> They might actually. Gates isn’t in charge, and there has been a major effort to being Linux compatibility into the Windows 10 kernel.
I agree that they might. Once there was strong commercial logic to disown their Unix history; that commercial logic may have reversed in the last decade.
> The biggest issue will be the never ending tangle of licenses, if they had other stuff integrated into there.
Let’s analyse that bit:
- They could pick the Nokia solution, i.e. to simply make an undertaking not to sue and thus avoid taking a position on Unix ownership etc.
- It would seem that Xenix 2 (no apparent version 1?) was more or less V7 and for internal use only (lacking a binary redistribution license, as Clem pointed out). Very little chance of 3rd party source code in there, but also of little interest for the historical record.
- The first real ports occur with Xenix 2.x in 1981-83. This would appear to have been based on System III with the PDP-11, Z8000, 68000 and 8086 as targets. Considering the size of MS at the time and how busy they were with IBM and DOS I don’t think they would have had much time to do more than a basic port: they contracted out much of the work to SCO, a two man shop at the time. It would seem that MS owned the IP with SCO being a contractor & part-owned subsidiary.
- This Altos manual https://web.archive.org/web/20170222131722/http://www.tenox.net/docs/xenix/… actually says that Xenix 2.x was still based on V7 and would seem to be a vanilla port, i.e. unlikely to include other stuff than V7, some 2BSD and of course MS' own stuff.
- The next release, Xenix 3.0 in 83-84, still appears to be SysIII based and would remain easy from that perspective. However, given two years of polishing it may have picked up bits and pieces from the outside and the tool chains probably started to include MS’ own compilers, it would be harder to figure out what could be released. However, looking at this highly interesting leaflet http://www.os2museum.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/IBM-Seminar-Proceedi… it would seem that it is still all SysIII, BSD and Microsoft code.
In my opinion the real hurdle is finding a retired MS VP who’s interested in knocking on doors and making the case for this public relations move.
PS: There is scope for confusion over version numbers. It would seem that MS never directly sold Xenix, only via OEM’s. For example, IBM PC Xenix 1.0 would appear to be the same as MS Xenix 3.0
I have my own types.h that I carry around that has stuff like
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef signed char i8;
typedef signed short i16;
typedef signed int i32;
typedef signed long long i64;
and I wonder why the original Unix authors didn't make something similar?
Instead we have uint64_t and I don't see the added value of more chars.
Larry McVoy lm at mcvoy.comhttp://www.mcvoy.com/lm
On Thu, 7 Dec 2017, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> On Thu, 7 Dec 2017 11:01:51 +1100 (EST), Dave Horsfall wrote:
> Since we're being pedantic, note that this should be AEDT. EST is
> ambiguous, but in general refers to the east coast of the USA.
That appears to be how Alpine formats it (I certainly didn't write it)...
If it can be overridden then naturally I'm all ears.
>>> Serious question: is "FLAVOUR" accepted as an alias, or does the rest
>>> of the world have to put up with American spelling?
> Think of it as a keyword. No national origin necessary.
Fair enough, I suppose.
> We really have better things to think of.
Indeed; in the meantime I see you finally fixed your DNS... Yes, I 4xx
mail from servers with an improper chain, in the hope that they'll
eventually notice (it catches a lot of spammers).
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer."
||On Wednesday, 29 November 2017 at 20:16:43 +0100, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
||> Greg 'groggy' Lehey <grog(a)lemis.com> wrote:
||>> On Monday, 27 November 2017 at 21:51:13 -0800, Jon Steinhart wrote:
||>>> Does anybody know the history of dash options? Were they
||>>> a UNIX thing or did UNIX borrow them from something earlier?
||>> If you mean specificall the dash, I can't help much. But there were
||>> similar ideas elsewhere. UNIVAC EXEC-8 (for the 1108, late 1960s) had
||>> options that followed the command with a comma, like:
I have apologised for this brusque and rude tone in private.
Unfortunately Greg Lehey was the one who took up that thread.
Puh; he is also right correcting my statements, it should have
been "Weist Datenbasis zu" and "PF ist Programmdatei mit GOPU"
instead of what i falsely claimed.
|The question that should have been asked with mild interest and
|very kind should have been "Why has German been used to comment
|this code?" at first, i am afraid to realize.
|Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
> > On unjustified text, fmt (which uses an algorithm purported to be like
> > Knuth-Plass)
> I wonder if that accounts for modern, coreutils 8.28-1, fmt's weirdness
> that I've seen for a while but never got around to investigating?
> $ yes x | fmt | awk '{print length, $0}' | uniq -c | sed 5q
You threw it something of a curve ball--an infinite paragraph.
At some point I suppose it chokes, and tries its best to make
a semiparagraph of equal-length lines. (Since the real paragraph
is not yet complete, it would be wrong to make the last line of
the semiparagraph short.)
Equilibrating apparently led to the split between 69- and 71-letter lines.
Whether the alternation of 11 of one and 16 of the other is an infinite
pattern or a subpattern is not clear. It could be part of a continued-fraction
approximation, related to the staircse appearance of a bitmap "straight line".
Regarding Theodore Bashkow I found a reference in this article
"[Jain 90a], N. Jain, M. Schwartz and T. R. Bashkov, "Transport
Protocol Processing at GBPS Rates.",
Computer Communications Review, Vol. 20 (4), 1990, pp. 188-199."
No idea if this 'bashkov' is the 'bashkow' in the 'what's missing' discussion.
All, it's time to nudge the conversation away from debugging 2017 OOM issues
and the pre-UNIX history of the Arpanet.
We've been able to recover quite a deal of UNIX artifacts in the past two
decades, but what artifacts (in your opinion) are still out there that
we should try and unearth? Remember that the 50th anniversary is coming up
in 2019.
Here's my list:
- more PDP-7 source code: the shell, the rest of the utilities
- more 1st Edition source code: the rest of the utilities
- ditto the missing bits of 3rd, 4th and 5th Editions
- the Phil Foglio artwork that became a Usenix t-shirt (Armando, any ideas?)
- more details on who was Ted Bashkow, and the story behind his (+ others?)
analysis of the 1st Edition kernel at http://www.tuhs.org/Archive/Distributions/Research/Dennis_v1/PreliminaryUni…
- a firm date on the day that Ken added pipes to the kernel :)
What else should be we looking for? What physical artifacts (drawings,
artwork etc.) have we missed that should be sought after?
Cheers, Warren
What's the difference between spell.old and spell in the V10 sources?
I'm guessing spell.old is the original version for the small-address-space
PDP-11 and that plain spell takes better advantage of the roomier vax...
>> The choice of "# " and "> " interests me. Because roots prompt of
>> "hash" has a side effect of making a cut-paste over it a comment in
>> most shells.
> "#" as the root prompt predates # as the comment in the Bourne shell,
> not to mention predating copy/paste entirely. (My understanding is that
> the do-nothing command, ":" was used for comments. Talk about minimalist!)
> Same point for ">", since copy/paste didn't exist in the late 70s when
> Bourne was doing the shell, it wasn't an issue.
As early as V5 the (thompson) shell prompts were “#” and “%”, and “:” for
a label. As the goto command exists in V4 (there is a man page for it), I
would assume that those characters were used in V4 as well. So it would
seem to go back to 1974.
In the V7 (bourne) shell the default non-root prompt is “$”. Goto is
dropped at this point.
Don’t know when or where “>” was first used on Unix as a prompt character
(on my boxes it still is “$”).