In article by Lord Isildur:
alas, i do not have an account on the PUPS Archive machine! could i have one?
i remember vaguely something about requiring pgp-signed stuff, and i dont
use pgp, and so dont have a public (or any other) key.
Here's the policy for the machine holding the PUPS Archive:
+ People with UNIX source licenses can get at least
guest FTP access to the archive, with S/Key as the
authentication mechanism.
+ People with UNIX source licenses, and who either
help to maintain the archive, or who have volunteered
to distribute the archive, can get ssh access to the
+ No telnet access, no e-mail. The box runs with `reserved
tolerance' from the real system administrators :-)
If you fall into either category, and can prove you have a UNIX source
license, then I can either PGP e-mail you, or fax you, the access
Apologies for the cross-post to the 3 old UNIX-related mailing lists!