On 5/8/2018 11:17 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
There's a certain irony in people complaining that ukernel's have more
overhead - while at the same time time mindlessly, and almost universally,
propogating such pinheaded computing hogs as '_mandating_ https for everything
under the sun' (even things as utterly pointless to protect as looking at
Wikipedia articles on mathematics), while simultaneously letting
Amazon/Facebook/Google do the 'all your data are belong to us' number; the
piling of Pelion upon Ossa in all the active content (page after page of
JavaScript, etc) in many (most?) modern Web sites that does nothing more than
'eye candy'; etc, etc.
Part of the https wave is the fact that the Tin Foil Hat Society thinks
they are being maliciously monitored by the gov't. The move towards
privacy on the Internet is fostered by this conspiracy-minded
thoughtlessness. Meanwhile, it just adds another step to any entity
wanting to figure out what you've been doing online. Either monitor your
browser (ala telemetry), or the websites themselves. If one were to see
https traffic to a website that's known for it's racist content, then
that pretty much defines what you've been doing without having to
decrypt the actual packets. Much less get your search history from
Google in the first place.
I've heard this very same privacy concern from what I consider
moderately intelligent people I associate with.
I have a (very) small website in http that has a few TOPS-10 items for
download. That doesn't need to be https, but for some reason, I've heard
that Google will lower my rankings because I'm not using https. What
tomfoolery is this?