On Wed, Jun
18, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Warren Toomey <wkt(a)tuhs.org> wrote:
> I should mention that I "ported" Xinu over to the Apple ] [ when I was at
> uni: I transliterated the C code into assembly and used an external 555
> timer to generate the clock ticks. Fun times!
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 12:33:15PM -1000, Tim Newsham wrote:
is your code available? does it run on any of
the modern apple][ emus?
It's available at
ftp://minnie.tuhs.org/pub/apple2/apple2xinu.tar.gz with
source code, binaries, floopy images and some documentation.
No, it won't run on a real Apple ][ without some work. I actually wrote
it for an Apple clone which had bank-switched RAM and I made use of that
to hide the BASIC ROM and store the OS in the upper 12K. You would also
need to simulate a 10 or 20Hz NMI as well :-)
Well, I usually assume an Apple ][ at least has THAT ability (as any with
at least 64K will) :P, but the NMI issue would be the problem. :/