In article by Dave Horsfall
On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Wolfgang Helbig wrote
I tried the latest simulator from Bob Supnik,
Simh V2.9-6.
It simulates DZ11 multiline controllers. Are they supported in UNIX V6.
Not natively, no. Back at Uni of NSW, we did several drivers, getting
better each time, but I think the sources are lost to antiquity (unless
someone happens to have those old tapes).
Would AUSAM have any DZ11 drivers? There are several AUSAM tapes in
the Unix Archive, and AUSAM was a deriative of V6.
How about
PDP-11/Distributions/unsw/1/record0.gz dz.c 12999 1978 01 24
PDP-11/Distributions/unsw/4/record0.gz dz.c 13416 1979 08 01
PDP-11/Distributions/unsw/6/record0.gz dz.c 6532 1979 10 30
PDP-11/Distributions/unsw/81/record0.gz dz.c 4761 1979 12 20
PDP-11/Distributions/unsw/83/record0.gz dz.c 4761 1979 08 22
PDP-11/Distributions/unsw/92/92.gz dz.c 7457 1981 09 16
Cheers all,