I have looked everywhere for the cdrom of sprite. I saw a book about it a
long time ago at a bookstore and almost bought it. Some very good theory
and code was in the book if I remember right. I don't guess any one would
have the Walnut Creek cdrom of sprite that they would convert to an ISO
and make available?
Would it make sense to add Sprite to the Unix
Archives? To me, yes, it was
enough UNIX like although it wasn't ATT or BSD derived and it had many
advanced features.
I had the (small) pleasure to run it on a small number of DECstations back
1994-1995 out of the freshly published WalnuCreek CD and I still long for
of it features.
The distribution is still available at
These opinions are mine and only mine. Hey man, I saw them first!
José R. Valverde
De nada sirve la Inteligencia Artificial cuando falta la Natural
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