On Sun, Apr 09, 2017 at 10:14:06AM -0700, Mary Ann Horton wrote:
What's the best way to transfer files in and out
of the simh 4.3BSD Wisc
version? I can do it with tape files, but it seems like FTP or ssh or NFS
ought to be possible, and none is behaving at first blush.
I don't know how close 4.3UWisc is (in terms of config files etc.) to
valilla 4.3BSD, but you might be able to untar the 4bsd-uucp customisation
tarball over the top of 4.3UWisc. That would get you the ftp binary with
PASV on by default, and the de0 interface set up with a working NAT IP
address. Then you could set up a local ftp server on another box.
I'm nearly out the door for a week's break else I'd try it out.
Cheers, Warren