Hi Clem,
> > > > > ISBN 978-0-262-54299-0
> ...
> > >
> > > ISBN-13: 978-0262542906
> > > ISBN-10: 0262542900
Three: the
ISBN you gave doesn't match Amazon's. :-)
That's how I tried finding it first and why I thought the URL might
be useful.
That the us never from the back cover of my copy
Sent from a handheld expect more typos than usual
I error-correct that to ‘That was the US number from...’. :-)
If so, I think you've either missed a subtlety in the emails,
something's gone wrong in publishing, or you had a pre-print where they
didn't know the final number for the back cover?
Yours: 978-0-262-54299-0 Fails ISBN's check-digit
Mine: 978-0-262-54290-6 Added dashes to match
Diff: ^ ^
Amazon's ‘Look Inside’ shows a paperback ISBN-13 of 9780262542906 which
matches what they put on their web page. OpenLibrary give the same,
as does the Library of Congress catalogue entry.
Anyway, it does look interesting. I see from the index that they even
mention the Acorn Archimedes, the world's first consumer device with a
RISC chip, the Acorn RISC Machine, AKA the ARM 2. I learnt ARM
assembler on the A310 model before switching to the R140 which shipped
with RISC iX, Acorn's Unix, and I still get asked to do the odd bit of
swtch() assembler porting on embedded ARM Cortex.
Cheers, Ralph.