> So that confuses Q22 memory. If one tries to use one with an LSI-11,
> the machine is totally dead - not even ODT.
Oh, that's another LSI-11 'feature' (only discovered after someone sent in a
help request on CCalk for a dead LSI-11): if there's no working memory at 0,
ODT won't start/run. So if the Q22 memory is confused, the whole machine is dead.
> From: Paul Riley
> I have two RLV-12/RL02 emulator boards I had made from Peter Schranz's
> design (5volts.ch). They take an SD card
Ah, you're all set, then - doubly so, in fact. Not only do you have reliable
mass storage, but you should be able to put the Unix filesystem on an SD card,
to get the bits into the machine.
I'm not familiar with that board, but it sounds pretty good; QBUS<->SD. I
don't know how that board uses the SD card, in terms of where it keeps the
RL02 image, but if you can find that out, SD<->USB3 adaptors are cheap and
plentiful, and it shouldn't be too hard to load the disk image into it using
one of them. (For the QSIC, I found a 'dd' for Winsdoze and used that to write
the disk image onto the SD card.)
> I don't have any PROMs other than what would be on the '03 or '23+
> boards now.
Not a problem: if you hook up the -11's console to another computer, you
can download a bootstrap into it over the serial line, using the -11's ODT.
(There's a page here:
which talks briefly about how to do that. Things like PDP11GUI can do it too,
I think.) I don't use an RK bootstrap in ROM to boot from the emulated RK11 on
the QSIC; I just load in a short RK bootstrap. I don't know of one lying
around for the RL11, but one would be trivial to whip up.
Speaking of booting, I have Mini-Uix booting under an -11/05 simulator
(Ersatz-11); I used the RK image from here:
and it just started right up. So that's the big hurdle; been busy with other
stuff, but I'll work on getting it to boot on an '03 'soon'.
You probably want to do the same; having it running under a simulator will
make it easy to build new OS images, e.g. for a system with RL02's. Build the
new system, name it 'rlmx', copy the simulator disk image into the SD card,
and away you go.
Oh, I recently realized how to make a bit more room on an -11/03: most
DEC small QBUS memory cards allow you to use half the 'I/O page' for memory,
if you need it. I.e. instead of having 56KB of memory, and 8 KB of
address space for device registers (a lot more than is really needed), the
memory can be configured to be 60KB of memory.
It can be a bit of a hassle to use it; to have more room for the OS (for more
drivers, or disk buffers, or whatever), some pieces of Mini-Unix need to be
recompiled, to move up the address where user processes are loaded. Larger
user processes are the same thing; they aren't automatically enabled when
there's more memory, you have to change a config file, recompile some things,
and build a new system.
What kind of memory card(s) do you have for the -11/03?
When someone mentioned that they'd ported V6 to the 11/23, I recalled that
I did the same thing (well, V6 + the bits of AUSAM that I liked + the bits
of V7 that I could shoe-horn in), and went looking for the article that I
could've sworn I'd published, using "pdfgrep 23 AUUGN*" in my TUHS mirror.
And yes, I recall some hardware peculiarity which had to be worked around,
but I've forgotten the details (which is why I went looking).
I didn't find it (is there an index of articles anywhere?), but I did find
some peculiar typos, and I was wondering whether they were a result of
Google's (destructive) scanning, or were in the originals.
Here's a quick sample:
AUUGN-V04.5.pdf: tailored for smaller. PDP11s (such as the 11/23 or 11/34) in an
A period after "smaller".
AUUGN-V04.6.pdf: Unfortunately. the clever Code comes unstuck as the LSI-II/23 doesn't’t
The phrase "Unfortunately. the clever Code" looks wrong.
AUUGN-V04.6.pdf:LSI-II/23 was changing the value of r! if the V-bit gets set. It seemed
"r!" should be "r1" (a possible typo, as they are the same key)..
AUUGN-V04.6.pdf: bio23 (662 2668) Elec. Eng., UNSW,
This is a weirdie; "bio23" (one of my clients) was never a part of Elec
Eng (they were their own school), so I suspect a mistake here; it's
possible, however, that they were in the same building.
AUUGN-V04.6.pdf: PDP 11/23 + FPU. RK05, RL02, DRIIb
I believe that "DR11b" should be "DR11B".
AUUGN-V05.1.pdf: PDP 11/23 - System III (Ausam)., 256k, 2xR102, 16 lines
AUSAM under System III, on a mere 11/23? I very much doubt it... Also,
"R102" should probably be "RL02".
AUUGN-V05.1.pdf: PDP 11/23, Q bus + qniverter, RK05, Pertec dual RK05, DEC dual cassette,
I suspect that "qniverter" was a typo on the part of the author.
As a bit of a Unix historian it would be a shame if those AUUGN scans were
less than accurate; I no longer have my hard copies (lost in a house
move), so perhaps someone could check their copies?
-- Dave
> From: Warner Losh
> I'm pretty sure PDP-10 wasn't 1's compliment / was 2's compliment..
Just to confirm, I pulled out my PDP-10 Hardware Reference Manual; Vol I - CPU
(EK-10/20-HR-001), and it does indeed say (pg. 1-12): "The fixed-point
arithmetic instructions use 2's complement representations to do binary
arithmetic." Selah.
> From: John Cowan
> if you are not messing with the kernel or drivers, I find apout to be
> delightful.
Pretty much all of what little I do with V6 anymore is kernel hacking! :-)
> From: Paul Riley
> On my physical '03 I have twin Sykes floppy drives. I note that in the
> LSX archives there is a Sykes driver, so I can adapt that I guess.
Yes, here:
It looks like it should be a straight drop-in, to run it on Mini-Unix. Not
sure if your controller is the exact same model, though? Is there any
documentation on yours? (I haven't done any searching.)
If you want to boot from it, you'll need to write a bootstrap for it; I poked
around, but didn't see one. (Not sure how they booted machines with one, back
in the day; maybe it wasn't the only drive, and they booted off something
else.) You can probably modify the RX one:
Note that this is a 2-stage bootstrap, apparently as a result of the small
hardware block size on the RX.
And of course there's still the issue of 'how to get bits onto it'. Can
floppies for it be written on some other kind of machine? If so, someone on
the Classic Computers list:
may be able to help you write those, or an RL02 pack.
You should start by getting some experience building V6 OS loads (Mini-Unix
will be _very_ similar); use a simulator. I have a lengthy tutorial here:
It's in terms of Ersatz-11, which I prefer because it has that nice DOS device,
which makes it easy to get files into the Unix (so I can use my normal editor on
the host machine). However, I gather most people prefer SIMH; there is a tutorial
(I didn't write it; I know nothing of SIMH) for that option.
How do people using SIMH get files into a Unix running on one? Larry Allen
just wrote a PDP-11 simulator in Rust, and he's thinking about adding a
paper-tape reader (connectable to a file), so that if he installs the stock
V6 PTR driver, he can just do 'cat /dev/ptr > myfile'; sort of like how
VM/370 used the virtual card reader.
> From: Paul Ruizendaal
> I'd love to have a look at that and compare and contrast the
> approaches.
OK; the system is somewhat disorganized, and stuff is in directories here,
there and everywhere in it (much is in the home dirs of some of the people who
worked on some pieces), so it will take me a fair amount of work to curate it
all into an accessible form, but I have put _some_ of it up here:
If you want to slurp up the whole thing:
I should explain that the kernel only contains inbound de-multiplexing, and
not much else; the TCP is in the user process, allong with the
application. (Great for V6 on a small machine...) There is most of what
documentation I could find in the 'doc' folder.
There were at least two different TCP's in use on that system - maybe three. I
have currently only included one (gotta do some more work to get the rest; for
Server Telnet, and User/Server FTP), along with a couple of appplications
which use it: SMTP, Finger, and User Telnet.
The kernel code is mostly there, but there are some minor dribs and drabs of
changes/additions elsewhere in the kernetl which I'll have to sort out in the
future. The main thing that's not there is the Pronet driver; not very useful!
There's also an ICMP paemon (and 'ping'), IIRC, but that's something else I'll
have to find.
Any questions, or stuff you'd really like to see, let me know.
We've had three prospects respond (who knew???), so unless they all drop out, I think we're set.
> A while back, there was some discussion of A/UX. We have an Apple Quadra which was able to boot and run A/UX a few decades ago. If someone wants to pay for shipping from the San Francisco Bay Area, this charming little machine could be theirs. Please respond off-list, to avoid annoying the neighbors...
> -r
> P.S. We're packing and moving, so a prompt response is critical.
A while back, there was some discussion of A/UX. We have an Apple Quadra which was able to boot and run A/UX a few decades ago. If someone wants to pay for shipping from the San Francisco Bay Area, this charming little machine could be theirs. Please respond off-list, to avoid annoying the neighbors...
P.S. We're packing and moving, so a prompt response is critical.
> Would also be great if supported RL02 drives. ;)
_Support_ for RL02's will not be a problem (but there are probably some issues
- see below). I have an RL11 driver for V6, which will be easy to include in a
system build. There is also a RL V6 boostrap (which lives in block 0 - it
loads the OS from a V6 filesystem); how to load it off the RL pack on actual
hardware, I'm not sure; do you have some PROM device that has an RL bootstrap
in it?
Or do you have some other drive which is going to be your boot device? If not,
how are you going to get the bits onto an RL pack? This was a bit of an issue
for Fritz Muelller with his -11/45 (with an RK05 drive); he finally wound up
having to load it over a serial line, which took several hours. He used
something called PDP11GUI, and you're in luck, that does support RL02's.
Also, I'm not sure if you've had any experience with an old removable-pack
drive. If not, you have to be very careful with them; if you have a head
crash, the heads are now unobtainium, so a head crash will turn the drive into
junk. (Which is a big part of why Dave Bridgham and I are doing to QSIC RK11
emulator...) The packs need to be absolutely clean; a number of people have
experience with them, you should probably qget some lessons from them before trying
to use it.
> I'd imagine the V6 TTY driver would support boards with multiple serial
> ports. Guess that's what's needed for multi user access.
The TTY code in V6 consists of two levels of driver. The bottom layer is a
driver which is specific to the particular type of card one's using; DL-11,
DZ-11, etc. If the card supports multiple lines, that driver will too. Then
there's a layer above that, tty.c, which the low-level driver uses to interace
to the OS; the user talks to that. That layer is multi-line.