Access to The PUPS Archive can now be obtained with no human
intervention. Go to, agree to the
SCO license. On the next page, click on `apply for access to the PUPS Archive'.
Fill in your full name and e-mail address, and you will be given immediate
access to the archive.
I'm arranging for at least one mirror of the PUPS Archive in the USA.
More would be welcome :-) Let me know if you can help!
At present, the PUPS Archive can be accessed by FTP, HTTP and rsync.
No more paper licenses, no more 6 week wait, yayy!!!
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From Frank Wortner <frank(a)> Wed May 17
00:34:32 2000
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 10:34:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: Frank Wortner <frank(a)>
To: UNIX Heritage Society <pups(a)>
Subject: A Public Thank You
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I just signed up for my free(!) SCO Ancient Unix license. It's great fun
to be able to explore again the code I first saw and worked on as a
student all too many years ago. It seems only right to thank those who
gave me access to this resource.
Thank you, Warren, for your work in convincing SCO to make this
possible. Also thanks for the archives, the mailing list, the idea,
and everything else.
Thank you, SCO, for seeing the historic value of the code and generously
making it available to enthusiasts. SCO's attitude towards this legacy is
extremely rare amoung corporations, and they deserve our gratitude.
Thanks also to everyone who contributed material to the PUPS archive.
In the face of such generousity I'm sorry I don't have (or think I don't
have) any material left from the PDP-11 era to add to the collection.
And now, back to wallowing in PDP-11 nostalgia. :-)
Frank Wortner