1. Converted unpublished locore to AT&T syntax. Work still underway on
new locore.S file.
2. Will use coff executable format. May comply with Sys V ABI. The
latter is TBD.
3. Gcc is tool chain unless someone wants to take on 32V compiler. May
take advantage of inline and asm in machine dependent files.
I wouldn't recommend using the 32V compiler, mainly because there
are so many syntax changes, as well as newer compiler technology,
missing from it as to make it a very challenging project.
4. Gcc cross compile to be used for building. I'll make this available
later next month, after I shake out the bugs.
5. May go to Bitkeeper for source control. More to follow.
6. License for all new files to be the "revised BSD license." This is
compatible with the Caldera license, an "original BSD license" with
the advertising clause specific to Caldera. I want to keep it open
source, and this is the best compromise I see for project license.
7. May change spln() to more understandable nomenclature, e.g., spl4()
becomes spltty(), similar to BSD practice.
8. 32I is the interim name. I would have preferred Unix version 7, but
can't for obvious trademark reasons.
Project name still up for grabs. I was thinking of UNX, named after
the old DEC name for the facility I work in. Sort of a tribute to
days gone by, as is porting 32V. Probably get into trouble for that
one as well.
This message was sent using Monmouth Internet MI-Webmail.
Well, those programs emulate both the CPU (which *is* the same as
those found in the PRO systems), but *also* the surrounding stuff
like disk controllers, serial controllers and so on.
It would not be (that) hard to add "PRO" emulation to SimH, if some
sort of hardware specs are still available.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gregg C Levine [mailto:hansolofalcon@worldnet.att.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:56 AM
> To: 'David Evans'
> Cc: pups(a)minnie.tuhs.org
> Subject: RE: [pups] DEC PRO or P/OS
> Hello (again) from Gregg C Levine
> I take it this means that the software written for those things, won't
> run on an emulator normally running as a member of the regular PDP
> family of machines? Such as the SIMH PDP-11 emulator, or the E11 ones.
> Mr. Wilson, (John), mentions the operating system for the PRO, on the
> PDF file that describes the E11, both versions as being copyrighted,
> and mentions the company name.
> -------------------
> Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon(a)worldnet.att.net
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
> "Use the Force, Luke."Â Obi-Wan Kenobi
> (This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
> (This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: pups-bounces(a)minnie.tuhs.org
> [mailto:pups-bounces@minnie.tuhs.org] On
> > Behalf Of Wilko Bulte
> > Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 5:19 PM
> > To: David Evans
> > Cc: pups(a)minnie.tuhs.org; Gregg C Levine
> > Subject: Re: [pups] DEC PRO or P/OS
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 04:50:21PM -0500, David Evans wrote:
> > > On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 10:05:33PM +0100, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > > >
> > > > A Pro350 was an F11, a Pro380 a T11 (I hope I remember this
> correctly)
> > > > CPU. I think you could also run RT-11 on them. Some big VAX
> models
> > > > had Pro's as console processors/systems. RD5x disk drives on the
> Pro's.
> > > > And special I/O cards which only fit in Pros.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Yeah, that's my memory as well. Rick Macklem did a port of
> 2.9BSD to them.
> > > I used one for a time; it took something like thirty seconds to
> load vi!
> >
> > The 380 was pretty much OK in my recollection. 350 was downright
> slow.
> > RD5x drives did not help here..
> >
> > --
> > | / o / /_ _ wkb(a)freebie.xs4all.nl
> > |/|/ / / /( (_) Bulte
> > _______________________________________________
> > PUPS mailing list
> > PUPS(a)minnie.tuhs.org
> > http://minnie.tuhs.org/mailman/listinfo/pups
> _______________________________________________
> PUPS mailing list
> PUPS(a)minnie.tuhs.org
> http://minnie.tuhs.org/mailman/listinfo/pups
Perhaps v7upgrade would make a nice combination with the 32I kernel.
> >
> > 3. Gcc is tool chain unless someone wants to take on 32V
> compiler. May
> > take advantage of inline and asm in machine dependent files.
> >
> > I wouldn't recommend using the 32V compiler, mainly because there
> > are so many syntax changes, as well as newer compiler technology,
> > missing from it as to make it a very challenging project.
> There are a couple of options here. One is to use one of the
> compilersfrom MIT that will match the code in 32V very closely.
> You can google for
> these if they aren't already on Warren's site. The other option
> is to use LCC. I wouldn't use GCC if I were doing it. (Of course
> I'm not
> so these are just suggestions.)>
> A Pro350 was an F11, a Pro380 a T11 (I hope I remember this correctly)
> CPU.
The 380 had a J11, the 350 had an F11. I *believe* the 280 was
somewhere between an 11/73 and an 11/53, and the 350 was somewhat
like an 11/23.
> I think you could also run RT-11 on them. Some big VAX models
> had Pro's as console processors/systems. RD5x disk drives on
> the Pro's.
If memory serves me right, you had P/OS (a menu-driven branch of the
RT11 system), and Venix, a somewhat Unix-like system. Given some
work, one should be able to get standard RT working on it.
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 10:05:33PM +0100, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> A Pro350 was an F11, a Pro380 a T11 (I hope I remember this correctly)
> CPU. I think you could also run RT-11 on them. Some big VAX models
> had Pro's as console processors/systems. RD5x disk drives on the Pro's.
> And special I/O cards which only fit in Pros.
The Pro380 used the J11 chip. The T11 was a totally different chip, with only
the base instruction set (no multiply/divide/floating point) and 8 or 16 bit
A couple years ago, Sun released Solaris 8 source for free. The whole system is full of SVisms, and AFAIK, the source remains free.
----- Original Message -----
From: Aharon Robbins <arnold(a)skeeve.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 11:58 am
Subject: Re: Heritage X (was Re: [TUHS] Lauch Gui using remote xterm!!)
> > Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 21:13:16 +1300
> > From: Wesley Parish <wes.parish(a)paradise.net.nz>
> > Subject: Re: Heritage X (was Re: [TUHS] Lauch Gui using remote
> xterm!!)> To: tuhs(a)minnie.tuhs.org
> >
> > I've personally thought that Sun should release the source trees
> of its old
> > BSD-based SunOS with the idea of getting back onside with all the
> Linux and
> > Unix people it pissed off by its "buying" a "Unix" license from
> SCO, the
> > Societe Commercial du On-Dit, the Commercial Society of
> Rumourmongers.
> Don't hold your breath. Even SunOS 4.1.x had large chunks of System
> V Release 3
> code in it: all the STREAMS stuff and RFS worked in that
> environment (not that
> anyone ever used it). Also all of /usr/5bin, /usr/5lib etc.
> Arnold
> _______________________________________________
> TUHS mailing list
> TUHS(a)minnie.tuhs.org
> http://minnie.tuhs.org/mailman/listinfo/tuhs
Greg Lehey wrote,
> > Others ported the system in those carefree days as well, in
> > particular Richard Miller at the University of Wollongong, but I
> > don't know much about the other efforts.
> I believe the Wollongong port predated the one at Bell Labs. Peter
> Gray tells me he still has the original machine they used, and he'd
> like to find a museum-like place to keep it. No idea whether it
> runs. Greg Rose should know a lot more about this matter. Greg, are
> you out there?
Having the original Wollongong Interdata 7/32 might
be interesting to the Computer History museum, though
it might be expensive to transport it across the Pacific.
As for dates: the Wollongong port was essentially
contemporaneous with ours, certainly independent,
and was declared in production sooner (July 1977
vs. spring 1978). Ours was "in principle" done by Aug.
1977, theirs by April '77. Various papers are
gathered at
Greg Rose is definitely still extant.
Hello from Gregg C Levine
Here's a comment from my side of the pond. Al Kossow has a great
collection of PDF files on the PDP-11. Right now I'm grabbing the ones
that discuss my current collection of problems. The location is
>From that one, and behind it, sits his entire collection. But that
space is entirely the PDP-11.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon(a)worldnet.att.net
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."Â Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )
I backported an RL driver to v6 and salvaged files from
"v6_rl02_unknown" using it (on SIMH). See
Naoki Hamada
I am trying to lauch a xterm window on a remote machine and then once the
xterm window is launched from the remote machine I am trying to start a gui
on the xterm window.
The following is the command I am using to start the xterm .It is failing
and giving the error.
remsh hostname " . /home/john/.profile >/dev/null 2> /dev/null;xterm"
stty: invalid command
xterm Xt error: Can't open display
also can you let me know once the xterm is open how do we lauch the gui on
the xterm window using the same remoteshell.The gui name is nam_gui.