< Heritage means: that which may be inherited. I think this is appropriate
Heritiage is generally historical in context be it previous or present
tense for the future.
Preservation in teh case of PDP-11 (and otehr 16bit) was needed or it may
have been lost. One assumes the license grantors actually have complete
sources. In the case of at least on other OS they had the license but
little of the code.
< as we have all inherited a wonderful system from Ken and Dennis. In fact
< we've inherited the UNIX paradigm, which influences the way we think.
The key here is there are two types of OSs, retired(not commercially
viable or no support) and those that have commercial value.
Let us not forget Mike is trying to develop a commercially viable OS
that is not free or shareware.
Also by and large Mike is in the process of doing what other call
archeology. One must resore and understand the structure before building
upon it.
The patriot stuff, pure poof.
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for pups-liszt; Mon, 3 Aug 1998 23:47:33 +1000 (EST)
From "User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys"
<rdkeys(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu> Mon Aug 3 23:42:53 1998
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for pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au; Mon, 3 Aug 1998 09:42:55 -0400 (EDT)
(envelope-from rdkeys)
From: "User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys" <rdkeys(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu>
Message-Id: <199808031342.JAA17517(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu>
Subject: Re: Extending the cheap SCO src license
In-Reply-To: <199808030251.MAA13502(a)henry.cs.adfa.oz.au> from Warren Toomey at
"Aug 3, 98 12:51:22 pm"
To: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 09:42:53 -0400 (EDT)
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OK. The
current SCO license is limited specifically to 16 bit
systems. We'd like to get, say, System V as well.
After negotiating with SCO, I can safely say that they won't make System V
cheaply available for any system, yet. Heck, they wouldn't even let us have
the crippled System V for the PDP-11.
Do any of us really want SysV? One can get that in a free license for unixware
or such, as it is, if I am understanding things correctly.
You might be lucky to get System III added to the
source license, and separate
binary-only licenses for certain System V systems. That's another battle, tho.
Gee, I sense I have stirred up a wee bit of a hornets nest. For the sake of
discussion, maybe that is good.
What I had originally thought was that it might be possible to include under
the PUPS banner (or whatever it is to be called {PUPS is fine to me}), to
include orphan unices. Let me suggest that what I mean by orphan unices is
a flavor of unix in binary or source that is essentially commercially past
history. That would specifically be to keep from camping on SCO's income.
What might be considered an orphan unix? One might consider things like
the BSD tree to be orphan, as it relates to non-commercial use (one would
consider BSDI commercial, but most of the others non-commercial maybe).
One might consider something like Coherent to be non-commercial anymore.
Although that is not a ``true'' unix, it sure looks and feels the same
and quacks very much like a V7 or early SysV. Xenix falls into the same
quacks like a duck category. Although Xenix is still used commercially,
it may be be time to begin to consider that we might, in due time, aproach
SCO to offer a hobby style Xenix license of some sort. I would not expect
them to offer source, although that might be workable after time. One might
consider the old RT and PS/2 unices (AOS and AIX 1 and 2) to be orphanware.
I am sure there are others. Perhaps even the 3Bx kind of thing could be
suitably binary hobby licensed. I would have a hard time imagining that
SCO would consider the old ATT boxes any sort of a moneymaker these days.
Where SCO would feel that we are too close to home, then maybe only a
binary license of some sort would be all that we could collectively expect.
What about something like 386BSD? That began in the 4.3BSD era if I am
reading things corectly, and it sure walks and quacks like the real thing.
These kinds of things, I would think, are of merit to keep archives of,
for the purposes and goals that we collectively seem be be heading towards.
Is this reasonable?
Just thinking out loud.....
If nothing else, the discussion is good.....
Bob Keys
Received: (from major@localhost)
by minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au (8.8.8/8.8.8) id AAA14465
for pups-liszt; Tue, 4 Aug 1998 00:16:35 +1000 (EST)
From "User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys"
<rdkeys(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu> Tue Aug 4 00:11:52 1998
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Mon, 3 Aug 1998 10:11:54 -0400 (EDT)
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From: "User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys" <rdkeys(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu>
Message-Id: <199808031411.KAA17764(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu>
Subject: Re: The UNIX Heritage Society
In-Reply-To: <199808031311.AA10670(a)world.std.com> from Allison J Parent at "Aug
3, 98 09:11:02 am"
To: allisonp(a)world.std.com (Allison J Parent)
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 10:11:52 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au
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Preservation in teh case of PDP-11 (and otehr 16bit)
was needed or it may
have been lost. One assumes the license grantors actually have complete
sources. In the case of at least on other OS they had the license but
little of the code.
This is a most interesting point, and one we all need to consider.
I will interpret from Allison's remarks that CP/M may be being referred
to here. In that case, it was mostly all lost sources, and only a little
was found (and a lot of leftovers kept by the early hacker types). It would
NOT have been possible to recreate or resurrect it without such help.
The one thing that I have noted in the 28 years I have played with computers
(only the last 20 seriously), is that sources tend to get very lost in the
passage of time. Alas, if you try to recreate or resurrect the old early
boxes, you are lost without the tidbits of sources, binaries, and OS notes
that seem to be all to vaporware, anymore. So much of it is NOT kept around
by the companies. And, many of the companies are bellyup, or have passed
through so many hands, that the original materials are long forgotten or
Somehow, we need to collectively keep enough of the bits and pieces so
that down the road, others may be able to see what it was actually all
about. I heartily applaud the efforts of all the various groups like
the PUPS, and the efforts of folks like Warren and Kirk to keep the
unix flavors alive.
The key here is there are two types of OSs,
retired(not commercially
viable or no support) and those that have commercial value.
I would expect that our collective interests center on the former,
even though some/many of us may dabble in it commercially/professionally.
Bob Keys
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for pups-liszt; Tue, 4 Aug 1998 12:23:27 +1000 (EST)
From Joerg Micheel <joerg(a)krdl.org.sg> Tue Aug 4
12:14:43 1998
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Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 10:14:43 +0800
From: Joerg Micheel <joerg(a)krdl.org.sg>
To: "User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys" <rdkeys(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu>
Cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au
Subject: Re: Extending the cheap SCO src license
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On Mon, Aug 03, 1998 at 09:42:53AM -0400, User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys wrote:
negotiating with SCO, I can safely say that they won't make System V
cheaply available for any system, yet. Heck, they wouldn't even let us have
the crippled System V for the PDP-11.
Do any of us really want SysV? One can get that in a free license for unixware
or such, as it is, if I am understanding things correctly.
Sure, try writing a driver or some stuff that involves kernel variables - and you
are stuck. Actually, this reminds me that Sun did a large buy-out for System V and
the procedure for getting Solaris kernel sources has become dramatically more easy.
They might still send it to you for a nominal fee (last time DM 4,600), as long as
you use it for non-commercial purposes (e.g. universities, research institutes).
Anybody more detailed information on this ?
Joerg B. Micheel Email: <joerg(a)krdl.org.sg>
SingAREN Technology Center Phone: +65 7705577
Kent Ridge Digital Labs (pron: curdle) Fax: +65 7795966
11 Science Park Road Pager: +65 96016020
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117685 Singapore Networks and Applications
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From Warren Toomey <wkt(a)henry.cs.adfa.oz.au> Tue
Aug 4 14:15:23 1998
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From: Warren Toomey <wkt(a)henry.cs.adfa.oz.au>
Message-Id: <199808040415.OAA17823(a)henry.cs.adfa.oz.au>
Subject: Re: Extending the cheap SCO src license
To: rdkeys(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu (User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys)
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 14:15:23 +1000 (EST)
Cc: pups(a)minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au
In-Reply-To: <199808031342.JAA17517(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu> from "User
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In article by User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys:
Do any of us really want SysV?
Not me :-)
Where SCO would feel that we are too close to home,
then maybe only a
binary license of some sort would be all that we could collectively expect.
What about something like 386BSD? That began in the 4.3BSD era if I am
I've got 386BSD 0.1 sources, but no binaries.
reading things corectly, and it sure walks and quacks
like the real thing.
These kinds of things, I would think, are of merit to keep archives of,
for the purposes and goals that we collectively seem be be heading towards.
I collect most anything :-) UNIX, Unix, [1234]BSD, Minix etc etc.
Don't really want System III or V though, or Slowaris.
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by minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au (8.8.8/8.8.8) id PAA17431
for pups-liszt; Tue, 4 Aug 1998 15:10:08 +1000 (EST)
From Greg Lehey <grog(a)lemis.com> Tue Aug 4
15:09:47 1998
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Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 14:39:47 +0930
From: Greg Lehey <grog(a)lemis.com>
To: "User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys" <rdkeys(a)seedlab1.cropsci.ncsu.edu>,
Subject: Re: Extending the cheap SCO src license
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Robert D. Keys on Mon, Aug 03, 1998 at 09:42:53AM -0400
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On Monday, 3 August 1998 at 9:42:53 -0400, User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys wrote:
OK. The current SCO license is limited specifically
to 16 bit
systems. We'd like to get, say, System V as well.
After negotiating with SCO, I can safely say that they won't make System V
cheaply available for any system, yet. Heck, they wouldn't even let us have
the crippled System V for the PDP-11.
Do any of us really want SysV? One can get that in a free license for unixware
or such, as it is, if I am understanding things correctly.
You don't get the source with UnixWare. And yes, I can conceive that
the sources of old versions of System V could be of interest, if only
for the computer etymologist. I have a Tandem LXN (68020 based SMP
machine, about 11 years old) which ran an interesting version of
System V.2 and V.3.0. While I was still at Tandem, I backed up the
last versions of the source (in Austin TX), and unfortunately I didn't
discover that the backup failed until I got back to Germany. AFAIK
the sources are lost forever: they scrapped the machine shortly
You might be
lucky to get System III added to the source license, and separate
binary-only licenses for certain System V systems. That's another battle, tho.
Gee, I sense I have stirred up a wee bit of a hornets nest. For the sake of
discussion, maybe that is good.
What I had originally thought was that it might be possible to include under
the PUPS banner (or whatever it is to be called {PUPS is fine to me}), to
include orphan unices. Let me suggest that what I mean by orphan unices is
a flavor of unix in binary or source that is essentially commercially past
history. That would specifically be to keep from camping on SCO's
In principle, not a bad idea.
What might be considered an orphan unix? One might
consider things
like the BSD tree to be orphan, as it relates to non-commercial use
(one would consider BSDI commercial, but most of the others
non-commercial maybe).
Well, there are plenty of people actively working on the BSD tree. I
wouldn't consider it orphan.
One might consider something like Coherent to be
non-commercial anymore.
Although that is not a ``true'' unix, it sure looks and feels the same
and quacks very much like a V7 or early SysV. Xenix falls into the same
quacks like a duck category. Although Xenix is still used commercially,
it may be be time to begin to consider that we might, in due time, aproach
SCO to offer a hobby style Xenix license of some sort.
I think you would run into extreme resistance inside SCO at the
moment, more than you would for, say, System V Release 1. Although
it's obsolete, it wasn't that long ago (3 years?) that it was earning
more money for SCO than Open Deathtrap was.
I would not expect them to offer source, although that
might be
workable after time. One might consider the old RT and PS/2 unices
(AOS and AIX 1 and 2) to be orphanware. I am sure there are others.
Perhaps even the 3Bx kind of thing could be suitably binary hobby
licensed. I would have a hard time imagining that SCO would
consider the old ATT boxes any sort of a moneymaker these days.
Where SCO would feel that we are too close to home, then maybe only
a binary license of some sort would be all that we could
collectively expect.
What would you do with a binary license.
What about something like 386BSD? That began in the
4.3BSD era if I
am reading things corectly, and it sure walks and quacks like the
real thing. These kinds of things, I would think, are of merit to
keep archives of, for the purposes and goals that we collectively
seem be be heading towards.
FWIW, 386BSD is available in source form. Dr. Dobbs still has a
CD-ROM that you can buy. But 386BSD also evolved into FreeBSD, NetBSD
and OpenBSD, all of which are still alive, kicking and further
developing. Anything but orphans. I'm writing this on a FreeBSD
If nothing else, the discussion is good.....
See complete headers for address and phone numbers
finger grog(a)lemis.com for PGP public key
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