Looking at
My recall is that the TTY33 I used had "vertical stops" set to every 6
lines (like the HT calculation but with a different constant), so VT
was equal to between 1 and 5 LF's. In my mind I can hear, "feed feed
feed (small delay) feed feed feed feed feed" (that is, the first VT
could be fewer lines), but I might be thinking of VT followed by FF.
So it's also possible it was always 5/6 LF's, my memory is from almost
50 years ago, the TTY37 could have been different, or the particular
TTY37's in use on early UNIX systems could have been set up
Back in the day, line printers had carriage control punched tape loops
which allowed different format effectors in column 1 of the output to
have different stops, 1 was FF, it never occurred to me that HT on a
TTY with green/white striped paper could have advanced two (three
line) stripes (or that TTY vertical spacing was remotely accurate
enough to have it work!)
Are there any font files with the needed characters (with or without
imperfections) and realistic character shapes?
Gratuitous links on line printer carriage control
(the has a program to take (simple) ASCII files and produce PDFs)