<Who wouldn't? (As long as I could put Unix on it instead of VMS, of
Maybe real Unix but I've deleted ultrix in favor of VMS! Maybe NetBSD
will sort out some of the problems.
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From Erin Corliss <erin(a)corliss.com> Mon Jan 5
15:23:23 1998
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Sun, 04 Jan 1998 21:23:21 -0800
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Date: Sun, 04 Jan 1998 21:23:23 -0800
From: Erin Corliss <erin(a)corliss.com>
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Hello. I have a free operating system directory at:
I have a link to the PUPS home page for PDP-11 Unix & was wondering if
you can add a link to my page.
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by minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au (8.8.5/8.8.5) id PAA18889
for pups-liszt; Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:40:48 +1100 (EST)
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From Warren Toomey <wkt(a)henry.cs.adfa.oz.au> Fri
Jan 30 14:40:50 1998
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From: Warren Toomey <wkt(a)henry.cs.adfa.oz.au>
Message-Id: <199801300440.PAA04976(a)henry.cs.adfa.oz.au>
Subject: Installing PDP-11 UNIX w. no tape - solution
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au (PDP Unix Preservation)
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:40:50 +1100 (EST)
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Hi all,
Last year I mentioned the idea of installing PDP-11 UNIX over a
serial line, for those people who have real PDP-11s but no tape drives.
I've written the code to do this over the past few days, and its time to
pass it to someone who actually has a PDP-11 and no tape drive! The code
is of course alpha-quality, but I'm using a PC running John Wilson's Ersatz
to install 7th Edition on a simulated RK05 right now.
I need someone who has a:
+ PDP-11 which _will_ run 7th Edition
+ Spare RK05, RP03, RP04, RP05 or RP06 disk
+ A DL/KL-11 serial port at vector 0176500 (i.e 2nd unit)
+ An RS-232 null modem with hardware handshaking lines
+ A machine running a 32-bit Unix to host the other end of the
serial connection
+ Spare time, and a tendency for masochism :-)
Someone who also has a PDP-11 running v7, and a source license would
be a bonus, as they might be able to help with the debugging.
I'm at the point where I can bring in the `boot' file (record 0) off the
simulated UNIX install tape, load and run cat, mkfs, icheck and restor.
I get some error messages with restor (``Missing address (header) block''),
which I believe are to do with the 10,240 byte record requests from restor.
My code expects 512-byte requests, and I'm doing 20 a time to fulfill the
10,240 request, but still problems.
Once the code is solid, I'd like to add other disks (RL02s etc.), and write
a user-mode program to read from the tape once UNIX has booted off disk.
This will allow other tape formats (e.g tar) to be read in.
If anybody would be willing to participate in getting this stuff to work
well, could they e-mail me next week?!
Thanks in advance,
Warren wkt(a)cs.adfa.oz.au
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by minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au (8.8.5/8.8.5) id BAA20201
for pups-liszt; Sat, 31 Jan 1998 01:46:41 +1100 (EST)
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