V7 _initially_ did *not* have RL02 support. When we
got our first V7
tape in 1979 a RL02 driver was written locally in ~79 or 80. So
unless someone added the RL0? support to V7 and submitted the updated
images to the archives it's doubtful RL devices can be used with V7.
The V7
are RL02 images and include the RL drivers.
One thing to
note, the RL02 kernel comes with swap at the end of the
RL02. You will need to rebuild a kernel so that the location and size of the
Quite right. The 'swaplo' global must agree with the partition table
wired into the driver or the system will end up swapping over top of
the root filesystem. *ick* ;)
root rl 0
swap rl 0
swplo 9000
nswap 1240
I assume that means that the filesystem ist 9000 block long and the
swap 1240 blocks. (-> mkfs /dev/rl1 9000)
Until now I have the RL02 cleaned up, so it fits on a RL01, and
made a filesystem on the RL01. Now I'm fighting with the emu.
endergone Zwiebeltuete
insanity inside