Hi all, Norman Wilson has kindly scanned in some PDP-7 Unix
source code that he has kept hidden away. I've just added
it into the Unix Archive at:
I've updated the Readme with the details. The files are 0*.pdf.
I'm not sure if there's enough there to bring up a kernel and
some applications. I'll leave that to someone who knows PDP-7
assembly programming :-)
Many thanks Norman!
Cheers, Warren
Of some possible intertest to the denizens here...
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 07:11:44 +1100 (EST)
From: Dave Horsfall <dave(a)horsfall.org>
To: Applix List
Subject: APPLIX-L On this day... (Wirth, Feynman)
We gained Niklaus Wirth, otherwise known as Mr ALGOL (and thereby freeing
us from the chains of FORTRAN), back in 1934; you can either call him by
name, or call him by value (non-programmers are not expected to understand
this computer joke).
Upon the other paw, we lost Richard Feynman, back in 1988; he was the
bloke who sorted out those NASA management liars, over that little O-ring
incident... Well, that's what happens when the suits ignore the
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer."
John von Neumann halted in 1957; without him, we probably would not have
had computers as we know them (CPU-buss-memory etc).
Dave Horsfall
Unit 13, 79 Glennie St
North Gosford NSW 2250
0490 095 371
> There is a Henry Spencer <henry(a)spsystems.net>, who about a year ago or
> so posted to the IETF TLS list and posted to comp.compilers a decade
> ago.
I believe that's The Henry Spencer, all right. SP Systems is what
called (perhaps still does) himself when consulting.
I've already dug up and sent Warren another contact address for Henry,
gleaned from a mutual friend.
Norman Wilson*
Toronto ON
(Not to be confused with Norman D. Wilson, civil engineer,
after whom Wilson Avenue in Toronto is named)
One half of Unix, and what more can I say?
Well, I'll bet not many people know that he shares a birthday with Alice
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer."
Ken kindly tells me that both stories are right, though clearly
my impression that my query prompted Ken to write grep is wrong:
i dont see any differences between our stories.
you asked and i dug around and found it.
Would we have greps today, had that little incident not occurred?
All, I've spent some time working on the UTZoo Usenet Archive postings
from https://archive.org/download/utzoo-wiseman-usenet-archive
I've reformatted each group's postings into mbox format so I could run
them through the mailman archive tool. The results are here:
http://www.tuhs.org/Usenet/ You can now browse by group/year/month/thread.
I'll drop an index.html file in there tomorrow with a description of
each newsgroup. There are still some blemishes to fix up, as the archiver
failed to recognise the headers on some articles and they end up "posted"
in February 2016.
Other newgroups archives are here: https://archive.org/search.php?query=usenet. I might pull out some other Unix relates groups (aus.sources etc.) and
add them. Are there any other Usenet archives around?
Cheers, Warren
P.S If anybody is still trying to recover the old 2.11BSD patches, you may
find some of them lurking in http://www.tuhs.org/Usenet/comp.bugs.2bsd/
I successfully made SIMH VAX-11/780 emulator run 32V, 3BSD and 4.0BSD.
Details are on my web site (thogh rather tarse):
Naoki Hamada