Any ideas on why businesses didn’t pick up the H11 in
[priced too high for hobbyists]
Wikipedia says:
1978: H11 US$1295 (kit) or US$1595 fully assembled ("4kword base system”)
display advert <> $1295 kit +
postage/freight, bare system, 8KB (4kword), 6 Q-bus slots free. ROM ?
1981: IBM 5150(PC) US$1,565 for "16 KB RAM, Color Graphics Adapter, and no disk
( I only saw 5150’s with 2x 5.25” 360KB floppies included - otherwise, can’t run
programs & store files)
Note that those are nominal prices. In terms of purchasing power USD 1595 in 1978 equated
about USD 2200 in 1981
Otherwise agree with your observation on packaged, off-the-shelf software being the main
driver. In small business before the IBM PC, Visicalc drove Apple II uptake; Wordstar,
C-Basic 2 and DBase drove CP/M uptake.
Would LSI-11 hardware with LSX, ed and nroff have been competitive in small business? The
experiences of John Walker (of AutoCAD fame) suggests not: