On Monday, March 10th, 2025 at 4:25 PM, Greg A. Woods <woods(a)robohack.ca> wrote:
Which reminds me, wasn't there was some mention of difficulties with
Pascal et al w.r.t. separate compilation earlier in this thread....
Wasn't that one of the features of Berkeley Pascal? I know separate
compilation is a definitely a feature by the time it makes it to
SunOS/Solaris-2. I remember trying to figure it out once for a class
assignment and the TA scowled at me and asked me why on earth I would
ever want to do that, so I never trusted that TA on programming
languages, or much of anything else, ever again.
Greg A. Woods gwoods(a)acm.org
Kelowna, BC +1 250 762-7675 RoboHack woods(a)robohack.ca
Planix, Inc. woods(a)planix.com Avoncote Farms woods(a)avoncote.ca
If by separate compilation you mean the compiler spits out (possibly optionally)
human-readable assembler, I would assume that is nearly crucial for any systems
language, otherwise you're putting a lot of faith in an ABI when it comes to
linking with your machdep assembly files no? I'd be nervous to use something
for bare metal programming that I couldn't easily inspect the resulting
assembler code from...
- Matt G.