On 8/2/23 19:07, Clem Cole wrote:
IMO (Like Larry) no printf stinks. But the real
killer for my sustain
for Python is the use white space and being typeless. My daughter
loves it for her cloud development and we argue a bit. But it was the
first language she really mastered in college and she never took a
competitive languages course so I’m not so sure really had experienced
much beyond it for real programs. Maybe I’m just an old fart but
between C, Go and Rust I’m pretty good. I do write scripts in Bourne
shell and or awk truth be known.
as one of those "new kids" who finds python to be a decent enough
language for my cloud development tasks - my main observation is that
having the python REPL was an eye opener.
after fighting the learning curve of C and Java the interactivity of the
whole thing was a revelation. being able to open a unix shell, run
python and have a basic webserver running in a few lines of code was
fantastic for my young hacker mind. this also probably helps explain
the popularity of javascript too.
this isn't to say i think python is the end-all of programming, far from
it, but it certainly took a lot of the novice programmer anxiety out of
programming for me.
if only i'd encountered erlang during those formative years...
Pete Wright