Michael Huff <mphuff(a)gmail.com> wrote:
It was said earlier that SunOS included a compiler,
but it was dropped
in Solaris. Was it possible for people to carry over the old SunOS
compiler and use it on Solaris? Did people do that, or did they just
have their companies spring for the actual Solaris compiler?
Early Solaris would not run SunOS binaries; that was fixed later
on. People could then move the SunOS compiler over to Solaris. That was
less helpful that it might seem, as it was a K&R compiler. But it could
be used to bootstrap GCC and then one could go on from there.
As Larry and others have pointed out, the unbundling of various components
was a big mistake by the vendors. It just made users angry and motivated
them to switch to other Unix systems.
Also, early Solaris was a dog. Performance was poor. It improved over
time, but it wasn't until around Solaris 2.4 or 2.5 that running it
wasn't painful.