> fairly early in PDP-11 development ed gained three features: & in the
> rhs of substitutions plus k and t commands. (I'm not sure about & ....
Oh, and backreferencing, which took regular expressions way up the
complexity hierarchy--into NP-complete territory were it not for the limit
of 9 backreferenced substrings. (Proof hint: reduce the knapsack problem to
an ed regex.)
Also g and s were generalized to allow escaped newlines.
I was indeed wrong about &. It was in v1.
Another stack of old notebooks. I can scan these in if anyone is interested
and if they're not available elsewhere. In addition to what's below, I have
a fat notebook with the BRL CAD package docs.
These are V/W papers from Stanford - Lantz/Cheriton et. al.
Multi-process Structuring of User Interface Software
Refernce Models, Window Systems, and Concurrency
An Experiment in Integrated Multimedia Conferencing
An Architecture for Configurable User Interfaces
An Empirical Study of Distributed Application Performance
Third Generation Graphics for Distributed Systems
Virtual Terminal Management In A Multiple Process environment
Distributed Process Groups in the V Kernel
The Distributed V Kernel and its Performance for Diskless Workstations
Effective Use of Large RAM Memories on Diskless Workstations with the V Virtual Memory System
Evaluating Hardware Support for Superconcurrency with the V Kernel
Fault-tolerant Transaction Management in a Workstation Cluster
File Access Performance of Diskless Workstations
An Introduction to the V System
The Multi-Satellite Star: Structuring Parallel Computations for a Workstation Cluster
UIO: A Uniform I/O System Interface for Distributed Systems
The V Kernel: A Software Base for Distributed Systems
Other random stuff
Bitmap Graphics (SIGGRAPH '84 Course Notes, Pike et. al.)
A Window Manager with a Moduler User Interface (Whitechapel?)
IRIS-4D Superworkstation and Visual Computing
IRIS GT Graphics Architecture
Position Paper on the Importance and Application of Video Mixing Display Architectures (Jack Grimes)
A Data-Flow Manager for an Interactive Programming Environment (Paul Haeberli)
Multiple Programs in One UNIX Process (Don Libes - from ;login:)
Lightweight Processes for UNIX Implementation and Applications (Jonathan Kepecs)
A Capability Based Hierarchic Architecture for UNIX Window Management (R. D. Trammell)
MEX - A Window Manager for the IRIS (Rocky Rhodes et. al.)
Windows for UNIX at Lucasfilm (Hawley, Leffler)
Next-Generation Hardware for Windowed Displays (McGeady)
Problems Implementing Window Systems in UNIX (Gettys)
Mach: A New Kernel Foundation For UNIX Development (Accetta et. al.)
Uwm: A User Interface for X Windows (Ganearz)
Programming with Windows on the Major Workstations or Through a Glass Darkly (Daniel, Rogers)
PIX, the latest NeWS (Leler)
Ace: a syntax-driven C preprocessor Overview (Gosling)
Attribute Considerations in Raster Graphics (Bresenham)
Ten Years of Window Systems - A Retrospective View (Teitelman)
W User's Manual (Asente)
The WA Beyond Traditional Window Systems (An Overviw of The Workstation Agent (Lantz et. al., draft, marked not to to be redistributed)
Performance Measurements of the WA (Islam)
STDWIN: A Standard Window System Interface (Rossum)
Summary of Current Research (Lantz et. al. at Olivetti)
User Interfaces in Window Systems: Architechure and Implementation (Farrell, Schwartz; SIGCHI)
Introduction to the GMW Window System (Hagiya)
UNIX Window Management Systems Client-Server Interface Specification (Williams et. al., Rutherford Apleton Laboaratory)
Curves Made Trivial (Gosling)
Smart Code, Stupid Memory: A Fast X Server for a Dumb Color Frame Buffer (McCormack)
I used Ken's qed in pre-Unix days. I understand its big departure from the
original was regular expressions. Unix ed was the same, with
multi-file capability dropped. Evidently the lost function was not much
missed, for it it didn't come back when machines got bigger. I remember
that fairly early in PDP-11 development ed gained three features: & in the
rhs of substitutions plus k and t commands. (I'm not sure about &--that was
50 years ago.).
With hindsight it's surprising that a "minimalist" design had m but not t,
for m can be built from t but not vice versa. A cheat sheet for multics qed
is at h
It had two commands I don't remember: sort(!) and transform, which I assume
is like y in sed.
Hi all,
So. On a lighter note. I was tooling around the web and came across a discussion of QED, the editor. It’s been resurrected in no small part based on discussions on this list (and members like Rob Pike). Anyhow, there’s a version that compiles in modern systems and that handles wide characters. My question for the group is this how different is QED from ed? I’ve read Dennis’ paper on the history of QED and it’s fascinating, but all I really got out of the discussion related to ed, was that QED was a precursor. I’m curious about functional parity or lack thereof, more than technical differences. In full disclosure, and at the risk of drawing fire from lovers of other editors, I have to confess a love of the original ed (and it’s decendent ed’s and vi).
Sent from my iPhone
> From: Jim Geist
> When did mmap(2) come about?
Pretty sure it's a Berserkleyism. I think it came in with the VM stuff that
DARPA mandated for VAX Unix (for the research project they funded).
One of the things that I've noticed in my explorations into the H.J. Lu
bootable root disks is that some of them predate the /sbin split in Linux.
One of them has exactly one file in /sbin and other commands spread
across /bin, /usr/bin, and /etc. The single file in /sbin is sln.
To me, this makes it fairly self evident that /sbin was originally for
statically linked binaries. At least in Linux.
Does anyone have any history of /sbin from other traditional Unixes?
I'd be quite interested in learning more.
I also noticed that (at least) one of the early versions of the H.J. Lu
disks had root's home directory in /usr/root.
I seem to recall that one version used an atypical of /users vs /usr.
Which as I understand it, goes back to the original / vs /usr split in
Unix, before /home became a thing.
Grant. . . .
unix || die
Nice archaeology. Blinded by my distaste for Basic , I never bothered to
try bs--and should have. Dave has highlighted features that deserve respect.
One telling example suggests this should be legalized in C:
printf("%s\n", {"true", "false"}[1]);
So... I've moved on from v7 to 2.11bsd - shucks, vi and tar and co. just
work there and everything else seems to be similar enough for what I'm
interested in anyway. So yay, I won't be pestering y'all about vi
anymore :). One the other hand, now I'm interested in printing the docs.
2.11bsd comes with docs in, of all places, /usr/doc. In there are
makefiles for making the docs - ok, make nroff will make ascii docs, and
troff will make troff? docs using Ossana's 'original' troff. So, after
adding -t to it so it didn't complain about 'typesetter busy', I got no
errors. I mounted a tape, tar'ed my .out file and untar'ed it on my
macbook (did it for the nroff and troff output). Then I hit the first
snag, groff -Tps -ms troff.out > whatever.ps resulted in cannot adjust
line and cannot break line errors and groff -Tps -ms nroff.out >
whatever.ps resulted in a bunch of double vision. I seem to recall doing
this in v6 and it working ok (at least for nroff).
My questions:
1. Is there a troff to postcript conversion utility present in a stock
2.11 system (or even patch level 4xx system)?
2. Is there a way to build postscript directly on the system?
3. Is there an alternative modern way to get to ps or pdf output from
the nroff/troff that 2.11 has?
I'm still digging into the nroff stuff as that may be just minor diffs
between ancient nroff macros and "modern" macros or even just errors
(.sp -2 rather than .sp or .sp -1, .in -2 instead of .in +2), etc.
Although, the files display ok in 2.11bsd using nroff -ms nroff.out...
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> From: Norman Wilson
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independent book stores"), but independent. There's also Alibris
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Nemo Nusquam:
Borenstein wrote a book ("Programming as if people mattered: Friendly
Programs, Software Engineering, and Other Noble Delusions") in which he
mused about W and X and Andrew. (A very nice read but horribly
expensive -- fortunately I bought it when PUP had reasonably priced
abebooks.com is your friend here. I just bought a used paperback copy
for about USD 15 including shipping to Canada. There are others of
similar price. Shipping to the US is probably a little cheaper.
There's at least one copy available from a seller in the UK as
well (and doubtless some from other countries if you dig further
in the listings).
For those who don't know, ABE is a central place for independent
booksellers, including used-book shops, to sell online. You get
a good deal and support a worthwhile small business (not just ABE
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Norman Wilson
Toronto ON