Hi -
From: "Ian King"
I tried changing the partition type with disklabel -e -r but, when I exited
vi, I got an error message saying that the type I'd provided was not valid.
Viewing the label (with disklabel -r) showed the fstype set to 'unknown'.
"unknown" or "unused"
On my virtual 11 I see disklabel report:
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize]
a: 16720 0 2.11BSD 1024 1024 # (Cyl. 0 - 39)
b: 8360 16720 swap # (Cyl. 40 - 59)
c: 340670 0 unused 1024 1024 # (Cyl. 0 - 814)
h: 315590 25080 2.11BSD 1024 1024 # (Cyl. 60 - 814)
Just for grins, I tried modifying the drive type, too
- no success there,
either. The disklabel utility isn't having any of that; again it claims
Ah, that says something is corrupt somewhere.
If you look at /usr/include/sys/disklabel.h you'll see the
table of filesystem types:
static char *fstypenames[] = {
"Version 6",
"Version 7",
"System V",
"Eighth Edition",
So for 'unknown' to appear there would need to be a 10 in the type
field instead of a 5 (for "2.11BSD"). 'unused' is a 0 obviously.
Try booting up a standalone disklabel and see what it says without
a kernel getting involved.