I was also wondering! My theory was that it stands for Magtape & DECtape,
but not sure. Perhaps ken remembers?
On 20/11/22, Norman Wilson wrote:
I'm curious about the origin of the directory
name /usr/mdec.
(I am reminded of it because I've noticed that it lives on in
at least one of the BSDs.)
I had a vague notion that it meant `DEC maintenance' but that
seems a bit clumsy to describe a place holding boot blocks.
A random web board suggests it meant `magnetic DECtape.'
That's certainly not true by the time I came along, when it
contained the master copy of the disk boot block(s).
But I suppose it could have meant that early on and
the name just carried forward.
A quick skim of the V1-V7 manuals doesn't explain the name.
Anyone have any clearer memories than I do? Doug or Ken or
anyone who was there when it was coined, do you still recall?
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON