About one year ago I found installation tapes for System III for the VAX
somewhere on the Net. Unfortunately I can't find the original URL on disk
any longer, neither on my bookmarks and a Google search does not find
anything now.
The distribution is available as tap archives, and you can find it on
As four files.
My questions are:
- as this is the only copy I can find now on the Net, would it
make sense to save it also on TUHS and mirrors?
- the tap tools do not seem to recognize contents (dtp seems to
identify the first file) and I am currently too busy to further investigate.
Could someone with spare time have a look at them?
- a strings of tape1/set1 seems to reveal that it only supports
an RP06 at NEXUS 8 and a TE16 at NEXUS 9. Could someone with more time
have a try at them using SIMH?
These opinions are mine and only mine. Hey man, I saw them first!
José R. Valverde
De nada sirve la Inteligencia Artificial cuando falta la Natural