This begs another Sun History question for one of the Sun alums like Larry
or Rob.
I know with SunOS, Sun shipped the UCB Pascal System from BSD. Did Sun
ever develop/buy/ship a real ISO Pascal?
As I said, I know that Sun wrote their own C and Fortran eventually [I'm
not sure if they did their own front-ends for either but they did do the
back ends in-house, as I knew a couple of the folks had once been Susan
Graham's students from our UCB days]. Masscomp wrote its own C Front-End
but bought the Fortran Front-End from Massachusetts Compilers Corp in
Andover and for Pascal, like Apollo, bought a complete compiler for Pascal
[IIRC they both bought it from Friberghouse in Framingham - which did the
compilers for Prime and DEC's PL/1 Front-End].