Thanks to all,
This project is, indeed, for my own educational purposes. I have
always been "all idea, no action" type of person. It's time for me to
act on my ideas.
I have started by comparing the differences between Unix V7, 32V,
Coherent, and NetBSD code base.
I wish to preserve as much of Unix V7 as possible. Unix V7 was not
without code contributed by others, namely Universities around the
world. I don't know the legal logistics, but I don't see any reason to
change the name from Unix V7 to anything else.
As I begin to make run time progress on this project, I will keep
everybody notified. I will also be posting questions as they arise.
Thank you,
James Falknor
(I know I'm not alone with a World of Programmers on this mailing list)
> I do not know Plan9, but according to descriptions I have read, it looks
> very interesting. Well it was developed by Bell Lab...(?)-AT/T, which
> does not require recommendation.They offer also another interesting OS,
> namely Inferno.
This is my last email on this subject. Promise.
I suggest using the Plan 9 compilers and start with the code for the
32V system. That's the code that first ran on the VAX. It'll be
easier to move than the PDP version. It's just Seventh Edition moved
to the VAX.
I'm using Plan 9 to type this. It's the os I have used as my primary
os for the last 10 years. I wrote the Cisco PIX Firewall and the
LocalDirector using it. I first used Plan 9 15 years ago at Bell Labs.
In a very real sense, it is the true decendent of a very noble line of
timesharing systems, going all the way back to MIT's CTSS.
You should try Plan 9 for free by downloading it from Bell Labs. It's
all open source. Expect to learn a lot. It's UNIX like a Ford
Mustang is a T-Model. Lot of the ideas of V7-10 are further developed
in Plan 9. It's certainly the os perfered by a good number of UNIX
purests. It was the result of a number of poeple, including Ken
Thompson, who thought that a fresh code start would allow them to
better exploit new technology like networking, hetergenious
processors, and symmetrical multiple processors.
I really hope James does the port. I wish I had the time to do it
myself. A native V7 port would be really useful in some situations,
but more importantly it would help educate new generations of
programmers. It would demonstrate the true power and synergy of the
software tools approach that UNIX blessed us with. It doesn't need
shared libraries, threads, gui's or even vi. The Seventh Edition is
amazing technology in a form that can be understood, internalized, and
the resulting education used to produce much better modern software.
There should be at least a version in it's native form. There's just
something special about running it native.
Brantley Coile
>>> "vi". Editing with "cat" is possible but not very useful. I am not going
>>> to learn "ed".
>> Why?
> Simply because. Because I do not like ed.
> I want to have useful and user friendly system. To use ed, only because
> it is the oldest editor, does not make any sense for me.
> I appreciate ed, because of sed, because sed has some similarity to ed
> and is extremely useful as a tool.
> Unix is not about ed, Unix is about unlimited possibilities of adding
> new software , new applications or new editors, it makes Unix beautiful
> that it can develop and not editor ed.If ed were all Unix has, it would
> not survive.
> I hope You accept that someone else can have different favourite
> editors. I prefer vi, or even more vim, which is perfect editor.Of
> course in the case of emulator missing user friendly editor is not a
> problem, because I can edit under Coherent and then build under
> emulator.It is good to have a choice, and Unix offers it.
In 1983 I was using vi. I allowed a friend to use our system to typeset
his companies UNIX manuals, and quickly found that I was having to
share the machine with a dozen troff jobs. Vi, being a program that
ran in raw mode, didn't respond very well on that 68010 10Mhz system.
I was forced to switch to ed. Suddenly I discovered that I had hidden
real UNIX behind all those vi commands. I now had plenty of
mental capacity to use the rest of the tools available.
To really say you understand the spirit of the software tools approach,
you must spend a couple of months just using ed. Today I use acme
mostly, but still find myself using ed for some edits.
I would really encourage you to give it a try. Spend two months
just using ed. You cerntainly should use the editor you feel most
confortable with, but the growing experience will be well worth your while.
> OK, so problem is solved.But I suspect it multitasks differently on
> different hardware, unless You use existing V7 x86 implementation. I do
> not know pdp architecture, I suspect it does differ from x86, I mean
> TSS,GDT, TR etc.
These details are hidden under the kernel. The idea of a process with
address space and other contexts are what V7 provides. It's pretty
easy to implement what V7 expects using Intel's paging.
Yes I know, my originals were stolen when my car was stolen. I just don't have the time to download a mountain of software right now !
U¿ytkownik chronaut(a) napisa³:
Andrzej Popielewicz <vasco(a)>
You need 4 floppies anyway to install Coherent.
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Hello everyone,
I noticed that there were other flavors of Unix (on CD)for sale on the main website. I wondered who I needed to talk with, or send the $10.00 donation to, so I could get the Coherent stuff burned to CD ? Here's the directory I need.
My floppies with MWC Unix\X Xindows was stolen along with my automobile when I went to Jackson, MS to replace a retiring systems engineer. Anyway, help from anyone to get this done, would be very much appreciated. I have the original manuals, but no MWC Unix to go with it :) Thanks for any help !
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> Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 07:11:43 +1000
> From: Warren Toomey <wkt(a)>
> To: Carl Lowenstein <cdl(a)>
> Subject: Re: [TUHS] DEC V7M-11 manuals
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 09:32:20AM -0700, Carl Lowenstein wrote:
> > While preparing to move out of the office that I have occupied for the
> > past couple of decades, I came across an unused set of V7M-11 manuals.
> > Three large binders, DEC Orange (Chinese Red?). Is this something that
> > should be archived somewhere? Scanned and put on line? I don't have
> > the resources to do that, but could ship them somewhere.
> >
> > Labels on the binders are:
> > V7M-11 Volume 1 Programmer's Manual
> > V7M-11 Volume 2A and 2B Programmer's Manual
> > V7M-11 System Management and Operation Manuals
> Carl, we have v7m source + binaries in the Unix Archive, but I'm not sure
> if this also includes the documentation that you have unearthed. I will
> go through what's in the archive here and see if it corresponds with what
> you have, and get back to you.
> Warren
Fine. I didn't mention that I also came across a V7M-11 distribution
tape, because I was pretty sure you already had that.
I will be away for about three weeks starting Monday 27 June, so we might
not connect until I get back. On the other hand, these books have been
sitting around for a few years, another month won't hurt them.