The document
discusses the uncertainty regarding the epoch used for the file timestamps.
"The biggest problem here is to pin down the epoch for the files. In the
early version of UNIX, timestamps were in 1/60th second units. A 32-bit
counter using these units overflows in 2.5 years, so the epoch had to
be changed periodically, and I believe 1970, 1971, 1972 and 1973 were
all epochs at one stage or another."
"Given that the C compiler passes, and the library, are dated in June
of the epoch year, and that Dennis has said ``1972-73 were the truly
formative years in the development of the C language'', it's therefore
unlikely that the epoch for the s2 tape is 1971: it is more likely to
be 1972. The tape also contains several 1st Edition a.out binaries,
which also makes it unlikely to be 1973."
"Therefore, Warren's decoding of the s2-bits file, in s2-bits.tar.gz,
uses 1972 as the epoch. However, Dennis decoding in s2.tar.gz uses 1973."
"Finally, the date(1) a.out on the tape uses 1971 as its archive. How
annoying! After a bit of discussion, Dennis and Warren have agreed that
1972 is the most probable epoch for s2-bits."
I thought I could validate the epoch by looking at the distribution of
weekdays for the three alternative years (1971 to 1973). Here are the
for guess in 1971 1972 1973 ; do
echo $guess
EPOCH=$(date +'%s' -d "$guess/01/01 00:00 UTC")
awk '/\/core/,/\/etc\/init/ {
if ($9) print strftime("%a", '$EPOCH' + $9 / 60)}' Readme |
sort |
uniq -c |
sort -n
1 Sat
6 Mon
8 Thu
8 Tue
17 Fri
21 Wed
34 Sun
1 Sun
6 Tue
8 Fri
8 Wed
17 Sat
21 Thu
34 Mon
1 Tue
6 Thu
8 Fri
8 Sun
17 Mon
21 Sat
34 Wed
As you can see, unless weekends at the Bell Labs were highly atypical,
1972 has the most probable distribution of work among the days of the week.
> of course some [of the changes to C in this time period] might have been
> driven by general utility (e.g. the ability to initialize structures).
I was thinking about this, with my memory of the changes refreshed by
re-reading those 'changes to C' notes, and it's interested how many of them
were ones I personally (and most of the people working with me) didn't use.
Here is a list of the changes described in those 3 documents:
- Longs
- Unsigneds
- Blocks (locals declared inside a non-top-level {} pair)
- Initialization of structures
- Initialization of automatic variables
- Bit fields
- Macro functions
- Macro conditionals (#ifdef)
- Arguments in registers
- Typedefs
- 'Static' scope
- Multi-line macros
- Undefine
- Conditional expressions (#if)
- Unions
- Casts
- Sizeof() on abstractions
- '=' in initializations
- Change binary operators from trailing to leading
- 'extern' does not allocate storage
(This note also includes unsigneds, blocks, and structure initializations,
from the earlier? note.)
- Structure assignment and argument/return-value
- Enum
Of these, I never really used quite a few: blocks, automatic initializations,
typedefs, unions, structure assignment/etc, or enum. I'm not sure if I ever
used bit fields, either. Some of these are understandable; e.g. automatic
initializations are just syntactic sugar (as are register arguments, but I did
use those).
Typedef is also effectively syntactic sugar; you can always use a macro and
get almost (entirely?) the same result. In fact, I devised an entire system of
types to make the code I was working on (almost entirely networking code, so
lots of packet headers from other machines, etc) more rigorous - and later it
turned out it had made it much more portable; it all used macros, not typedef.
I don't think I ever used typedef...
(The details of that might be of some interest: instead of int, long, etc we
had things of the form {type}{len}, where {type}pe} was 'int', 'uns', 'bit',
etc and length was 'b', 's', 'l', or two other interesting ones 'w' and 'f' -
'w' meant the machine's native word length, and 'f' meant whatever was fastest
on the machine. So 'unsl' mean '32-bit unsigned'. Depending on the machine,
the compiler couldn't always produce them all - e.g. the PDP-11 didn't have
unsl - so sometimes you had to live with non-optimal replacements. There were
also un-typed types, i.e. 'byte', 'swrd', 'lwrd' - 8, 16 and 32 bits - and
'word' - the machine's native length.)
Unions didn't get used much either, in our stuff, although one would think it
would be useful in network code - you get a packet with a pile of bits inside
it, which can be one of N different formats, seems like a perfect application
for a union. The problemis that it tied two different subsystems intimately
together. If you have protocol A and protocol B, if you use a union to define
the header format, the union has to have both A and B in it. Now if you want
to add protocol C, that requires modifying that union definition. It was much
easier to just take a pointer to the outer packet's data area, and assign
(with cast) it to a new pointer variable which was of the correct type for the
header you were trying to process.
Some of the new things were incredibly useful, though - or, in fact, one
couldn't get by without them. Casts were incredibly useful once the compiler
got pickier. Initialization of structures was huge - other than 'bdevsw'-like
hacks, there was just no other way to do that.
> From: Warren Toomey
> Ritchie, D.M. The UNIX Time Sharing System. MM 71-1273-4.
> which makes me think that the draft version Doug McIlroy found
Not really a response to your question, but I'd looked at that
'UnixEditionZero' and was very taken with this line, early on:
"the most important features of UNIX are its simplicity [and] elegance"
and had been meaning for some time to send in a rant.
The variants of Unix done later by others sure fixed that, didn't they? :-(
On a related note, great as my respect is for Ken and Doug for their work on
early Unix (surely the system with the greatest bang/buck ratio ever), I have
to disagree with them about Multics. In particular, if one is going to have a
system as complex as modern Unices have become, one might as well get the
power of Multics for it. Alas, we have the worst of both worlds - the size,
_without_ the power.
(Of course, Multics made some mistakes - primarly in thinking that the future
of computing lay in large, powerful central machines, but other aspects of
the system - such as the single-level store - clearly were the right
direction. And wouldn't it be nice to have AIM boxes to run our browers and
mail-readers in - so much for malware!)
The Second Edition manual has a section titled "User Maintained
Programs" listing the following utilities and games: basic, bc, bj, cal,
chash, cre, das, dli, dpt, moo, ptx, tmg, and ttt. In the Introduction,
the reader is asked to consult their authors for more information.
Does anyone remember whether at the time these were installed in the
system-wide /bin directory, or whether they were only available in their
owners' home directories?
All, I've just got back from a few days away to find 14 new subscription
requests to the TUHS mailing list. Welcome aboard to you all.
Normally I only get one request a month, so I have some concerns about
the legitimacy of all these requests, so accept my apologies in advance
if there is any off-topic e-mails in the next few days.
P.S The mail while I was away was very interesting. Noel, you might
also be interested in the B interpreter and Robert Swierczick's B
compiler the PDP-7 Unix. The original B compiler doesn't exist, so
Robert took the 11/20 C compiler and "undid" the code that does types
so that it "became" a B compiler.
Cheers all
Tommy Flowers MBE was born on this day in 1905; amongst other things he
designed Colossus, the world's first programmable electronic computer,
which was used to break the German Lorenz cipher (not Enigma, as some
Relevance to Unix? Well, without the world's first usable computer we
would not have the world's first usable OS, and M$ would probably reign
supreme by now...
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer."
> More here:
Which sez:
There is a second document, untitled, no date, which I have not been able to
locate online at all.
From the content, it seems to be from shortly after the previous one, so say,
circa 1977.
I poked around in a dump of the CSR Unix which I now have available to me, and
found a copy of it. I just checked the Internet (using the canonical search
engine) for various phrases from it, but I still could not turn it up. So,
here it is in machine-readable form:
Hope this is some use to someone... :-)
Amusing, I don't think I ever heard the appellation "phototypesetter C"
before. Certainly C and the phottypesetter developed independently, though
in the same room. But the explanation that they got linked by appearing
in the same tape release makes perfect sense. Thanks for the tidbit.
> From: "Ron Natalie"
> At some point .. and the ability to assign/pass structures got
> supported, though I thought that was the compiler that came with V7.
That is my vague recollection too.
> I'm still annoyed they didn't fix arrays when they fixed structs.
Which aspect? The ability to assign/pass/return arrays, or the funky way that
array naming worked (I'm trying to remember the details, I think it was
something to do with 'arrays' passed as arguments - it was actually a pointer
that was passed, but the declaration didn't have to say 'pointer').