In atricle by Steven M. Schultz:
I have
dchecked, ichecked and fscked /dev/ra0f, and it seems to
be a happy partition.
Ok - at that point if a manual "fsck /dev/rra0f" (and you should be
using the raw (rra) form of the device) works, then all you need to
do is hit a ^D and the system will finish coming up to a multi user
Apropos fsck'ing, always work on a raw device. Only fsck on an unmounted
partition, or a quiescent one (no disk activity, this means single-user mode
and sync BEFORE doing the fsck). If fsck finds an error, DONT sync the system
before shutting down; sync will flush out anything still in the cache, possibly
overwriting the changes fsck made to the disk.
Someone had to point this out to me a few years ago, I kept doing
sync sync sync reboot after fsck reported errors. Deary me!
Cheers all,