norman(a) (Norman Wilson) wrote:
But for several years now I have been increasingly dissatisfied with the
research nature of most of the articles. Very few of them are actually
useful (or even interesting) to me in a day-to-day sense.
I guess it depends on your interests, and also on what you look at.
Yes, exactly. For me, Usenix provides little added value. I had
been debating leaving Usenix for several years already; the move
to soft copy ;login: clinched it for me. I'm not happy about it,
but I had to recognize my personal reality.
Either way I think what USENIX does is worth while.
I agree. For example, I would not like to see Usenix disappear.
But I no longer am getting value for my membership dollars.
So, not a value judgement on Usenix as a whole, merely a statement
of my personal situation.