.. and I'm actually still alive, although only barely... :)
I'll respond to Michael in email, and summarize here..
-----Original Message-----
From: Warren Toomey [mailto:wkt@minnie.tuhs.org]
Sent: maandag 28 januari 2002 23:09
To: Michael Werner
Cc: PUPS mailing list
Subject: Re: [pups] Problems booting PDP11/40 using vtserver
In article by Michael Werner:
I have my PDP11/40 connected to a MicroVAX 2
(running NetBSD/vax
1.5.2) via serial line and want to boot a 2.9BSD or 2.11BSD
using the
vtserver software.
When I toggle in vtserver's boot code, the first file is
being loaded
correctly by the PDP. Then, following the
instructions in vtserver
documentation, the serial line should be used as a serial
console - and
some text should appear! And this is the problem:
I don't
get any output.
So, my question: Does anybody know what's
going wrong here?
Thanks in advance - Michi
I've passed the baton of Vtserver development over to Fred van Kempen.
However, which version of Vtserver are you using?
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