In article by Mark E. Mallett:
Somebody pointed me at this URL:
and others where the question of the UNIX-based mallet was being
discussed. It's me.. some time in the mid-80s I had submitted a
number of entries to the calendar file and I had jokingly suggested
that my birthday could also be included. And apparently it was.
I enjoy seeing it pop up every August. I notice that some calendar
files now actually explain it, which I think is a pity :-)
Mark E. Mallett |
MV Communications, Inc. |
NH Internet Access since 1991 | (603) 629-0000 / FAX: 629-0049
I think a few people are going to be relieved to know the answer.
Can you tell us which versions of the calendar file actually explain
it, as I've not seen them.
Thanks for this,