Hi all,
Dennis Ritchie has unearthed some really old Unix a.out
executables from around 1st Edition - 2nd Edition period: see
Distributions/research/1973_stuff in the PUPS Archive.
[ Actually, I suspect his dates are a year off: they should be 1972 ]
I've printed off the 1st Ed manuals from Dennis' web page, and I'm
attempting to get my a.out emulator, Apout, to run these old binaries.
I've got a few working. cat works. ls and date run, but sort of give
strange outputs.
These executables were written for a PDP-11/20. Are there any significant
USER-MODE differences between the 11/20 and later PDP-11 models? I'm
thinking missing instructions, different addressing mode behaviour etc.
There is no source code with these binaries, so I can't use that to help
debug the emulator. I do have the following processor handbooks:
PDP-11 /20 /15 /R20 1972
PDP-11 /45 1973
PDP-11 /04 /34 /45 /55 /60 1978-79
I just thought I'd ask for pointers here before I hit them for details.
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From: Warren Toomey <wkt(a)cs.adfa.edu.au>
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Subject: KE11-A! (was Diff between 11/20 and 11/45?)
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au (Unix Heritage Society)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 11:10:25 +1000 (EST)
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Hi all,
I've just answered my own question. Reading thru the 11/20
processor handbook, I see the section on the extended arithmetic element,
KE11-A, which is ``an option to perform multiplication, division,
multiple position shifts and normalization significantly faster than
software routines''.
I also see that unit 1 lives at 777300 - 777316, and the date a.out
executable does this:
230: TRAP 15 time syscall
232: MOV #177770,@#177314
240: MOV #47432,@#177300
246: ADD #5,@#177304
254: MOV #7,@#177300
262: MOV @#177302,@#177304
270: MOV #5,@#177306
276: ADD #40622,@#177304
304: MOV @#177304,320
. . .
So it looks like I need to add KE11-A support to my emulator :-)