On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Ronald Natalie <ron(a)ronnatalie.com> wrote:
It seems to have happened in the revamping of libc
into seperate
Tanks Ron - that makes sense.
As I said, there were functions like that in other languages, plus their
was beginning to be a number of library toolkits for C that people were
cons-ing up in that timeframe --> particularly by stripping helper routines
from other programs. Horton & Joy's termcap and eventually curses came to
live that way.
I just did a little searching of my own code archives and sure enough I
found a file called support.c that has the functions len, copy and comp in
it, which I must have used pre-V7 {code's ugly too - so it was clearly
early C for me - I was still fighting the one-true-brace-style having come
over from SAIL, Algol and BLISS}.