On 2022-07-27 21:03, Phil Budne wrote:
Anyway, I have
got Phil Budne's implementation
C'est moi! SNOBOL came out of Bell Labs
in Holmdel NJ.
There was a SNOBOL3 implementation in Unix 6th Edition days called "sno".
As far as I know Macro SNOBOL4 (that my CSNOBOL4 is a port of) never
was ported to the PDP-11 (just not enough address space), but there
was a proposal (at least) for a SNOBOL4 implementation for the '11
called ELFBOL.
Macro SPITBOL (a faster implementation of SNOBOL4) was available on
the Research Unix VAXen (Andrew Koenig did a C-like preprocessor
called SNOCONE -- SNOBOL with some sugar).
I recall seeing ICEBOL card packs at the U. of Toronto Computing Centre
decades ago but I know nothing more.