Stretch ? Where ? :-)
But Seriously, this would be particularly a goal similar to CTSS. About the
SDS... Where can be obtained the sources ? Is it the SIMH a good way to do
this job ?
2008/5/22 Al Kossow <aek(a)>:
Andrew Warkentin wrote:
With the successful restoration of Unix V1, I was
thinking of other
operating systems that could be restored in a similar way.
There is no shortage of systems that could be worked on.
The Berkeley GENIE SDS 940 system, for example. Machine readable
sources exist, but no drum image, so it would have to be reassembled
from the existing binaries, and cross-assembled to get the rest.
I'm hoping to recover a bunch of system tapes for the B5700 soon.
Someone else I know has been trying to get the Stretch system software
running again from listings.
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