87844+15464+130300 start 0x530
VM/UNIX (Berkeley Version 4.1) 11/10/80
But the wiki page lists 4.1 being from June of 1981, and 4.0 being from
November of 1980.. Did 4.0 BSD ship reporting itself as 4.1? I guess there
is the possibility that the kernel may include patches to bring it up to
I did a bit of digging in the SCCS files on disk 4 of the CD-ROM set. That
'4.1' version string was hardwired into vax/vax/machdep.c on November 10, 1980,
as delta 4.1. The logs for Locore.c show a commit on November 9, also with delta 4.1,
with the comment 'version 4.1 for distrib'.
From the start if the SCCS history (April 9, 1980 ) through May 17, machdep.c identified
the system as version 3.1. Delta 3.6 (May 18) changed the version string to be the SCCS
delta of machdep.c, thus the version number jumped from 3.1 to 3.6. The version appears
to have tracked the machdep.c delta until Nov 10 when it was hardwired to '4.1'.
(I say appears because I didn't take the time to examine all 27 deltas between 3.6
and 4.1.)
After a cursory search I can't find any SCCS log references to a 4.0 release.
The cover letter for the 4.1 distribution was dated July 8, 1981.