On Fri, 20 Apr 2012, Nick Downing wrote:
OK, I hadn't been aware of the significance of
the 2 in 4.4BSD-Lite2, so
I understand it contains a CSRG version of the startup code, etc that
was originally from AT&T and was left out of 4.4BSD-Lite? Is it
anything to do with Jolitz's work on 386BSD? Does it have anything
else? Searching threw up a few results on multiprocessor locking so
maybe it contains additional features as well as just the missing code?
cheers, Nick
It doesn't appear to include the needed code. From looking at huge diff,
I don't see any additions identified from Jolitz/Telemuse/386BSD. (For
example, Lite already had Jolitz i386 code and Lite2 only had minimal
changes to the code.) I quote from Cover.rel2 document for Lite2:
``It will not be possible to compile or run this software without a
pre-existing system that is already installed and running. In addition,
the distribution does not include sources for a complete system. It
includes source code and manual pages for the C library, approximately
90% of the utilities distributed as part of 4.4BSD, and most of the
kernel (the same subsystems that were deleted in Net/2 are still missing
in 4.4BSD-Lite Release 2 (support for executing files, doing physical
I/O, managing the buffer cache, handling process tracing, terminal
character I/O, and doing accounting).''
The diff is huge. Lite2 has many changes: ``includes the copy editing
work done for the Usenix/O'Reilly manuals as well as numerous bug fixes
and enhancements that have been accumulated in the year since the
release of 4.4BSD-Lite. Of particular interest are the changes needed to
port the system to 64-bit architectures, important security enhancements
to TCP/IP, and much improved functionality for the union and
log-structured filesystems.'' (See
http://mail-index.netbsd.org/current-users/1995/03/23/0008.html or the
Cover.rel2 document.) I think is also incorporates many changes
already done by BSDI, NetBSD, and FreeBSD.
By the way, the TUHS page at
http://minnie.tuhs.org/cgi-bin/utree.pl?file=4.4BSD lists some files
removed to create Lite. Actually per filenames, only the sysv_shm.c and
shm.h and cpio.c files were removed. (cpio replaced with pax.) All were
modified. (That TUHS page also has two mistakes: lists /sys/sys/buf.h
twice and misspells /sys/ufs/inode.h as indode.h.)
The Restricted Files also listed: sys/kern/kern_physio.c,
sys/kern/vfs_bio.c, and sys/sys/tty.h and they are still included in
Lite. Probably because files were not included in historical AT&T code,
because newer USL code did include them, lots rewritten and so if any
code was reused it became insignificant and was agreed on. vfs_bio.c
was mentioned in a declaration stating is was based on published
Where is the actual list of files missing in Lite (that are in