I'm adding PDP-11 support to GNU binutils, and I need help on
classifying the instruction set.
I'm somewhat confused, because:
PDP-11 FAQ says:
11/45 introduced MUL, DIV, ASH, ASHC, SPL.
Later, 11/40 introduced SOB, XOR, MARK, SXT, RTT. MUL, DIV, etc in
EIS option.
GCC pdp11.md and pdp11.c says:
11/40 and 11/45 has SOB, SXT, XOR.
11/45 has ASHC, MUL, DIV.
All models has ASH.
John Holden writes:
11/40 and 11/45 has EIS and FPU instructions.
11/40 had several options to add EIS, FIS and a MMU.
Does this mean that an unexpanded 11/40 has no EIS instructions,
but with the EIS option, it has more instructions than an 11/45?
GCC seems to think that all PDP-11 models has ASH, but this seems
wrong. It's only in EIS, right?
So far, this is the classification I've come up with:
BASIC: the basic instruction set.
CIS: commercial instruction set (opcodes 0x7d00..0x7eff).
EIS45: 11/45 extended instruction set: MUL, DIV, ASH, ASHC, SPL.
EIS40: 11/40 extended instruction set: EIS45 + SOB, XOR, MARK, SXT, RTT.
FIS: FADD, FSUB, FMUL, and FDIV (opcodes 0x7a00..0x7bff).
MODF, ADDF, SUBF, and DIVF (opcodes 0xf000..0xffff).
Would this be correct?
FIS and CIS isn't imlemented in Supnik's simulator, and I haven't
found any documentation. Does anyone know more about those? Why
is there both an FADD and an ADDF instruction?
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for pups-liszt; Wed, 10 May 2000 09:47:20 +1000 (EST)
From Warren Toomey <wkt(a)cs.adfa.edu.au> Wed May
10 09:47:01 2000
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From: Warren Toomey <wkt(a)cs.adfa.edu.au>
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Subject: Re: Good news on the Ancient UNIX License front
In-Reply-To: <20000508150240.A7092(a)loomcom.com> from sjm at "May 8, 2000 3:
2:40 pm"
To: sethm(a)loomcom.com (sjm)
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 09:47:01 +1000 (EST)
Cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (Unix Heritage Society)
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In article by sjm:
Hello all,
I've just received this mail from SCO. I think it's appropriate to
post here.
Apparently we can expect the Ancient UNIX License available on the
SCO website by Friday (U.S. Pacific Time, I would suspect). Very
good news indeed!
I'm just back from a training course. I've seen a preview of the web site.
You get to click-thru the license agreement, then you have a set of hyperlinks
to the UNIX versions that SCO owns (5e, 6e, 7e, 32V, SysIII, Mini UNIX).
I'm still trying to work out an access method to the PUPS Archive with them,
but I think we're getting there.
So, you will get access to some UNIX source code soon, but access to the
PUPS Archive might be a week or so longer.
Cheers all!
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by minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (8.9.3/8.9.3) id KAA75681
for pups-liszt; Wed, 10 May 2000 10:27:50 +1000 (EST)
From Warren Toomey <wkt(a)cs.adfa.edu.au> Wed May
10 10:27:22 2000
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From: Warren Toomey <wkt(a)cs.adfa.edu.au>
Message-Id: <200005100027.KAA89955(a)henry.cs.adfa.edu.au>
Subject: Re: PDP land
In-Reply-To: <20000505191242.A13087(a)ussenterprise.ufp.org> from Leo Bicknell at
"May 5, 2000 7:12:42 pm"
To: bicknell(a)ufp.org (Leo Bicknell)
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 10:27:22 +1000 (EST)
Cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (Unix Heritage Society)
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In article by Leo Bicknell:
I don't know if you remember me or not. I
believe we talked
before when I was a student at Virginia Tech about Unix on a PDP-11/40
that I had. Alas, I had to let those machines go as I didn't have
the time or space to keep them.
I went looking for PDP stuff on the web, and ran across your
name again. I thought I'd give you a whirl. I'm now in a position to
give real data center space to one or more of these beasts, and I would
love to put a PDP-11 up on the net running old-school unix.
Any pointers as to where to find someone giving away or
selling one of these beasts?
Leo Bicknell - bicknell(a)ufp.org
Leo, I'm punting this on to the PUPS mailing list to see if you get any
nibbles. Go to
http://minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au/PUPS/maillist.html to see
how to join. You could also try the Usenet newsgroups alt.sys.pdp11 and
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for pups-liszt; Wed, 10 May 2000 10:37:58 +1000 (EST)