Looking at the UNIX tree chart as I do from time to time to re-search for old
UNIX, I came this time over TROPIX, which is a UNIX-like system developed from
scratch on Brazil in their "IT cold war" times.
The system is now open source and can be found at
the pages are in Portuguese (sic) but one may get install media and the full
source code (Código Fonte).
I wonder it if would be sensible to store a copy of it on TUHS as well. In any
case, I've added it to the collection at
I've run it on QEMU and it's got a somewhat distinctive look and feel (and
command set). Curious to say the least. The major drawback is that it is all
in Portuguese.
These opinions are mine and only mine. Hey man, I saw them first!
José R. Valverde
De nada sirve la Inteligencia Artificial cuando falta la Natural