Lynn W. Jelinski and Brian W. Kernighan |
| 123 | 1989 | Andrew Koenig |
| 127 | 1991 | Alfred V. Aho and Ravi Sethi |
| 128 | 1986 | Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan |
| 132 | 1991 | Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan |
| 133 | 1989 | Robert Fourer and David M. Gay and Brian W. Kernighan |
| 135 | 1985 | Linda Kaufman and Norman L. Schryer |
| 136 | 1987 | David M. Gay |
| 142 | 1988 | J. L. Bentley |
| 143 | 1993 | Rob Pike |
| 145 | 1992 | Bill Cheswick |
| 148 | 1991 | John D. Hobby |
| 149 | 1995 | S. I. Feldman and David M. Gay and Mark W. Maimone and N. L. S |
| | | chryer |
| 150 | 1990 | Gary J. Murakami and Ravi Sethi |
| 153 | 1990 | David M. Gay |
| 154 | 1990 | Linda Kaufman |
| 155 | 19xx | M. Douglas McIlroy |
| 157 | 1991 | Gerard J. Holzmann |
| 158g | 19xx | Tom Duff |
| 158b | 19xx | Rob Pike and Dave Presotto and Ken Thompson and Howard Trickey |
| 158a | 19xx | Rob Pike and Dave Presotto and Ken Thompson and Howard Trickey |
| | | and Tom Duff and Gerard Holzmann |
| 158f | 19xx | Rob Pike and Dave Presotto and Ken Thompson and Gerard Holzman |
| | | n |
| 158d | 19xx | Rob Pike |
| 158e | 19xx | David Leo Presotto |
| 158c | 19xx | Dave Presotto and Rob Pike and Ken Thompson and Howard Trickey |
| 158h | 19xx | Ken Thompson |
| 159 | 19xx | Alfred V. Aho and David Lee |
| 160 | 1991 | Bjarne Stroustrup |
| 161 | 19xx | Bjarne Stroustrup |
| 162 | 19xx | John D. Hobby |
| 163i | 1992 | Anonymous |
| 163 | 1992 | James A. Reeds and M. Douglas McIlroy |
| 163h | 19xx | Anonymous |
| 163d | 19xx | M. D. McIlroy and J. A. Reeds |
| 163c | 19xx | M. D. McIlroy and J. A. Reeds |
| 163f | 19xx | M. D. McIlroy and J. A. Reeds |
| 163e | 19xx | Doug McIlroy and Jim Reeds |
| 163b | 19xx | James A. Reeds and M. Douglas McIlroy |
| 163g | 19xx | Jim Reeds |
| 164 | 19xx | John D. Hobby |
- Nelson H. F. Beebe Tel: +1 801 581 5254 -
- University of Utah -
- Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB Internet e-mail: beebe(a) -
- 155 S 1400 E RM 233 beebe(a) beebe(a) -
- Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA URL: -