Quoting asbesto, who wrote on Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 05:47:36PM +0100 ..
Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 08:25:00AM -0800, James Petts
> Is there anybody on this list who knows a way of
recovering flaky CDs?
Easiest first step is try using different kinds of CD/CD-R/DVD-R drives.
I have found some 'unreadable' CDs could be read using a DVD drive.
remember a very old SONY cd-rom reader capable of reading very
damaged cd! It was the SONY CDU-33A, it has his
own controller, so was not an IDE or SCSI drive. But it can be
Those CD Doctor
"cleaners" (they actually do a minor
resurfacing of the disc) have rescued several discs
for me.
A great problem I had some time ago was a sort of oxydation of the
cd material; this seem to happen using very bad cd brands. i had
Note that the reflecting layer in factory produced CDs is aluminium.
A thin layer of lacquer is protecting the reflector.
As an interesting eye opening experiment I dumped one of these AOL promo CDs
we used to be bombarded with in a bowl of lukewarm water. Plain water, 25
degrC. Within a day the aluminium layer had holes in it the size of dimes.
Apparantly the protective lacquer was very substandard.
El-cheapo CDR can have similar characteristics.