On Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 10:31:59AM +1100, Dave Horsfall wrote:
On Tue, 28 Feb 2023, Clem Cole wrote:
A bit later, Loer Zohlman wrote??BDS C,??which
was pretty darned
good/fairly complete C implementation for the time; [...]
I'm glad that you qualified it with "for the time"; I've used it, and
calling it a "C compiler" was a bit of a stretch[*]. Later on I bought
the Hi-Tech C compiler, and it was full ANSI, with function prototypes
BDS C wasn't ANSI by any stretch but it was small, fast, and available
when everything else was slow (except Turbo Pascal, crazy fast, but,
um, Pascal. 'Nuf said).
While I had to relearn the stdio lib for real C, I did not find it
hard at all to switch back and forth and I wrote a ton of useful
stuff in BDS C. Super grateful to have had it.